that's right childrenz, we nuclear now.
that's right childrenz, we nuclear now.
Oh boy. I can't wait for the inevitable nuclear crisis when some gypsies steal a nuke.
our american slaves sent some f22s a few months ago
that's right childrenz.
romania has the best war planes and tactical nukes.
You are nuclear in the same way as your wifes live-in son is your kid
>Nuke (((accidentally))) goes off.
>Quality of life in Europe improves drastically.
Thanks my greatest ally.
less talking, more fighting.
The average american can't even point your irrelevant country on a map let alone figure out who your enemies are. Fuck, the only thing I know is that you guys got BTFO by Hungary.
>romania has the best war planes and tactical nukes
The US has nukes and warplanes in Romania.
Guess what Bogdan, that is called occupation.
Hahahah Prepare to be the first contry to get Nuked by us. You just made yourself a target Romania. How does it feel??
always america with the projecting with all the cuck shit.
Its american culture not european. stop it.
kys gypsy
why does my government want war with Russia so bad
I think Russia is standing in the way of their NWO communist agenda, ironically enough
Are you trying to start the Roman Empire again?
Can we join?
Where the balls is Italy.
Latin bros gtfo in this thread!
>Fuck, the only thing I know is that you guys got BTFO by Hungary.
Found the bozgor
Hehe this. Just don't nuke Transylvania too bad. The Hungarian-Polish joint land forces will have some reconquering to do.
Found the gypo expat.
town rapist has a nuke lol
Good. Nukes should have never been in Turkey in first place.
>be bozgor
>humiliate yourself to the americans for some bases
>don't get planes
>don't get nukes
bozgors whored themselves out for nuffin
>Cucking is american culture
Your entire country has been cucked by shitskins, or is that just German culture?
Russians, how hard is it to move to Russia?
I realize it's a shithole, but I can't be a part of this evil Nation any longer
Romania is so cucked right now.
America:"Hey Gypsy fagoo..I mean Nato friends, don't mind with we put these extremely dangerous and high priority target warheads on your lands don't you?
Romainia: "n-noo Amercia p-plz don....."
America: " I don't give a fuck, time to make yourself a uselful Nato member, we have used the turkroaches to the end, now its your turn!"
drunk ivans, all bark no action.
how does it feel losing 93% of ukraine to the americans?
need better source
Are you sure this is true, because it wouldn't be a very diplomatic thing to do. It's literally saying Turkey in the face that you don't trust it anymore. Combine that with allegations of american involvement in the coup and you're not far from the scenario where Turkey denies USA the right to use incirlik base, as predicted by user.
Step by step
Its happening
The end is coming guys. They want a war with Russia
>turkey allies with syria
Two Generations spent trying to avoid this grim fate, and now they're actively promoting it.
Where were you when the US became the Villain?
My prayers are with you, Ivans, deliver us from our wicked ways.
america didn't for those countries to enter nato.
meanwhile russia uses threats of war against anybody who wants to join nato.
russia is basically nigeria with nukes.
not gonna use them.
instead it will fall apart just like the soviet union.
nato will ship in blacks to russia and smash any white lineage there is.
the end in near putin bots.
Just nuke Bucharest and be done with it. The rest of us are pretty russian-friendly.
Yay, more strategic targets in our country for the Russian missiles in case of a WW3
Our pro-West pro-US obsession might literally destroy us.
fmm fac pariu ca esti din cluj sau timisoara
Ba tu esti prost rau. De-abia scrii in engleza. Stai dracu' pe fesibuc, nu te mai fa de cacat pe aici.
They would just steal the copper parts and sell them to scrapyards.
>got BTFO by Hungary
HAHAHAH, nice fucking joke!
Brasov / Harman. Fuck the south, In afara de Delta, nu-i nimic de valoare pe-acolo.
am omis un cuvant fmm de tigan prost.
Russia wouldn't care if most of Africa wanted to join. They are mostly concerned about Nato expansion up to their borders.
>losing Ukraine is a loss
Top fucking kek. Lots of action last time took over your shitty country and saved you from them Nazis
>gypsies considered second choice behind the roaches
>gypsies happy to be stopgaps
>mfw a nuke """accidentaly""" explodes and wipe out gyppo
zi sa mori tu.
pula mea, brasovul e oricum un sector al bucurestiului.
adica sunt mai multi bucuresteni in brasov decat sunt brasoveni.
dar pula mea, suferiti de voi. ti-ai dracu sa fiti de tarani opincari.
cand eu aveam net voi va spalati la cismea.
acum v-a bagat si voua net si o ardeti smecheri.
Yeah because nukes allway go off by accident!
Inb4 US general gets pickpocketed by gypsies and all the nukes go missing.
>saved you from them Nazis
the delusion is high. we changed sides and you jokers were given a safe pass to berlin.
N-ai un cur de american de lins bai laba-trista? Cunostintele tale de geopolitica is undeva la nivelu' unui copil de 5 ani. Din Somalia.
Who the fuck said "gypsies" are happy?
Taking bets, how long until they're stolen for scrap?
>EXCLUSIVE/ Two independent sources told that the US has started transferring
I'll believe it when it's actually true.
nu exista "is" in limba romana, tigane.
undeva ai invatat bulangerismele astea, la curtea regelui cioaba?
I wouldn't be so smug, living in a country currently being targeted by ISIS for a chemical weapon attack
I guess this time Turkey will enslave Balkans and storm Vienna while we help them. Good bye gypsies.
USA's Iran dream?
Te arde, ai? Faptul ca nu o sa fi niciodata nimic altceva decat un mahalagiu jegos?
Viata si cultura in Centru si Nord-Vest
Taranii si pleava in rest!
Cam asta-i Romania.
Mfw a terrorist kills a dozen frenchfags!
Traiasca regele transilvaniei Cioaba!
Post >yfw Romanians just sell the nukes to North Korea for fake rolexes
Ai auzit de regionalisme, domnu' labar de noua dreapta?
>t. 9/11
iktf, leftists pay the toll
da ba, manca-mi-ati pula ce cultivati sunteti voi cand manati caprele pe dealuri.
Imediat ce incep concetatenii mei sa posteze hopa se injura ca la usa cortului. Sunteti niste idioti, mai ales ala care e russian shill pe aici. Mars inapoi la rusi.
You'll have to do better than that you useless cunt...
tiganii imputiti
Just stick with your toillet cleaning knowledge Pole!
ma pis pe noua dreapata si pe fraierii ca tine care nu stiu limba romana.
Can you say that in English? I can't understand epileptic seazure
>Imediat ce incep concetatenii mei sa posteze hopa se injura ca la usa cortului
a venit mircea radu de la din dragoste ca sa ne impace.
ia zi-le mircea cum sta treaba.
> USA: I will keep my dick in your ass, Romania
> Romania: Wee, look at me, I have a dick!
> implying the romanians won't use these nukes to destroy the gypsies
shut up bozgor
Congratz? Fuck we use to store Nukes in Canada. Not like US is all that picky where we put them.
will he nuke the turks now that he has the upper hand
Ala e cel mai de cacat festival care l-ai gasit ai? Erai pe-acolo prin public, banuiesc?
jews want wiii /w russia for cover to kill everyone globally.
>Ala e cel mai de cacat festival
e exact genul de festival specific arghelenilor
Oh shit
No more "model casting" in Bucharest for me
>t. 9/11
All they can do here are shootings now. 9/11 increased security everywhere and paranoia, don't forget that the citizens here actually have guns. Europe on the other hand is defenseless. Europe hasn't had their own 9/11 yet. Coincidentally, ISIS has literally stated that they are planning Europe's 9/11, and additionally they have been creating chemical weapons. Good luck my man.
This is a clear sign of Russian aggression. Look how close to our nuke they put their country
The Jews dropped 2 nukes in North Carolina in the 60s and the East Coast was saved by a 50 cent circuit.
It would be really interesting to see how they transported, and if could track down planes and what flights were on.
Can Turks be kicked out of Nato now?
Ce rau esti tu pe internet. Macar faci un lucru bun daca te pisi pe noua dreapta, asa ca nu esti complet irecuperabil.
in 2 days will be dismantled by gyps for
hehe you sucked
>ukraine 2.0 is comin'
your government could not paint bigger bull's eye on your country
can you fucking niggers speak english
nu ma pis pe ei pt ca sunt impotriva gazarii tiganilor.
ma pis pe ei pt ca jumatate dintre ei sunt sifoane de la sri.
Don't worry Hungary, we're going down together if that bullseye is ever used by the russians.
Be fratzika da taki din gura acolo ca vb cum vreau eu ua kkt-ule.
Cucking is 100% mainstream American culture though. Especially the black bull variant.. American obsession with Europeans allegedly being cucks is pure projection.
sa-ti iau familia-n pula de norvegian spurcat
mai suge ma-ta pula pentru petrol?
considering all the nuclear submarines it is pointless to put them on other nation's soil,
am fost in norvegia. e de cacat.
mancare de cacat.
oameni de cacat.
vreme de cacat.
muie norvegia.
What part could Romania play in the "New World"?
Any RomainiaAnons could help me answer this question please?
You're literally just bragging that you're a better prostitute. Be a good little slut for your pimp, Big Daddy USA. Show how much better you are at taking it deep than that little prude Hungary.
>Ukraine 2.0
Bozgor wet dreams, the only way they could claim parts of Romania. Keep dreaming!
i'm bragging that we dragged ameritards in a pottential war with russia.
and we won't fight in it because we don't have an army to begin with.
Ce rol ar putea juca România în "Lumea Nouă"?
Orice RomainiaAnons ar putea ajuta să-mi răspundă la această întrebare te rog?