

Now you can be arrested for your opinions like Britain YEY!

well what you going to do about it leaf? are you going to let the wind blow you around, or set down some roots and stand your ground?

If my government arrests me for an opinion, then we will have some issues.
The future of the internet can go very wrong.

well trips of truth confirm that you are both Satan, and right in both statements

but if you had a chance to stop it why wouldn't you? no matter how slim, would it not be a good thing to at least try and strive for?

Since we don't know what is going to happen, we cannot stop what we do not know.
If they start censor-happy, or arresting people for opinions, then we stand together and burn them down.

Why can we not just be left alone? Fuck.

Oh well, as long as we keep taking it, they'll keep dishing it out.

but why not head it off, instead of waiting for shit to go south

>Why can we not just be left alone? Fuck.
because they want power

In your opinion how would any of us be able to stop them?
Also, why couldn't we just build a new internet and not use the current one?

write senators, support the lawsuits do something
>Also, why couldn't we just build a new internet and not use the current one?

that is actually a good idea as a last option, watch the videos friend

I watched the videos. I don't think relying on government is a good idea, they are paid off by corporations so the Senators you write have no power in the end. The only way to win the game is to stop playing it.

Obama is the 2nd biggest kike puppet to ever hold presidency, I pray Hillary loses in a landslide

>The only way to win the game is to stop playing it.
oh well if thats your opinion on the matter, never mind

Why does the public still fall for the scam of the FIAT currency system? It's obviously going to fail soon yet almost every person believes in it. The only reason the ones in power have their power is because of it. The ones destroying our world should not have the power to do so, but we all play the game and let them win at it.

>I pray Hillary loses in a landslide
god helps those who help themselves son, vote against her, support the constitution, and if she wins, dont run away fight her at every turn


>if you play the game they win

Define 'control' exactly, a government like Russia can control breitbart or what you see in regards to that country on Google searches? or just domains made in their country?

cia already knows about my tranny porn and racism anyways.

I also know this would be allowed to go in to the hands of ISP's, they'd be able to slow down data transferal for one person and heighten it for another, when it comes to particular web pages. So rather than actual internet speeds, or bandwidth, they'll control the actual page load speeds.

Loading time class system, a way to drain more money from the sheep.

>muh evul authoritarian putin wants to control the internetz
