Power rings were a mistake

Power rings were a mistake.

I, too, enjoyed Blackest Night when it was recently storytimed as a part of Johns' run.

Congrats. You're only 7 years behind the times now. Keep chugging bro.You'll get there.

I think Johns was the kind of autistic kid that painted over his toys.

But sure, Blackest night was the first sign that Johns was really mediocre. We didnt knew any better.

I liked the rainbow corps with a free ring in every box of cereal.

They need to give larfleeze his own series again. He is best lantern.

Red Lanterns were the only Lanterns I ever cared about.

>first sign that Johns was really mediocre

I thought he had some fun ideas with Infinite Crisis, and Sinestro Corps War was okay. But Blackest Night/Brightest Day just took it too far.



No, handing them out like free candy was. Other corps are fine, but perhaps they should be a bit stickler with their recruitment

The rings inherently don't make sense. If they seek out beings of great emotions, then many people in a universe of supervillains and superheroes should have one

I mean a cat got one only because her owner died. People have suffered much worse.

Did scarecrow get any sort of development out of this? I read Tony Daniel's stuff but I'm trying to block it out out of my mind.

agreed. i really liked his stories. didn't the Annihilation guy write it?

My understanding is that everyone loves Sinestro Scarecrow, want more of him, a brief solo run was planned but never done, and now everyone is kind of bummed out about the wasted potential


Venditti go home.

It still bugs me after all these years that Atom and Wonder Woman basically got each others rings.

>not thinking Sinestro Wars was the only worthwhile thing he was a part of

No having this many corps is not fine.
It should just be green

do the green lanterns even have villains who aren't part of a different cockring squad anymore? green lanterns has the new kids taking on red lanterns on earth, and in the hal and friends book we're dealing with sinestro once again

He got some cool action figure potential. That's about it.

I don't think so. Ever since BN the potential of DC developing a viable cosmic scene has been overshadowed by "JOHNS TECHNICOLOR DREAM SAGA".

>He didn't like Johns' Flash or Booster Gold or JSA or Superman

No, it's all color bullshit now, It requires less imagination and it toy friendly.

Nope its all colors now

Oh man, how does mah boy Geoffy do it?

Dextars owner was M U R D E R E D.
His owner was the most loving being to him, and was mudered in front of him, then he was just kicked around and thrown into a bag to be thrown over a bridge. his rage and desire for a just revenge called the red ring.
It's not that hard to follow.

Why was the Atom given a compassion ring?

Because they didn't know what the fuck to do for a variant costume and they gots toys to sell.

New Guardians and everything related was a mistake, that title basically made me hate Walker, Kyle and specially Carol...

Letting Mr. WB near comics at all was a mistake.

New Guardians was done by other author not by Geoff...

All of DC except Batman was a mistake.

that wouldn't be toyetic

New Guardians was great for the first 12 issues then it got thrown into White Lantern training montage because of Third Army.

could Doomsday use a red power ring?

>not the worst culprit to DC's shittier parts

Don't give DC any ideas.

No, it was bearable at the very first issues but that's it, even the art was barely mediocre...

Rings are infinitely more fun than """Nova Force"""

>comparing dc's meager "everybody's gotta ring now" cosmic setting with marvel's superior and better established cosmic setting

Delusional and casual.

You know, I keep saying Blackest Night is just fine if you view it as a sci-fi b-movie with cosmic zombies + superheroes. If you go into it with that mindset you should be fine. I don't think Johns was trying to write anything else.

Though, I will give you that the ending is a fucking mess.

>I don't think Johns was trying to write anything else.

I'm not so sure. It was too serious to have a b-movie feel.

I think the only thing Johns was trying to accomplish was the "biggest and most epic green lantern fanfiction ever".

>Implying cosmic Marvel is even good now
It's Bendis' sandbox now faggot.

Anything that Bendis shits out is still miles better than the Hal Jordan vs. the Rainbow Brigade-fest that Johns has reduced DC cosmic to.