I live in Oklahoma. We have two types of women here. Liberal feminist and "LIVE LAUGH LOVE" conservative. Of the two types, every single LIVE LAUGH LOVE type that I've dated has been boring, uninteresting, untalented, depressed, and lie when they say they like to do "outdoor" stuff. Essentially they all like to shop. That's their only hobby.
The liberal women are all fucking retarded but at least they have a personality. I can take them to a show and not have them nag me about leaving. I can take them to one of my shows and have them run merch in slutty stuff for better sales. I can actually go see a fucking movie with them and not have it be a retarded rom com.
So how do you stomach the conservative woman? I can't stomach the liberal woman but at least I can have fun with one.
>The liberal women are all fucking retarded but at least they have a personality. Women do not have personalities. They look at what is going on socially and will repeat it to fit in.
Adrian Phillips
>that guys face on that Bluebell box
holy fuck OP blast from the past
David Roberts
I spent about a week looking for this guy because I was trying to tell somebody about this chicks chin and the only thing I could come up with was "ice cream bar farmer".
Elijah Morris
Then what they are reacting to is more interesting. Regardless it doesn't change my point.
William Price
Try being a conservative in a place like nj. I don't even have an option of a live laugh love conservative woman. The liberal women here are vile and completely absent of morality. My views are considered "old fashioned". If I'm not ok with a girl I'm dating fucking other guys, I'm too uptight. It's insanity.
Caleb James
Not how it works. Women have a higher "emotional intelligence" which essentially works out to having more empathy and on average navigating better socially than men.
As a man it is your job to temper that emotional intelligence with reason to prevent them from making naive and foolish decisions based on empathy. On the flip side, she should be attempting to make you less of a sperg.
Not the case for every human being but on average this is the dynamic.
The liberal feminists can be tempered with reason if they fall for you and you're not a total puss. The LIVE LAUGH LOVE """conservative""" chicks are clearly not for you. Some men like having their girlfriends/wives be accessories and they seek fulfillment beyond their girlfriend.
Though after typing this out this sounds almost like bait implying conservatives are dumb.
Jack Brooks
Dylan Lee
No, it's not bait. I live in an area that is on the cusp of both country and urban and the resulting mix is fake cowgirl or feminist. Both are equal parts stupid it's just that the cowgirl flaunts it while the liberal hides it.
To put it another way, I can talk about the movie 2001 with a liberal woman and have the conversation revolve around something other than "It was boring" or "I liked the monkeys".
The idea of a moldable woman is partly true. When they begin to enter their mid 20s they become less moldable. There is a golden area. The problem is that, because of the culture of my area, most are married when they are 18 and divorced in about 6 years.
Me being a transplant in to the area has been weird. I'm fruitful but the culture difference between this and a truly urban area is bizarre.