how can you expect a girl to retain her virginity if you yourself are not a virgin?
hypocritical much?
how can you expect a girl to retain her virginity if you yourself are not a virgin?
hypocritical much?
Other urls found in this thread:
You dont understand the point dont you ?!
>you yourself are not a virgin
Who's got the imgur link?
You are talking to /pol.
Pretty sure the majority here have been virgins for a long time..
Xfdd well momed
>you yourself are not a virgin
Men are superior to women so we can do what we want while women have to do what we say.
>you yourself are not a virgin
Oh if only.
Anyway society shames virgin men far more than promiscuous women. We're lower than animals.
fuck off back to r9k plz
Tfw just turned 22 and still never even touched a woman apart from my mom and grandmothers.
EIGHT more years, boys! I've dreamt of that moment since I was 15.
I got one hug when I was younger, but she was leaving to go abroad so she hugged everyone.
Apart from that I've got nothing. Not even a kiss.
if you really love a girl then how can you sleep with another girl?
how can a girl apply this concept to you and love you if she has loved before
it's a hypocrisy i see here and i'm tired of it
I;m a level two wizard
I also expect you to bear children when I myself never will. Fucking cry about it. Different sexes have different expectations of each other.
>Same text
>Same pic
This is some shitty ass b88
I will accept this reasoning when I see equal representation of women among coal miners, sanitation workers and soldiers.
Until you prove to me that women are equally capable to men, I see no reason why women and men should share any standards at all-much less ones that their biological mechanisms are strongly distinct in regards to.
>I got one hug
>but she was hugging everyone
so you expect a girl to remain pious yet you are a sinner?
that's hypcritical and problematic
There are nudes of her
>Tfw both wife and I were virgins when we met.
>Been together 7 years now
I have few thing to explain to you girl .. we should go for a hot beverage or something ..
>if you yourself are not a virgin?
Fuck you, I'm pure, PURE!
She could still be a virgin.
your argument depends on the idea that women are equal to men - which they are not
if women are not equal to men then applying different standards to them is logical
Most men have to go through rounds of failure and humiliation until they finally learn how to talk to a girl and get her to be attracted to them. He has to put effort into his appearance, charisma, charm, intelligence, and physique to attract women. Girls rarely approach guys with interest, and without effort and hard work, men are completely invisible.
Women get approached to the point where they bitch about it. They can have sex whenever they want, and even if they're desperate, all they have to do put on make up, go to a bar, and smile at a guy.
This double standard is a symptom of the cultural expectations that have been imposed on both genders, so me wanting my future wife to be a virgin is just as valid as a girl wanting her future husband to be wealthy/physically attractive/powerful.
Pics related
Purity is overrated. Both men and women should be sluts. We can better handle our carnal nature's if we accept them rather than running from them and letting them dominate our subconscious.
I don't need a virgin. I just need someone who thinks chastity is a virtue.
>This double standard is a symptom of the cultural expectations that have been imposed on both genders, so me wanting my future wife to be a virgin is just as valid as a girl wanting her future husband to be wealthy/physically attractive/powerful.
women approach me i don't even try, just be yourself
it just doesn't make sense you want a virgin but also sleep around, it's stupid
I'm an apatheist so I can't even try the church meme. I don't even want a virgin gf but no woman has ever been interested in me so why bother.
>he almost duped me into admitting my virginity
Ha! Nice try, leaf!
>just be yourself
Ya Library work the best godspeed
Even if you deny the relevance of a God, there is something to be said for the morality that the message provides. The morality and wisdom is what's important.
>muh magical one true love!
Love is just comfy chemicals you fairytale faggot
>women approach me i don't even try, just be yourself
Many guys don't have that luxury.
>it just doesn't make sense you want a virgin but also sleep around, it's stupid
Then by that logic, a woman shouldn't desire a husband who is rich and/or powerful while they stay at home. Yet being a stay at home mom or a gold digger are very common things for women. See where this logic starts to fall apart? The double standard goes both ways.
A women can walk into any given room and say she wants to have sex. 7 men will immediately accommodate her.
A man can walk into any given room and say he wants to have sex. 7 police will immediately accommodate him.
Genders are not equal. Nor is the content for sex. Women bare a huge majority of the risk and long term commitment from the act of sex. They get to pick and choose mates. Men are just doing the fucking best they can and hoping they can out impress the other dozen competitors.
>Sup Forums not being able to retain their virginity
You must be new here.
I disagree.
If you take a 7/10 male and do that, there will be girls that are dtf, they might just not come out and say it.
If you take a 4/10 girl and do it. No one will want her.
women want a rich husband to provide for them and their children, it's biological and not unbiased of unreasonable. just nature
be that husband
>if it's easier for one particular person, that means it's less acceptable for them to do it
>Sup Forums isnt a virgin
Only people with small dicks desire a partner who is a virgin. It derives from a deeply rooted sense of inadequacy and insecurity. People with small dicks dont want to be compared to chads thundercock
So you just don't hang out with any women at all. Ok, gotcha.
Better way to say it is not cool for a woman to want a wealthy man while she isn't out helping create wealth to increase the number of wealthy people.
>I'm an apatheist
So you're a hipster atheist?
So, like I was saying, the double standard isn't a cause of inequality but a symptom of cultural expectations and biological needs
>how can you expect a girl to menstruate if you do not menstruate yourself?
>hypocritical much?
Turns out boys and girls aren't the same.
Leaf, stop making this same thread every day.
This is pathetic man
I just don't have a problem getting laid and know how slutty women really are.
The greatest irony is all the men in this thread trying to justify thier promiscuity and complaining about not being able to find a virgin. Chances are that the men who take these women's virginity are doing the same as you. You are essentially robbing other men with the same goal as you of a virgin.
Male's can't be virgins, they have no hymen to break, so you can't pop their cherry.
If a 7/10 man walked into a random place with a dozen women and said "I WANT TO FUCK"
Almost all of them would walk away. Perhaps one whore would actually walk up to someone so autistic and go for it.
7/10 female walked into a random place with a dozen men and said "I WANT TO FUCK"
You'd have 6-9 takers. .
so because women have a hymen and men don't it's okay to prey upon them?
good logic there bro
I've had sex with 1 girl and I'm in my mid-20's; I hardly consider myself promiscuous. I'll admit I'm projecting some of my insecurities, but I think there's nothing wrong with desiring a virgin for a wife. Whether I'll be able to find one... who knows.
I AM VIRGIN ;______________;
A woman being a virgin is only meaningful if her will is tempted. By sleeping with easy women you are making sure that virginity means something instead of just being the default. That helps the guy who gets a virgin know that her virginity actually reflects her character because she had to turn guys down to stay a virgin instead of just remaining one like everyone else because no guys were trying.
You're welcome
>men need to make effort to have sex
>men need to make effort during sex
>women need to exist to have sex
>women need to lie on their backs and sex just automatically happens
One of these roles is a role that gains you respect whereas other is kinda meh.