Cunts are still assblasted over their shitty movie

>cunts are still assblasted over their shitty movie
How long until Rogue One comes out and makes another 4 billion dollars, despite starring the mythical and rare female lead?

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>women need men to take care of them and buy them/their shit.

My god women are like 51% percent of the population, men are not the only people watching TV and seeing movies, shit if every women went to see these movies they'd be huge successes.

What raw entitlement.

Why aren't they blaming women for not watching the movies in enough numbers to make up for it?

Meanwhile fat Tumblr shits were posting selfies in deserted cinemas on release Day of ghost busters

>that url


women arent funny

they aren't particularly good actors

they aren't physically strong, so seein them in LE BADASS GIRRL power shit where shes beating up 6'8 giants despite being 5'3

women are shit, they aren't believable in any role beyond the same shit we see them do in real life.


The trailer is what killed this. So many people watched that thing because it was rated so poorly. They discovered how shit the thing was likely to be. Reading the director claiming that haters were misogynists was the icing on the cake. I didn't even pirate that shit.

Neither do women it seems

Oh shit!

Depends on the movie. Hitgirl in Kickass wasn't remotely plausible but she was fun. It was a good movie so we watched it.

Its not complicated.

it wont make 4 bil. at best it will be 1.25 bil. episode 7 didnt make 4 bil

disney needs to make 4 bil just to pay for the licensing rights for star wars then its 150-250mil per movie depending on how much disney thinks they can afford to spend on the film. episode 7 was 300 mil budget

This is true. My ex was an avid reader and she said she generally preferred male writers with male leads. Of course there is great literature written by and about females, but a lot of it is YA trash these days she says.

Kinda miss her desu. She was redpilled in her own way.

I think men would've been willing to before SJWism was a thing, but now they focus more on agendas rather than actually making the movie good.

>entire pic related post is true
>so fucking what?

i actually liked agent carter, and watched supergirl until they kept putting shit in about old white men and typical sjw shit then i quit watching

How dare men find boring shit aimed at girls unentertaining!! How sexist!

What annoys me about posts like these is that they are so convinced that the problem is men not watching the show. But they forget about all the women that also dont watch the show.

I didnt go see Ghostbusters because its a generic ass movie. Same with agent Carter or Supergirl, they are just not interesting to me.

So maybe the sjw should be more worried about why other women don't embrace their feminist propaganda movies as much as them.

This tbqh. Why is it wrong for men to not want to watch a movie with a female lead? I don't mind either way, personally. But I think it's just another personal preference in a given media, very similar to like or dislike of a genre.

Why is Mother Nature so sexist?

So does that mean they should watch nascar and other boring shit just because it would be wrong not to like everything?

Those same actors were in Bridesmaids and nobody blinked an eye.

The amount of doublethink in the media is insane.

>tfw watched all of Jessica Jones and loved it.

Fuck them. Ghostbuters was a 5/10 forgettable generic bullshit.

Make good shit and we'll watch it.

>Makes awful food
>No one wants to buy it
>Bitch and moan blaming people with good taste budz for my failure

Women are 50% of the population why dont they get the dick out of their mouth and go see it if it matter so much to them?

Always fucking ALWAYS relying on men to do everything for them.

Milla Jovovich made SIX Resident Evil movies, the audience is primarily male.

Why are women so god damn bluepilled about biology, gender differences and such?

They must realise that the vast majority of women are extremely passive, submissive, non-leading, unpassionate and generally very much the opposite of a hollywood hero. Then they go on rants when a weak girl poorly acts like the stereotypical dominant leader male and people are weirded out by the lack of immersion it causes.

It just bothers me so much. Deep down they must understand how the ideal males differ from ideal females, and how it reflects to every aspect of life, but still they keep denying such differences, and claiming that men differ none from women while being courted by several men and given free shit simply based on her looks.

It's like they accept the good parts of being a female but also feel they're entitled to the good parts of being a top tier male without the effort or risk. Like, they actually feel like they deserve everything good in life just for existing.

The resident evil movies were successful because she plays a strong female character, and not a feminist caricature of a strong female character.
also the reason why men liked trinity in the matrix even though she was played by an ugly Canadian woman

good point

I knew Supergirl would be shit as soon as I saw they cast a black guy to play Jimmy Olsen.

You just show people like this Korra, which stars an independent strong LESBIAN female, and their minds will explode.

Men will like anything if the story and the characters are actually good. It is a legitimate gripe though, that Hollywood was slow to see that well written non-shoehorned female characters are very popular.

Seems like they are still stuck in a 1970s mindset where nowadays we live in a video game generation where people routinely live online lives as female characters quite often.

the thing that matters the most is story for a lot of things

parks and rec was a good tv show because of the story and characters not because the main character was female

dark souls is a pretty good game because its fun to play not because you can make your character a fucking white male

Even that isn't really true. People will watch anything as long as it's good; a movie with a female/nigger/faggot lead will never be good when the purpose is to shovel an agenda in your face. You have movies like Alien, Million Dollar Baby, Kill Bill, and The Silence of the Lambs that did well because they were well-crafted and set out to tell a good story, but try telling that to a retarded feminist.

spot on

I'm not clicking that shit. Will probably go to Gulag for that

>a weak girl poorly acts like the stereotypical dominant leader male
a female that could pull off a Badass Hero role that can beat up 6'1 villans would not adhere to their standards of beauty and is therefore unbelievable as a character, they want to be sexual goddess and be masculine which doesn't fit the real world. Also why reboot a film we all loved ? Had the storyline been different, had the film not shit all over our childhood memories then I'm sure it would have done better but no that wasn't what (((they))) wanted.

I thought season 1 of Agent Carter was one of the best things on TV. Never saw season 2 because of bad reviews - any good?


ooh guess why? I can't fucking remember a good actress like they put girls only to stare at tits and for the plot. They are fucking plain and boring off screen why should they be interesting on screen i don't get it

It's because women acting like men is unattractive. For an action type role to work as a female character it needs to be oversexed and seductive to nullify the unattractivenes of woman doing masculine things. It's like having to watch a movie with Paul Giamatti, an ugly boring guy with the most annoying voice in the world. Females acting like females is interesting and attractive, people acting outside gender norms incites a Base disgust reaction in most normal people.

We'll get arrested for NOT clicking it. I hope you get around to annexing us soon.

Honestly, I'm just hype for Mads Mikkelsen, Forrest Whitaker, Mon fucking Mothma and that blind Force monk dude.

>watch anime/ play jap videogames with female protagonists and enjoy them
>try watching American movies or playing american videogames with female protagonist
>they're universally shitty

I loved Alien, but Rouge One trailer got me a little hyped. That Imperial siren gave me goosebumps and it's been a while since a trailer has done that.

I guess I like female leads that aren't shoved in my face.

>Bayonetta designed by a woman
>Neptunia designed by a woman
>Sengoku Rance also designed by a woman, a man who treats women like crap.

Japan don't care.

> ugly

If you don't think the female lead won't be shoved down your throat when you see it, you are gonna be disappointed.

Anyway, I refuse to see the new GB, and didn't see the new SW, specifically because they have female leads. When they are constantly pushing the agenda of stronk wymynz, it annoys the fuck outta me. I refuse to suspend disbelief far enough to watch a 100 pound waif beat up a 250 pound guy, 2' taller than her, even if the whole movie/show requires that suspension to be remotely successful.

Goes double for an sjw reboot of one of my all time franchises, let alone both of them.

>nobody cared who she was after she took off the helmet

We listen to bitching all day long. We go to the movies to enjoy ourselves, a little visual fantasy. No we don't want to watch bitching women reminding us of why we left our bitching women to see the movie in the first place.

Rance is just such a goofy and lovable guy.

This is really sexist

Men like to watch stuff with male characters and women like to watch stuff with female characters

There's nothing wrong with that. To say otherwise is sexist and hypocritical

Stop paying attention to children's movies.

Rogue One will likely gross more than Ghostbusters from presale tickets alone.

> Rouge One trailer got me a little hyped
Same here desu. I got more hyped when they said "It will be a more violent Darth Vader in this movie". I can't fucking wait to see him rip the shit out of people.

True, but I'm missing the "help her get up" option

Did these retards forget that there's literally a Wonder Woman movie coming out next year that probably more men than women are excited to see?

So you didn't like Alien?

>nu ghostbusters was good
but it wasn't
I don't even care that it was all female leads, it just sucked

Internalised patriarchy. Duh. It's never the movie's fault.

>make shit unpopular movie
>its all mens fault

Seems about right.

>Female movies keep bombing because they are unoriginal and boring cash in attempts
>literal copy paste ghost busters used as an example of a good female movie
>femanazis cry cause muh soggy knees
The tears are just gravy on the turkey

Women just aren't heroic. There's a reason there has never been a single great women general or hero in the history of man when it comes to fighting and getting things done. Honestly all the rogue one trailers are so cringe inducing I fucking hate it, it's just so unnatural for a women to be the hero, they just aren't that in real life. I miss when movies had realistic archetypes

Do people actually like Wonder Woman? I always found her character dull, and her creators were complete degenerates

Come on weaver is basically a dude and that movie didn't define the hero as saving the world but it was more about survival like a horror movie. Plenty of women make it out of horror movies, they're crafty and scrappy and can escape bad situations; that is realistic. Instigating the fighting against other humans and saving the world? Unrealistic

wasn't joan of arc supposed to be some badass hero in the history of man?

Yes and no. She was more of a herald and banner. Not one who actually took part in battle or did anything heroic. Just lots of people around her doing heroic things to make her look good.

I like her concept and looks, but I think she's kind of OP

wtf i hate women now

There was a woman general that the story of Mulan is based on, she was pretty badass

Aye, that's true. Feminists should tout that more than Joan and Boudica.

>did they forget something which goes against their argument?

Are you fucking dense? This is the same group of people that believe facts and logic are inferior to their special snowflake feelings

I have no problem of women taking up roles of superheroes. For fuck sake half the x men are women. It's just instead of making their own original characters and storylines they hijack already existing roles played by men ie ghostbusters.

exactly, esp the ghostbusters universe was so undefined and open they could have just made it a spinoff, instead of: THIS IS YOUR REALITY NOW

Rofl what kind of pleb actually watches movies?

Because thankfully, not all women buy into the fucking koolaid that the regressive leftist ideology is trying to pawn off on every aspect of western society.

Thank you for thinking for yourself, friend.

>white male

Shit man, if you're not smashing "randomize" like a nigga smashing dat muhfuckin like button, you have yet to truly experience dark souls. The monsters you can make... Glorious.

There was another female general that attempted one of the trillions of chinese rebellions, and when the rebellion was lost she had her second in command cut her head off and cast it into the sea so the government wouldn't have a prize.

You haven't played oblivion, have you? DS character creation is semi-adequate

I feel like this movie would've done better if they took 10 minutes to write a story. Seriously just claim these new ghost busters are the apprentices of the original and are now assuming the mantle. Practically anything would've been better than "IZZ GHOS BUSSASS WIF WYMINS!" I didn't watch this movie and I don't even want to waste the bandwidth pirating it.