Empire or Stormcloaks?
Empire or Stormcloaks?
Fuck off, Todd
Leaning toward Empire but Ulfric reminds me of Trump desu
Dark Elves
For the True nords, Stormcloaks.
Stormcloaks. The Empire is long since stagnated and fallen and much like Rome will divide.
The Altmer get fucked regardless. I'm the motherfucking Dragonborn and they'll have to pull some goddamn reality bending magic if they don't want to get genocided.
Empire because more gold
>inb4 kike
globalist scum
Stormcloaks. The Empire is a rotten edifice. It is weak and needs to be renewed.
The Nords will fight the Elves shoulder to shoulder with the Colovians, Nibenese, Redguards and Bretons when the time comes.
And Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
Stormcloaks, but only under the leadership of the Dovahkiin, Ulfric is a faggot.
Stormcloaks are retarded Socialists, they'll bankrupt skyrim in a decade
Dark Elves
I was surprised their was no side quest within the Civil War where you either stopped or helped a pogrom in The Grey Quarter.
But I shouldn't have expected that since it would only be available to play if you chose one side, and Bethesda hates to lock quests like that. It means writing more content.
Best way to defeat the jews, I mean the elves is to stay united. Empire
>Not stormcloaks
The stormcloaks are defending their rightful land from everyone else mucking up their peaceful culture. I kill high elves on sight.
Human imperial in every elders scrolls for me lads
>Stormcloaks, but only under the leadership of the Dovahkiin, Ulfric is a faggot.
I don't think the Dovahkiin would have the stomach for ruling a state.
>Stormcloaks are retarded Socialists, they'll bankrupt skyrim in a decade
>people don't realize that stormcloaks and empire fight is basically scotland vs british empire
Basically the stormcloaks (scots) are retarded niggers and the empire is needed to stop them killing each other or spending all their fucking benefits money on ciggies and lightning extra.
Fucking cunts.
Empire. Glory to Rome.
But the PC is Dovahkiin. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Thanks lads. Time to MSGA
>Human imperial in every elders scrolls for me lads
I go Breton every time.
Except I just started an orc character. The bonuses are choice but it's still icky. They have the best racial ability but you're still an orc.
>Bringing in the elves will stop the elves
>But the PC is Dovahkiin. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
He can't rule Skyrim. There are still limits.
Challenging Ulfric to a duel and crowning yourself would have been cool though.
because they're Scots at heart
Neither, dominion all the way. Human scum shall be purged.
either way alduin is easy af to kill
This is a discussion about a videogame. Not a fucking trial, you dumb newfag
I wish the Vigil of Stendarr would have a much bigger role. I hated the Daedra and it sucks how the Vigil are pushovers.
It's not odd that they'd die a lot since their main enemies are very, very powerful but they are depicted as weak.
Ulfric is a Thalmor's bitch
>he dosen't mod
And the empire is the deprecated, corrupted and lazy late Western Roman Empire that will be overrun by outsiders and collapse into its own corpse.
>Free Skyrim
>Stomp the Septim Empire that no longer is the Septims'
>Kill elves
>Kill some more elves
>Mantle something
>Create a newer, better empire
>Rule as God-Emperor
Yeah, maybe in the shit gameplay Bethesda has created, but going by fluff, the Dragonborn is pretty fucking amazing.
If it makes a difference the Ulfric fight is slightly better than the General Tullius fight.
>This is a discussion about a videogame. Not a fucking trial, you dumb newfag
There is no mention of economic systems in any of the lore. There are so many books in Skyrim. None of them say anything about socialism, and there is no reason to particularly call them out as Scots.
Such a outrageous claim demands more explanation.
>Ulfric is a Thalmor's bitch
No he isn't. They looked at him and went, "Hmm, this chap is more useful to us alive and free in Skyrim." So they released him.
That doesn't make him socialist.
>be nord
>worship Talos
>drink mead
>find other Nord's
>complain about dirt dunmer in my city
>Empire tells me to be accepting of other races
>realize empire is controlled by the greedy big nosed altmer
>tell other nords
>"go join the storm cloaks then"
>don't join stormcloaks
>go back to proud clans house
>sit in basement
>write letters to a bunch of people I don't know about how altmer are greedy and evil to seek the aproval of strangers.
>call bosmer cockroaches
>lynch redguards
>much heritage.
>>he dosen't mod
I have over 160 mods installed.
Argonians should rule all the others desu
>best province
>only natives of Tamriel
>BTFO nigger elves
>make Imperial milk drinkers and Aldmeri mad
>their maids are the lustiest
>not using mods to become High King
>and he's not High King of Skyrim
are all the HD nude child models maxing out your specs?
>He's not on the list
>Forget the list. He goes to the block.
Stormcloaks baby
this tbqh, what kind of mustard race can't breath underwater and resist poison
Khajiit every game for me.
Argonians, Khajiit, and Orcs are the niggers of Tamriel. Even more than the redguards themselves.
those fucking dark elves think just because their homeland sucks they can go to skyrim and take over the place with their faggy superstitions
we should drowned them and leave them all in 1 big pile in the woods for the bears to feast on
Dude, empire are the multi kulti fags. Stormcloaks are the Nords who made skyrim the way it is and would like to keep it good. They want to make skyrim great again.
Stormcloaks are the based ones.
ask yourself
what would tumblr choose?
the opposite of that is the right answer
Stormcloaks, obviously.
Coincidentally I realized just how much like Brexit this was.
someones feeling guilty about the lusty maid
Now that you mention it, what would tumblr choose?
dragon born isn't a god.
armies of masters of magic altmer would overwhelm him eventually
one man cannot defeat a nation
the only way skyrim can survive is siding with the empire against the altmer.
if those idiots would stop rebelling and cooperate they would be able to solve their problems in time by destroying the dominion
they're natsocks
natsocks are retarded socialists
>I-I'm above both sides!!! f-fucking dragonborn!!
Doesn't solve much
Empire fans are literally cucks
They would probably like the fucking cat people or someshit. Maybe the redguard.
>>their maids are the lustiest
The maids are the lustiest
The marshes are the mustiest
The swamps are the gustiest
The slaves are the bustiest
The mudcrabs are the crustiest
The Hist is the fustiest
Way back home
Don't know why I left Argonia
I really must confess
I'm a weary shadowscale
Singing my song of loneliness
gee I wonder
Cucked Multicultural Empire vs Proud Nationalists
Stormcloak all day erry day
>dosen't use console commands
mortal pleb
Stormcloaks, of course
>Skyrim for Nords
Empire all day. Ulfric was a thalmor pawn to further separate and weaken the empire. If we ever are going to take the fight back to the thalmor and defeat them we need a united empire.
Well of course the Mexican says that, gotta have a market for all those narcotics
>no alt start mod
pleb, shouldnt have been running the border then
Ulfric is literally controlled opposition, the Thalmor only let him live to destabalize Skyrim as they did with the Bosmer.
>b-but they said him winning would be bad!
A throwaway line, the Dominion loses literally nothing if Skyrim rebels. The ENTIRE Empire barely fought the Dominion to a standstill, and you think one province of the Empire poses a serious threat? The Redguards and the Imperials did all of the heavy lifting, and the Emperor's plan is explicitly to wait until they can scrape together a large enough army to break the treaty, which won't be hard because Elves breed too slowly to replenish their losses quickly.
The only way this plan fails is if the Empire shatters before they can recover from the last war. The Dominion is overtly trying to make this happen, they've already taken Elswyr and the Woods, now Skyrim is trying to break free in a juvenile response to an obvious attempt by the Thalmor to bait them into revolt.
If you side with the Stormcloaks it's because you're a retard, end of discussion.
you need some Hist Sap esse?
>>not using mods to become High King
>>and he's not High King of Skyrim
There are plenty of mods that have cool shit in them, but so many of them also have a bunch of shit that I don't want. So I don't use them.
>Immense castles that take too much time to walk around all the time
>Interfaces with tons of options I'll never use
>crafting lists that make you sort through hundreds of possible items
I can't. I like it minimalist.
here's your (You)
Proof? They're just nationalists. It wasn't really about economics as much as it was about who skyrim belonged to.
>not doing hist sap
kek I bet you're a Fighter's Cucks member too
Sage, hide, report.
>Form massive army of all the guilds in Skyrim minus the voice with dragon born at the helm
>Defeat thalmor
>No more empire, no more factions, Skyrim belongs to the nords
>stormcloaks is literally Aryan NatSoc
If you sided with the empire you were a niggerelf leftie cuck
The Stormcloaks are just useful idiots manipulated by the (((Thalmor))) into destroying the Empire for them.
>Eats dragon souls to gain their power
>Masters Thu'um simply by devouring dragons
>Devoured every single dragon that was woken by Alduin and Alduin himself
>Extremely powerful warrior
The Dovahkiin is already a legendary figure in his own life. The gameplay obviously doesn't show it, but the shouts are ridiculously powerful in lore. Fus'Rodah or whatever it's called is powerful enough to blow down city walls. You're playing the TES version of Väinämöinen, who instead of singing the mountains to pieces, you can shout them down.
>it's not about economics
classic Nord cuck dosen't understand how provinces work. This is why you cant have home rule
its germanics vs romans when you think about it
i like romans better
I ask myself which skyrim race is slavs
>not lefty
>their maids are the lustiest
I..I actually understand that.
>If we ever are going to take the fight back to the thalmor and defeat them we need a united empire.
The nations can fight the Elves in an alliance of men without the Empire. The soldiers will fight harder under their own national banners than they would under the red dragon on black.
Except as the dragon born, literally nothing can stop you
Fuck that. We're making skyrim into America. Time for States.
>The Redguards and the Imperials did all of the heavy lifting
No. The Empire was only able to make a comeback with reserves from Skyrim.
The empire is already broken, it abandoned the redguards but they still managed to beat the thalmor alone.
No, as the Thalmor themselves state in the dossier, they want the Nords and Empire to fight eachother and to keep fighting, since if either side won, they could no longer function in the area.
The Thalmor first and foremost want to undo reality to return to the primordial state of existence and they need access to the Throat of the World to disable it.
Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
>I ask myself which skyrim race is slavs
Bretons, they're short rape babies
I would never fight for Ulfric Stormcloak he is racist as fuck and the litterly oppress downtrodden dark elves, shouting evil words.
No, I support whatever option gives open (or no borders) and makes skyrim multicultural, that way the stagnation of the nation would cease to exist and the brightest minds from egypt or hammerfall whatever the whole world would flock and make skyrim into a futuristic society where white nordic women finally can experience true pleasure as they breed out the inferior white race
>thinks snow and 10 lumber mills can run a province
The Giants have a more devolved economy than Nordcucks
The last Dragonborn got fucked from behind by a pussy self-hating Daedric cult in the Imperial City sewers
Thalmor scum is using a glamour spell to appear as a Nord and spread this disgusting propaganda.
not Freudian I Swear
"Reality bending magic" is kind of the altmer's whole thing
You know the ultimate goal of the Thalmor is literally to unmake the physical world
>The ENTIRE Empire barely fought the Dominion to a standstill, and you think one province of the Empire poses a serious threat?
Hammerfell managed just fine. Hammerfell+Black Marsh+Skyrim = kill Thalmor.
Yes, which they can't do without disabling the towers. Which is why, for the sake of the world, I kill every single Altmer I find.
See? You just proved is not about economics. It's about land rule. The Nords established it SO SKYRIM BELONGS TO THE NORDS!