A reminder to not let your war vet grandfathers go outside or they could be doused and lit aflame by coloreds
A reminder to not let your war vet grandfathers go outside or they could be doused and lit aflame by coloreds
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This is my town too, Jesus. The north side of town is a complete hellhole- what isn't burned down has collapsed and what hasn't collapsed is full of booga. A terrible time.
It's his fault for not concealed carrying.
Also, this one didn't leave the house and it still happened.
When will we start prosecuting black on white violence as hate crimes?
never. White people don't exist.
It seems the only way niggers are gonna learn not to fuck with whitey is if we bring back lynching.
That is just fucking tragic. Like I don't even think it was about skin color anymore that "thing" is a monster and needs to be exterminated quickly, I would allow the family of the deceased to do it but that's not "progressive" enough. Fuck Detroit. Fuck pavement apes. Fuck this country.
They already get stiffer sentences just for being black, although the SJWs are trying to change that.
Thanks, I'm mad now.
Does this mean I get to burn their grandpas now? Oh wait...
unfortunately no matter what a black can't be charged for a hate crime, even if they go into it with another minority. To try to do so just brings down the federal government, NAACP, SJWs, and various other liberal institutions down on judge, jury, witnesses, and any investigating officer.
Easier just to stack enough charges on em to get em life or a death sentance
They're killing their own grandpas too.
Alabamafag here, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Selma are pretty much written off as planet of the ape tier and you should really avoid at all costs if you can.
Even in the upper class areas the nigs quite honestly lurk 24/7 around hotels looking to rob/beat/kill people or steal their shit outta their rooms
>black can't be charged for a hate crime,
Who cares, shouldn't be trying to jail them, but killing them so not to waste money and get rid of the threat.
I live in Brum, not seen anything in the news and i dont like the link
would be nice but gotta work with what ya got.
Personally im waiting to see when the army of druggies that Obama is pardoning like a madman comes back to bite him in the ass
oh my god
this is so depressing.
Birmingham, Alabama. britbong fuckwit....
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the ride never ends
A while ago some sandniggers smashed an old man's face into the pavement for the €10 in change he had on him. He was on his way to his wife's grave, as he had promised her on her death bed that he would visit her grave every day.
What kind of people would do that?
Vibrant Peoples