Get in here fellow Aryans, who else got /Scandinavianfeels/?
Get in here fellow Aryans, who else got /Scandinavianfeels/?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the fatherland will be completly destroyed before you can visit it
scheiße brudi tears...
Every Scandinavian woman deserves a big fat brown refugee cock!
Macht spaß am Oktoberfest für mich, bitte
Obvious proxy
Kom så får du smaka på lite muslim kuk inshallah, jänkare
Doesnt mean it isnt true
there is some mining company called anglo american that is treading on our laplan and is drooling over some deposit in a conservation area
Bekräftat för proxynalgum din sladdriga vänster björn amerikan
Dude, your Swedish moms should have fucked a German descendant and lived in Canada!
master race, kek
Says the Italian...
Who else blonde Normandy French viking genes mixed with blonde Celt here?
Half English of Norman and Anglo-Saxon ancestry, half Norwegian. Probably something Celtic around English side.
why is australia in there? we are no nordic cucks
Scandinavians fear the Irish.
As much as we fear a bottle of aquavit
We could wipe out 80% of your males by being receptive to your ugly birds
Feels good to be nordic master race.
Then your children are half potato nigger. You did not think this through.
How does it feel to be marginally accepted pollack?
Are Romanians most powerful of Nordic family or not. Sup Forums discuss!
How does it feel to not be part of master race leaf? Why even bother to live?
pic related, clear example of South American master race.
Soon all that you call yours will be ours.
Thank you ancestors for keeping your MINERAL DEPOSITS so virgin and untouched for our EARTH-TEARERS.
I want some now, lol
Daily reminder that Scandicucks were vassals to superior Irish warriors.
Why must you plague our world like this, anglo scum?
Daily reminder that you're a misinformed pedestrian
just cuck my shit up f a m
I cannot help it. It is in my soul, in my veins.
I must destroy and steal that which has been preserved by others.
I must destroy all other races and subvert all other cultures.
I must bring about the ARYANDIED and FEAST upon the BLOOD of EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU.
You truly are a horrible creature
Why do you hate the aryans?
>misinformed pedestrian
lol, after 1014 the Vikings in Waterford were VASSALS to the IRISH.
The Vikings in Waterford were the last Vikings in Ireland and called titled themselves the King of Waterford and Isle of Man.
The O Brien clan controlled them in Ireland from 1014 after the victory of Brian Boru in the battle of Clontarf.
Is there a reason to not hate aryans?
I hate the ARYAN as it is outlined in my ancient doctrine: THE BEDAE ANGLO.
Plagued and assaulted by the PROTO-ARYANS of the DARK AGES, the VENERABLE BEDE created a set of guidelines that his descendants will use to wipe the ARYAN off the face of the earth for ALL ETERNITY.
I am the HAND OF BEDE. I will follow the prophecies and guidelines as written in the BEDAE ANGLO and I will PURGE the evil of the ARYAN from EUROPE and the AMERICAS.
England for the loots
Scotland for the fights
Ireland for the pussies
Scandi's are the jews of Europe. Socialist af.
>Where them Indo-Iranians, Persians, Ossetians and afganis at??
Good work fellow EIREYAN. With your assistance you will get to see the ARYANDIED be achieved.
We shall throw you in last.
hello brohers
Australia! You cheeky fucker.
Vikings fanboys think that Scandinavians brought the concept of the sword to the Irish in the 8th century, lmao.
pic related are swords from 1500BC onwards in Ireland.
Statistically, the countries where the """refugees""" come from have one of the smallest average dick sizes in the world.
Germany, though, has on top of the list after some african shitholes and the frenchs i guess.
Btw checkum
This triggers the dane
They were also the Varangian Guard. Not like you're going back over those high seas and current-filled rivers.
Point is, no Viking ever feared the petty and petulant Irish. You're lucky they mixed blood with you, probably the best thing that happened to you in the last 1000 years.
>also, you got the present day Danes, not Swedes
>still a boon to you
Why are Danish women so god tier?
Swedish women a shit
They FEAR the ANGLO however. As they ALWAYS HAVE.
>The Battle of Benfleet took place between the Vikings and Saxons in 894. This was towards the end of the Saxon period, and the Thames and other waterways made the area vulnerable to Viking attacks. Benfleet was used as a Viking base. However the Vikings were defeated in the battle by the army of King Alfred under the command of his son Edward the Elder and his son-in-law Earl Aethelred of Mercia. Subsequently a church was built by the Saxons in thanksgiving for the victory over the Vikings. St Mary's church is the most recent church building occupying this site
Anyone see the lip hair on Brazil's women's beach volleyball right now?
They sound like theyre choking on porridge all the time
>mixed blood
Vikings are mongrels next to the Irish.
You can find Viking admixture in the Orkneys which is nothing like what is found in Ireland.
>Where them Indo-Iranians, Persians, Ossetians and afganis at??
Having sex with little boys in Germany?
>australia included
dem feels
anglos are nordic too
Maybe so but they are by far the best women scandanavia has to offer
>anglos are nordic too
meme created by the Victorians to alienate the Catholics.
How about finnish teen girl that kills your current gf so she can be with you?
y-you too
Goodnight, son
where do you think the word "anglo" comes from?
how many potatoes does it take to kill an irishman?
i love those edits
drank ten bottles of san miguel last night, now i'm hungover
greetings fellow nordics
perfect day to destroy aryan scum, no?
When that happens it's because Scandinavia went to space, and Finland forgot to show up because it was too fucking drunk.
Wrong answer.
It's called purifying the German race. Since Persians are the original Aryans and all.
From a word meaning meadow.
And Saxon comes from saxe, a knifey swordy thing.
kek, next thing you'll tell me is that French is Germanic.
I have literally just read 'The English and Their History' by Robert Tombs.
It is always time.
That is 1500BC viking swords you dip.
Actually Ireland was easily taken over and raided by the Vikings.
So many Celts (mainly from from Ireland and Cornwall) were sent to North Africa as sex slaves for the Moors that the Abbasid Caliph had to dye his ginger beard. Feels bad bro.
why would I say that? germanics originate from scandinavia
Daily reminder that this is what an ethnic Viking looks like.
You've gotta stop with this pure Viking race bullshit.
The Byzatines literally recorded the organization of the Rus being the same as Turkmen.
The Vikings were parasites that lodged themselves into estuaries were the host people could not attack them enforce.
The Vikings were literally controlled by parasites.
Parasites remove fear of predators, which helps the parasites to jump from host to host, the vikings literally invaded bigger hosts to spread their parasites.
>germanics originate from scandinavia
lol, Scandinavia was colonized gradually.
Vikings ships were based upon Celtic and Roman innovations.
Topkek. Nice try, potato goblin.
man and still they raped you real proper
A pack of ARYAN-NORDICS successfully laid a batch of eggs in my stomach when I popped down to the local SPAR for a pint of milk and a Big Breakfast sandwich.
What do I do?????
OY begorrah take this rare pepe
>Finnish >Aryan
Pick one, can't be both
I want a cute Norwegian boy to lay eggs in my stomach.
Hello fellow nordics
Yes please
Looks like the "tanned ARYANS" have arrived
I wouldn't call all English Nordic though. East Anglia for sure since they genocided the celts, maybe Yorkshire sine that was the most Anglo-Saxon heavy place in England and then you have the Dane law on top of that mixing with them.
Mercia ( middle part) was mixed with celtic ghettos forming in the west. East side was pretty Germanic. Wessex had a fucking lot of Celts who lived side-by-side with the Saxons. North west England was never fully conquered by the Angles so was very Celtic even in 1066.
>Anglos are so powerfull we can literlly kill Aryan babies and piss on the corpse
>tfw master race
>How can mongol/turk rape babies compete
Britain was originally colonized from Ireland and Wales, hence Stone Henge et cetera.
East Anglia was invaded by the German-Roman invasion, prior to that it was invaded by the Belgae.
Recent DNA shows that Germanic DNA was introduced around +- 0 AD, these DNA types were thought to be Viking or Saxon exclusively, but ancient Germanic types entered in Britain long before the Saxons and Vikings invaded, also in a lot of Saxon graves, British men are found buried with Saxon women, the natives adopted Saxon culture just as they adopted Roman.
Check yourself, you XENOphobe! Just because they want to eat your brain and plant seeds of their offspring in your body, doesn't mean they are evil, you biggot! It's simply their nature!
Stone Henge was made by Neolithic Britons. Henges are found throughout the world just not on the British Isles. It was something all cultures were doing at that time. France has for more than us for example.
Also in regards to the genocide in East Anglia - its written about and DNA evidence matches it. Its the most Germanic heavy place in England. Yeah there was some Germanic migration before but nothing on the levels we saw during the Anglo-Saxon migration and even the Danelaw. As I said in North-West England, Western Mercia and Wessex they lived side-by-side for the most part. Only the the East and South East did replacement occur.
dat low FOV
Come, ARYAN SCUM. Let us have a drink together whilst we discuss how we are going to feed the remnants of your DISGUSTING people into the whirring razor-sieves of the BLOOD REFINERY?