Hey Sup Forums, is it just me or are Indian people the worst fucking people on the planet

Hey Sup Forums, is it just me or are Indian people the worst fucking people on the planet.

The nasty, shit wading brown people who call them selves Indian come to the United States, steal jobs, and send back 99.999999999999% of their income to India so they can continue shitting out of windows in their homeland. They are comfortable living off of onions and potatoes out of a card board box making 6 figure salaries, stealing american jobs so they can send it all back into shitlandia.

They fucking barter everything, they are so fucking disgustingly retarded. I can not stand them. Even the "smartest" fucking Indian scum aren't even close to my level yet they feel ike they have some right of passage?????

If I was president for a day, I would definitely nuke half this planet off the face of the earth. We could use a good nuking of India, the middle east, and most of Africa. Fuck em.

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All Your Jobs Are Belong To Pajeet

Butt mad paki detected

I mean I think Indians are models for other immigrants into the US...

>Work hard
>Pretty smart
>Cool, nonviolent culture/religion
>Tasty food
>Embrace stereotypes

They just need to realize that India is hopeless if they keep sending them money.

Do you see my flag?

Stupid brit is retarded.

>work hard

Yes, let us pretend we hard hard and lie to our managers that we do well to save our own skin then blame it on the other employees when shit hits the fan

>Pretty smart

for a country where the norm is to shit out the window and where people worship fucking food (cows) fucking retards??

>non-violent cultures/religion

I'll take Islam and Hinduism for 500

>Embrace stereotypes

Embracing truth, brother.

Fucking hate Indians. I work at a pool hall and bar and they're just terrible. They can't hold their liquor, they get handsy with our waitresses, they never tip, they stink like shit, and they're fucking awful at pool. I can't tell you how often they leave grease stains on the God damn felt.
>fucking poo-in-loos ruining my tables

why not put half of the blame on the employers in the USA that give all these immigrants jobs when the jobs should go to US Citizens,

You're absolutely right.

They are cheap and never tip.

They secrete this heinous body odor, and they treat women like holes to be raped.

While I'm not SJW, we all know how entitled/creepy they are with women. It's fucking weird.

Can you blame them?

If people were unafraid of being ridiculed by the left, I guarantee you the US would vote for this to come to an end.

I have 3 solutions.

1) Stop fucking letting them in

2) Legally only allow them to send 25% of their income back home

3) Rid them of Indian citizenship the second the step foot on US soil and maybe they'll stop being such fucking varmint.

Pak here

hang yourself

Yeah the stench is absolutely terrifying. I lived once in a dormitory, and you can immediately tell where the Indians lived just by walking by. It's really that kind of smell that knocks you out. It's not humanly possible to smell that bad. How can they not notice that?

>be on social media
>all is well, lols all day
>change profile pic to anime girl
>2-3 messages PER WEEK from indians
>hey how r u u look nice
>mayb e u show more bby
>wats ur fb bby call me i exotic hindu

>This whole thread.

Lol because immigration isn't a thing you dumb paki

>Hey Sup Forums, is it just me or are Indian people the worst fucking people on the planet.

Apparently, you've never met a Somalian.

honestly, a somalian is gross and all- but they don't share the disgusting personality traits 80% of indians have

yeah maybe normal white people could call them that but you guys are shitting yourself as if it was the most normal thing in the world so for everyone with an i.q over 100 you make yourself look stupid and should maybe wash your ass first


Reminds me when I went to my university gym and there was this denim-clad Pajeet in the machine area, lounging across benches, gyrating his hips and making kissy faces (serious) at passing girls. He also stank of curry.

They really are horrible self-fulfilling stereotypes.

Thread theme: youtu.be/vTIIMJ9tUc8

>work in programming
>have to deal with their shitty attitude and broken english
>they're horribly selfish and mean

India is a toilet, and indians are the shit inside the toilet. same color same smell.

I was gonna say ''if you think indians are bad you haven't encountered gypsies'' but then I remembered...

I work in a Software company. All the fucking indian customers come with the same shit to say " this is very critical, I need a senior colleague to look at it". When it`s obviously not critical. We should nuke India.
