Thoughts on American History X? I was disappointed that it went a little blue pill for a while...

Thoughts on American History X? I was disappointed that it went a little blue pill for a while, but the ending made up for it.

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It really made me think

>be lil' nigger
>be slightly disrespected by some random neonazi kid
>find him later at the basketball field
>awkward moment of sexual tension
>stalk him that night
>day arrives
>go to school
>find neonazi at the bathroom
>kill the mofo
>ruin my life just because of a minor offence

I mean, how stupid and dense do you have to be to have that kind of logic!?

it's called having a nigger moment

Same reaction. Ending didn't make up for it for me though. I wanna see if ol' Norton goes back to his old ways.

Perfect ending. Literally went trough all that liberal daydreaming about that niggers and spics being decent people and all, just for it to reveal: NOPE NIGGERS GONNA NIGG.

It made me want curbstomping out of pocket niggers to become a meme irl,

>tfw you will never yell "NOW SAY GOODNIGHT" while driving the heel of your jackboot into the skull of a prone nigger, splitting his face in two while orgasming wildly in fresh tighties

why even hate?

Didn't the original ending have Norton shaving his head again? But then it got jewed from the finished movie? Can't confirm, just something another user said in a similar thread.

Holy shit, dude calm down!

He could at least have waited for a moment he would not be caught

He seems just as much an animal as the niggers he's blathering about.

Basically the studio told the director his cut was unacceptable and they weren't going to let him re edit it.

So they got Norton and some other guy to the cut that is American History X. The director even tried to get his name removed.

You sound like a nigger.

Supposedly, there was a cut ending where he stares into the mirror and begins shaving his head. (((They))) thought that ending would leave viewers with the idea that the Neo-Nazi's were right so they cut it.

It goes further than that, Kayden. The irony you point out reaches its peak at the curbstomp. Then we see as only a nice young black man, reasonable and level-headed can break the white animal and help him find his sense of humanity again.

As far as the writer and the whole feud about the ending. In this case I have to side with the Hollywood boogeymen. They see a movie that goes to all this trouble to set up a morality tale and then the "author" wants to be edgy and pull the rug out from under everything in a shitty attempt to "tell the truth" in a film consisting of various cliches and fantasies it tries to pass off as a believable world. Give me a break.

But at least we can all get boners still because they didn't censor the curbstomping scene.

Derek came off as articulate and physically dominant, a plus for whites there.

The prison nazis were just portrayed as degenerate thugs (they are in prison, so yeah), a negative for whites.

The other nazis are portrayed as stupid or crude or cowardly (Dereks fat best friend, or Cameron lying about serving time in prison). A negative there.

The ending emphasised that despite everything that happened, blacks are still willing to murder for very little reason. Danny may have been killed as retaliation for the curb-stomping (the kid Henry was supposedly the curb-stompee's younger brother?) but it wasn't clear, and Henry was shown to repeatedly antagonise white children.

the ending was the epitome of redpill overdose

why is the ending is so redpilling?

i dont get it

loved it then i realized they made common sense ideas relating it to a skinhead core views

We had to watch it in school. Apparently everyone was supposed to come away from it thinking that blacks are good whites are bad but the only thing I concluded was nigs gonna nig. Every point that he made at the table scene was 100% true.

White kid makes a concerted effort to be a multicultural good goy, gets killed by a nigger anyway.

Movie where whites are just as big as niggers as everyone else.

Sucked ass.

dinner table scene is great

Shitty Jew ending. But it can teach us White supremacists a lot, that's where I learned what curb stomping was.

Also the SPLC website can teach you a lot too.

>They see a movie that goes to all this trouble to set up a morality tale
Was it? The fact the original creator (ie the only authority you should respect on this subject) wanted the main character to go back on all that at the end kind of undercuts that whole idea, not much of a morality tale then more a statement on the cyclical nature of violence and how difficult it is to escape.

I don't think they were trying to be edgy just tell the story they wanted to tell, you fucking disgust me. They could've made a genuinely challenging film with that ending, maybe make people think and genuinely consider why people become nazis but no we get more saccharine easily digestible shit suitable only for lowest common denominator morons like you who want their simplistic morality tales to distract them from the big, bad scary real world. You absolutely disgust me.