Damn guys first the coffee shop now this deli.

The owner, Lawrence Lavender, is a faggot if I ever saw one.

>wasting money on something no one will buy
>poisoning your business with your political views
>liberals knowing how to run a business
>into the ground

Looks tasty, too bad it costs 20 millions shekels



Fucking poorfags

He's cute.

He looks like a hipster faggot

>making something that people might really like
>based on something you apparently hate

This seems like bad logic since it associates something good with what he's aiming to insult. Essentially marketing for Trump.
But it's probably also fake or a joke post.

Based black man.

wtf I hate Windsor now

t. some leaf that lives in Windsor

Never heard of this place though

It's sausage, dude. Do you hate sausage or something? Fucking beta faggot go munch some lettuce.

Its pleb tier sausage, you raging fucking faggot. Basically the hot dog of cold meat sandwiches.

>Referring to me as homie
Fuck sakes

I fucking hate Trump now

Watch him suffer great ruin.
KEK will destroy this faggot leaf!!

they should make a Hillary Sandwich - a couple of bits of dried up bread, some limp bitter vegetables imported from saudi arabia, and when you finish it someone shoots you in the back of the head

Honestly I'm really hungry right now and this sandwich sounds pretty good.

Are they actually anti-trump, because it sounds yum

Oh it's
>a sanwich shop

They have no reason to be pro-trump. Who am I kidding

"White bread" is the most annoying racial slur

you forgot the best best of the Hillary Sandwich
>they put the sausage in someone elses meal but you don't know whose

>referring to me as homie

Why do fucking Canadians think they have anything to offer on our elections? Especially pretentious fucks like this guy who make sandwiches for a living? Dude, just shut the fuck up.

and its served in an adult diaper

Forgot that the place a dead rat on the sandwich, remove it from the sandwich, then serve.

So you hate hotdogs, too? Unamerican as fuck.


Lmao which one of you was this


Pffthaha this one is gold.

The Hillary:
>Two pieces of stale rye bread soaked in vinegar
>Halal beef marinated in American blood
>Sun-baked Frijoles Saltarines
>Curdled Mayonnaise
>Crushed Diazepam and Ex lax
>Topped with Hot Sauce aged in old woman's purse

Damn, that's a good one.

we could just haunt this guys business until he gives in and makes the dirty hillary sandwich

Trust me you did.

I thought he was Tongan?

I don't know why but i keked hard at the pawn stars reply pretty good.


>wrecking your business over a foreign election

You dumb. For real.

alright lads i did my bit
t. Alan Aardvark

screencap it, some of us don't have cuckbooks

>Lmao which one of you was this

Oh how i wish i could take the credit for that!

>Low energy sandwiches


Why are millennials such racemixing globalist cucks?


In a way it's not entirely their fault, they've been being brainwashed from birth. I know, it took me a while to finally take the red pill

I am embarrassed that you are English but can't write in english

I think it's kind of funny, especially the tortilla chip wall and russian dip. That said if I didn't get my order I'd be pissed. What's the point, that politicians don't deliver on their promises? Might as well call it the Obama then.

Canada has a sense of humour.

The Justin Trudeau sandwich is a slice of organic, gluten-free artisan bread covered with nigger semen and nappy pubes.

Keep posting reviews, niggers, I wanna be entertained.

If you live near there and you're not a fag you should go in, pretend to be a hipster faggot and order one, and just walk off when they bring it to the table.

Everyone should do this to them.

>Mexican chips

education system

>Might as well call it the Obama then.

>being friendly to the Russians is now a bad thing

>charging money for discount store bought bologna on cheap white bread

> It's sausage.

Jesus fuck. You are so goddamn low-rent.

You wish

>trump will start a war with russia
>trump is too friendly towards russia
which is it?

Really, where?

Fucking cumskins


Delete before you make a fool of yourself

That's a character from an Australian TV show

choice banter from the aussies

Delete that post before people catch on you fucking inbred Brit

Okay.. which one of you fuckers is this?

No, go to a butcher shop.


I bet it was you.

you forgot bill clintons cum as dressing

well...you know what to do guys...

Angry boys is mint. Brings the bants. Would recommend

Bad joke but well executed. Well done, 7/10

I don't know who thought allowing a "little europe" as a neighbor was a good idea but whoever they were I hope they died painfully.

Yeah he is

It's shown around the world mate, it's not just aussies who have seen it

Puck you

With a 'p'

Sausage is literally for faggots

I found it funny but you have to keep it realistic

Otherwise people know it's just trolling

Please amend it for great justice my friend

>just now

hmmmmmmmm........................................i wonder.......................who it was........................

I think the "too friendly with Russia" narrative is the one they're sticking with, senpai

what is this fuckin thread about ?
fuckin 12y olds makin us look stupid ? thanks you fuckin white niggers


Top kek

Maybe we should let the nignogs on the other side of the border (Detroit) invade and then maybe Windsor will learn to appreciate borders.

Ahahahahaha Trump's penis is small, epic 10/10 insult.

But don't call Shillary a piece of shit banker pawn, that's sexist!


Better watch out goys, this strong womyn is having none of those fake reviews.

More like Fat von D.
Probably smells like cake because she inhales it every day.

>if you order this you may not get what you were told you were buying
somebody sue them

That damage control by their facebook page

>Said by a guy that was never there

I guess in Canada this passes as humor?

Go on, reply with "Can't you tell black people apart or do you have so few black people in your store that you just don't remember?" or something along those lines, you have him on the defensive.

It doesn't have to make sense, he just has to reply with something so you can twist his words to call him a racist. Someone also get BLM in on this, all my twitter accounts have been banned. Again.


i guess in america it passes as a reason to engage LE EPIC TRUMP LEEJUN PERSONAL ARMEE

How dare you compare bologna to hot dogs.

May your next hot dog you eat have ketchup.

Someone needs to do a muslim review

Yay - so a shithead owns a deli!

Are you mentally handicapped?

They'll be bankrupt fairly soon. They obviously have no idea how to run a business.

Haah EIPC bro

>Canadian Bacon
>1 part maple syrup
>2 parts moose cum

Windsor bros do not eat there! - Hamilton bro

where is your place of business? i feel the need to attack you for making this joke. that is how normal people respond to things like this, after all


>liberals are now the avowed russophobes