>Cisco Systems is laying off upward of 14,000 employees, representing nearly 20 percent of the networking giant’s global workforce, according to multiple sources close to the company.
DAMAGE CONTROL >[Editor's note: Cisco Wednesday disclosed plans to lay off up to 5,500 employees in a restructuring plan that it will implement this quarter. A Cisco spokesman said, "Today we disclosed the correct number and you’re off by 8,500 roles." He refused to answer the question of whether additional cuts are planned for the foreseeable future.]
No connection between and this leak and the layoff.Just stfu up OP and stop roleplaying your apocalyptic fantasies.
Adam Jackson
Another user linked this site in reference to some of the theories that have been going on. Lines up with a lot of current happenings and is fucking frightening to even think about. I'm not the tinfoil type either (usually). redefininggod.com/
Luis Ward
Music pause >hidden advertising Trump (vote for him!)
some of the previous threads comments tipped me onto this site: >OP theorized they want to bring in a NWO banking system on the rubble of the old one. >Typical cashless system, mark of the beast style etc.
>Old op here, Look into BRICS and AIIB. This has been their plan for a while >somehow crash Fed Reserve >offer AIIB as savior >petrodollar collapse >yuan and bitcoin reign supreme >I suspect this virus may be the "somehow"
>Snowden is a BRICS agent, and they're about ready to perform the big switch in my framework.
>My guess that Shadow Broker is working for BRICS and BRICS want to replace the Federal Reserve with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. >World financial crises caused by some hackers brings down Fed >AIIB comes in to save the day! ^.^
>There are also /tinfoil/ implications to this since BRICS propaganda outlets have been talking about this exact scenario for a month or two now.
>Every site from veteranstoday to zerohedge has been talking about BRICS taking out the Fed and replacing it with AIIB
Has anyone used any of the free leaked stuff to cause any shananagans yet? Or do we have to wait for the auctioned stuff to be released first.
Justin Bailey
Gonna have to get a TLDR here gent(iles)
Colton Cook
Isaiah Cooper
No one should use those 0 day exploits if they have them, can get into alot of trouble and might be disappeared.
Ian Perry
When Snowden went public, the NSA put every protocol for a security breach into effect, such as switching servers.
That's why the hacker lost access.
Kevin Nelson
>(((ELITES))) Am I the only one that read this in a Japanese accent?
Henry Flores
Incirlik Air Base in Turkey has 50-90 nuclear devices, the bomb variety dropped from a bay type, not missiles, but still could be used to make a dirty bomb. Some refer to a dirty bomb as a "suitcase nuke". Contrary to what that one user said in the Turkey coup thread, you cannot deactivate nuclear atoms.
>worrying about getting disappeared Why? Just prepare pussy
Michael Perry
I've heard rumours that Erdogan threatened to take Incirlik and the nukes within today. Can't substantiate it though.
Jaxson Harris
The NWO theory is believed to include a number of these "suitcase nukes" detonated in various highly populated areas across western areas. Most likely will be blamed on ISIS given their close proximity to Turkey.
Isaiah Butler
I am that OP
>Shadow Broker hacking group hacks Equation Group >Equation Group is known in Infosec circles to = NSA >Leaks serious super-pro level NSA h4x tools >Confirmed NSA hack >Auctioning off super virus that can take down banking system / stock market
Ryder Stewart
do you think NSA doesnt have exploits for HP gear?
do you think they went only for cisco ? holy shit you gotta be dumb
its all backdoored
Jayden Wilson
I have no idea what this means can someone explain
Brayden Powell
74686973206973206e6f742073696d706c7920656e7465727461696e6d656e74 is hex for "this is not simply entertainment" fucking spoopy m8
Justin Adams
All this is making me want to read up network security and hacking. Shame I dont have the time to commit myself on the level required.
Caleb Ortiz
another thread had a link to euractiv article stating nukes being taken out
Isaiah Cook
Why dont we threaten to blow the nukes up if they try to take them?
Angel Clark
just trying to meme user ;_;
Elijah Fisher
>When the government tells you not to worry, prepare for the worst case scenario.
In a significant development, Turkey has thwarted a coup and has purged a number of military leaders. This event is likely to move Turkey away from the U.S. and more towards Russia. Incirlik base where nuclear missiles are stored continues to be secure but is often the scene of large protests.
Nah, elites want their infrastructure. EMP, bioweapon, or financial system collapse is their preferred depopulation scheme. Nukes are for taking out enemy countries, not domestic populations. NWO honestly think they can win a thermonuclear war with BRICS.
see Basically, it's happening. For real this time.
>A “dirty bomb” is one type of a “radiological dispersal device” (RDD) that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material that may disperse when the device explodes. It is not the same as a nuclear weapon.
They wouldn't use the dirty bombs as population control, only to help them build the NWO infrastructure, to de-moralize the remaining population into submission.
Hunter Clark
Gotta go, will leave thread open. Can someone leave new thread breadcrumbs at end of this and next threads?
Plausible, but they wouldn't do this before retreating into their underground bases. Would be plenty of warning for every redpilled/awake person to see the signs and prepare.
Luis Young
I would like to believe that the "Elites" know this will be messy, no matter how much planning would be involved to ensure success.
Blake Hughes
How do you dodge a bioweapon?
I already know I am in the top 1% in the event of a EMP or financial collapse. Never liked being dependent on government soldiers anyway even if they were good ones.
Jordan Young
By having a cure before you release it
Levi Nguyen
I thought this was a shit meme when a leaf posted it hmmm
So we have a 15 day bloodbath race war in the streets and then get to end the purge and restart society? Meh, not the worst outcome that could've happened.
Isaac Anderson
I don't have access to underground top secret laboratories with bioweapon cures.
Fuggg :DDD
Liam Ramirez
Time to stock up on cheap wholesome food, water, candles, etc. Even with no happening it's not a bad idea because you never know.
Aaron Adams
I don't get it.
>we got hacked, better fire 14,000 people
Can someone gimme a tl;dr?
Evan Foster
Remember, it's a BRICS plan. Things might not actually go to plan. Might take longer than expected. Might not work at all. Might fail and result in worse than NWO-type end-game.
I think it has a better shot than not at succeeding. But this is the end-game for control or liberation of the world we are talking about.
Leaving you all with this absolute gem of a site then going to bed. Please leave new thread bread crumbs
The second 911 doesn't pick up there are thousands of racist minorities ready to start turning this place into a mexican africa islamic warzone
Isis literally has thousands of supporters in the USA and these groups like BLM and La Raza have thousands of soldiers ready to start killing (ex military and gang affiliated).
I just hope someone points out the jews.
Angel Hall
It's a distraction, fuck Cisco, they turned rat and got fucked by the NSA.
The tech companies allowed NSA in and let them have the keys, NSA fucked up and let the keys get stolen, now corporations and governments are vulnerable.
They are in /biz/ talk, trying to salvage their sinking sink, but they are going down to the bottom of the financial ocean.
Zachary Myers
>he lives near minorities m8
Blake Evans
Still hard to trust you but thanks for the potential good news
I can survive that shit as long as one of these niggers doesn't catch me sleeping when the system is down
Jacob Scott
Jews will be and are being named... as Khazarians. Gotta appeal to the masses
Elijah Clark
Maybe if the goof elites didnt pull this off in secret, it could go down peacefully. If anyone gets hurt as a result, it should be them not us.
Sebastian Jones
user, you screencap last thread? Mine won't do it...
Mason Campbell
Ill carry the torch on fuckit
Ethan White
How would NSA getting the keys stolen require 14000 layoffs though?
Oliver Lee
Not many places left to go.
Funny how in an all white town we would just meet at a school and work together but in a nigger/beaner town it'll be gunshots and everyman for himself.
Just the way it is in these concrete jungles.
William Murphy
Honestly I just like the name "jew" because of the memes. It's just a place holdier for those evil elite
Sebastian Flores
Yeah man. I'm in OR and could go innawoods easy though. Literally just above the mexican hordes.
Evan Ross
CISCO is the biggest manufacturer of hardware and software for corporations and governments all over the world. Very likely smaller companies who do the same thing have been compromised by NSA and worldwide spying organizations.
Austin Collins
And how does that get 14000 people laid off?
Ayden Watson
From what I can tell there is just a bit of odd movement behind the scenes that matches up with this bizare media fetish over Trump dipping in the polls before the first debate. It's like an obvious distraction tactic that pisses me off everytime I hear the radio say (((poll))).
Noah Hughes
>They are in /biz/ talk, trying to salvage their sinking sink, but they are going down to the bottom of the financial ocean.
Parker Fisher
can someoen explain whats happening
Eli Adams
Oh right, so CISCO's clients are bailing?
Juan Campbell
destruction of economy
Josiah Brooks
Yes. It's investors and clients will be pulling out and avoiding doing business with them. The company is going down.
You can assume there's going to be huge customer backlash from big companies. A "Cisco employee" in the last thread claimed they were getting rid of all the old employees who "didn't wanna get with the times". Those employees would also most likely be the ones who get paid the most. It seems like posturing to maintain liquidity.
Austin Howard
I think we would be giving Cisco too much credit for being capable of reacting this fast. Unrelated events but still focus should be on the NSA/equation group party of this.
Wyatt Diaz
Shit is moving behind the scenes due to a potential cyberweapon thst could fuck the corrupt financial system.
Get 15 days of food water and ammo stocked up and procede normally through life
Jaxson Hill
Like I said previously, CISCO is the start and merely just a distraction at this point, alot of tech companies are about to be affected by the NSA getting hacked and 0 day exploits getting stolen.
Ryder Nelson
Anyone screencap last thread and can share?
My shitty web screen capture won't do it...
David Perry
how did this happen how did turning all the goys into minimum wage workforce go wrong???? jew master race!!
Gabriel Evans
why even bother when it's gonna be in the archive?
Samuel Mitchell
Yeah yeah go eat a burger and fire your rifle in the air americunt. Let yourself forget and enjoy your nigger state.
Can you screencap the thread and post somewhere please?
If not, just be productive and dig up more info...
Nicholas Scott
Long awaited he will never return In Europe, he will appear in Asia; One of the league issued from the great Hermes, he will grow above all other powers in the Orient. Quatrain 10:74
Asher Bennett
I've been digging up info since the leak hit. Why don't you be productive and learn how to do something yourself? :)
Christopher Hill
Firewalls suddenly lost the Wall
Now just fire.
John Walker
are you stupid?
Luis Allen
Thanks for nothing user, quite helpful.
Stop replying to my posts please, I don't care for the (You)s, thanks.