So everyone hates niggers, agreed. But how does Sup Forums feel about blacks who have fully assimilated into white society, who are well educated and pay taxes instead of living off of welfare?
So everyone hates niggers, agreed...
The same way I feel about leprechauns and unicorns.
There's a big difference between tucker and Tyrone OP
tucker doesn't exist, and if he does, his daddy is Tyrone
Depends how they did it. I can respect a Black person if they behave appropriately and have a job that contributes well into society and business.
That's sort of how I see it
As long as they contribute to society, pay their fair share of taxes, don't race mix, and don't act like dindus I don't have a major problem with them.
Also, relevant.
They're fucked. White nationalism sees blacks as bad as Jews. Their idea of a white nation means they will be exterminated or deported. I've spoken to Stormfront folks and I was given a cold ultimatum: leave or die. That's for blacks and Jews. Mexicans or other nonwhites have to leave, die, or be sterilized. Same for nonblack race mixed. Even if you're the shining stud of the black race, white nationalism is non tolerant of you. This creates a self-fulling prophecy in which blacks will constantly be a menace to society even though most are redeemable. My solution for you is stock up on weapons and ammunition for your safety. Maintain an ideal role in society and don't be a degenerate. Should white nationalism take ahold, defend yourself and property within reason of the Constitution.
They go on to become judges and lawyers and shit and make sure Tyrone gets the absolute minimum sentence for butchering a white family
does this black guy listen to trap muzik?
>americans crying because niggers have better women, better bodies and are overally better people than fat american kiddo itt
>le there's a difference between blacks and niggers meme
You know where you have to go back to.
Blacks are more likely to commit crime and be worthless, thanks to decades of regressive liberal policies. But as far as I'm concerned, as long as you're a patriot (and conservative), we're on the same team. Don't care what color you are.
Protip: that's how most conservatives feel. Racism is fairly uncommon amongst our ranks. Liberals just need a bogeyman.
Better than the common nigger, but their kids will probably become nigger hood rats.
>silly Pollack.
spierdalaj cwel
It kinda sucks being a regular lurker on Sup Forums knowing how many of you guys I agree with hate ALL black people.
I did 4 years in the Army and I have known black soldiers I would lay down my life for by the dozens.
That I can tell you. 100% folks
You seem to miss the main point of Sup Forums, generalisation. They as a whole have a negative impact on society. A few soldiers you met represent nothing, statistics rule this board, not your personal experiences.
wtf I love Senegal now
>Applying to blacks
They were only 3/5's of a person when it was written. Not sure why no one really points that out.
you accidentally posted in the wrong website
this isn't storm front this is Sup Forums
They're totally fine and can even breed with us. That's real cultural enrichment.
I'm fine with the talented tenth.
It doesnt matter, blacks are still the same as they were 500 years ago, you fools keep thinking the rare genetic outliers is proof that blacks are improving but in reality they are the same state as they were mentally back in the jungle, blacks will never improve its impossible unless you completely change their genetic base ferocious mentally retarded behavior. So go ahead and post all of the decent negros you got the black race will never ever advance at all.
Nothing "rules this board"
You sound like lol we R Leegunfag
I didn't say Sup Forums or anyone was wrong. I never made that declaration. I simply said I had cognitive dissonance because I can't find any reason to rationally or irrationally hate an entire genetic population. Read the OP, queer.
Al-Jazeera, of all media getting things straight..
Brave New World
>t. stormnigger "intellectual"
Its true all of the decent blacks are genetic outliers, the vast majority of blacks are still ferocious savages as you can see every black majority area in America or around the globe, you keep confusing these outliers are evidence that your futile attempts in trying to domesticate the negro is working but its not ITS HASNT WORKED AT ALL, the negro is still a feral wild beast out to destroy everything. You are all a bunch of idiots to think you could ever civilize a human subspecies that has remained in this state for over 60,000 years.
>everything I don't like is Stormfront.jpg
Blacks seem to be the only group of people on the planet who are so....racially focused. To the point of retardation. Like their whole identity, their whole existence revolves around being black. Other groups of people may group together through nationalism, religion, political beliefs etc. but blacks everywhere will always support another black. Regardless of their actions. As long as somebodies black, they're cursed in my opinion.
Its because the negro are primitives they cant think outside of a tribal mindset OOK ME BLACK GOOD OOK EEK WHITE BAD basically, they are not meant to be civilized because blacks becoming civilized on their own is impossible. You should have left these animals in the jungles of Africa instead of allowing these beast to multiply and cause chaos around the globe.
>you keep confusing these outliers
Yeah I don't know why white people do this shit. They even do it here of all places. It's fucking embarrassing. It's that white guilt man. It's so hard wired into us.
Why do you think there'll be 4 billion of them by 2100 in Africa? That's because it's a winning strategy.
I have more respect for upstanding black citizenry than I do white trash welfare recipients. They are just as degenerate as their black and hispanic ilk, and frankly are underserving of being called white.
The only difference between a nigger and a black man is the spelling. Regression to the mean, m8.
Well those are just low-IQ whites with poor genetics. They're the minority. You're right they behave a lot like niggers. Because both have low-IQs. The typical "nigger" traits aren't limited to just niggers. The problem is is that the MAJORITY of blacks have these traits. Making them extremely destructive, especially in large groups. Blacks however seem to have a very unique inclination to violence and mayhem that isn't common in other peoples, even the low-IQ ones.
I really hate you turds
>the negro
so fucking pretentious
and you actually think what you say is even remotely intelligent
if you ignored your pathetic preconceptions and opened your mind and actually talked to one of the decent ones you'd realize they're just fucking humans
holy shit.
no problem with anyone that is a productive membrr of society. lots of good people fom every race, religuon, country. stereotypes exist for a reason but not everyone is a stereotype
You sound like the typical retarded trailer park trash.
it's hilarious because he actually thinks he's smart
Those kind of blacks should be befriended immediately by any rational caucasian - lest he miss out on the sloppy seconds this intellectual exemplar of the African race will dole out.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
My general practitioner is black. He's also good at his job, so I don't particularly care about his somewhat broken Dutch and accent.
Having said that, he is one of the few black men I've met that wasn't jobless or a criminal. My super autistic permavirgin thirsty uncle married a black woman who looks worse than Leslie Jones. She already had 6 kids from 5 different men too. She beat him so hard he lost the use of his left arm.
>the notallniggers meme
Fuck off.
The potential for them to spawn typical niggers is still higher than with non-niggers.
And there's a difference between hating niggers and simply not wanting to live around them.
Nice tribal mindset you got there nigger.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a nigger
bottom rung IQ
explains a lot
and not that it matters but I'm German and Spanish no African in me
Theyre ok.
I wouldnt mind a hot black chick who "acts white."
Just might marry that.
Shut up nigger I dont care about decent you are you are just an outlier.
Let's see here
>niggers are savages, just look at the majority of them
and your rebuttal is
>hurr you're pretentious and not smart
So I wonder how many ghettos you've been to in order for you to defend black people this much without actually saying anything.
>I knows a nice family (5 kids)
they are great, only one of the kids a bit odd
two in the military, one studying engineering, and a lovely young lady.
we have mudslimes/hood rats to worry about.
not upstanding dark citizens.
they have to go back
How many times will this question be asked? Stop acting like buttlickers.