Syphilis cases increase by 163% in London in five years

>Syphilis cases increase by 163% in London in five years
>Public Health England finds five times more people are diagnosed with disease in London than in any other region

Stop being naughty, England.

Enjoy your freedom while it last England as the mudslimes are on their way to fuck you up!

Kek let's all just keep importing diseases though fuck the underlying reality that the avg foreigner now is nasty.

islamophobia is the real disease to worry about.

Just men being men.

Don't worry your cuck status will be tested very soon!

Islam is not a race, but you're a racist.

This is what happens when you have porous borders with the French.

Brits are fucking gross, they have some sick fetishes and very bad hygiene they smell like fat people sweat and old man used socks.

I heard it's because of the social stigma homosexuals face, causing them not to report their STDs to medics out of fears of being mocked and called bad words :(

>discussion about hygiene coming from a third world country

ur just above india-tier m8

Thats right you libtard cuck except your muslime overlords!!

Hey, don't worry the clintons accepts money from all the mudslime nations what throw you fags off roofs and in theirs laws and courts treat being a fag as a crime punishable by death!!


That's a very good question.



It's the Baptismal Pool of the Church of the Poz.

You aren't members?

Most muslim are gay . Importing muslim means more gay infection.

Even the water looks like cum :^)



Image related


This can't be real...

Makes ya fink innit

>whites leave london
>shitskins move in
>syphilis raises 163%

Immigrants and refugees enrich our culture.

Let in the third world hordes

acquire third world problems.

The user who originally posted this sick shit supplied links to the original content along with other disturbing shit. Yes it is real. This is how shit like syphilis, AIDS is making a come back. There was other content where faggots intentionally trying to get AIDS, and infect others. I did not bother to save that one. I was already literary sick to my stomach.

It's so obvious these people are being used as biological weapons against European people.


Surely more anti-porn laws and more dirty useless skilless immigrants will solve this.

Wonder how that relates to the areas demographics and it's "liberal" (exploitative) culture.

This fucker is basically sending out the police to arrest anyone who insults his precious Islam online. He is out of his mind, or just Muslim.

Cannot wait for EVEN MORE nhs funds to go to sexual health treatment yay! Fuck people with cancer, traumas or genetic disease, the real victims are the ones with lifestyle illnesses and you are a bigot if you say otherwise. Thnx dont message me bk xxx