Thoughts on the ufo phenomena/aliens?

Thoughts on the ufo phenomena/aliens?

What if our governments have already had contact?

Thoughts on the roswell incident?

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Haha nah, we just invented microchips out of no where.

It came to someone in a dream.

Our governments definitely had contact. It was in the 50's I think, when the Pleidians supposedly met with the president to make a deal. We don't build the thermonuclear bomb, and they give us technology. We denied it, and instead went with the Zeta Reticulans agreement, which meant that we would get technology if we let them abduct people. The Grey that everyone talks about, the short ones, are clones and androids.
Roswell allowed us to progress a lot faster than normal because of the technology we got from the crash site. The bodies of the pilots also had a lens over their eyes, which enabled night vision. They were also wearing a unknown fabric, which was extremely hard to cut through, which I snow known as Kevlar. They seem to be attracted to areas with unusual electromagnetism readings. There was a group of guys in Russia who investigated one of these areas. These areas tend to make you scared for some reason. 6 of the guys who went in got sick, and one didn't. He came out having felt like he gained knowledge of physics. He went on to become a astronaut a year later I think, having no prior experience or training. There is also "metal domes" in Siberia that the natives talked about. They come up out of the ground when a UFO is in the sky, and shoot it down.

>Being this retarded
Stupid fucking Britt, isn't it time to go suck Muslim cock?

Read a fucking book about comouters and their history.

Yeah sure, how about the fact that there was no evolution of the circuit board at all, it simply appeared?

I suppose there must be intelligent life out there somewhere because it sure as fuck isn't on this planet.

or how about the fact that the engineer Geoffrey Dummer proposed using a block of silicon, whose layers would provide the components of electronic systems, nobody took him seriously and he never built a working prototype.

Could you be any more cliche?
Did you get that from a bumper sticker?

Actually fallen angels.

It's interesting. I believe in ufos but I'm still somewhat skeptical about aliens (greys). Almost sounds like some sort of psyops

Don't you think its strange that we have an internationally agreed upon description of them though?

What about all of the accounts from military officials and astronauts?

What's wrong with cliches?


They imply that people are either too lazy or stupid to think for themselves. So they just repeat the same maxims ad nauseam to make themselves feel accepted or clever.


Thanks ameribro

It is strange we have an agreed upon form. What do you think of people who deviate from the narrative claiming to see mantids or "shadow people"? It's just really difficult for me to differentiate between shills, genuine people, and people who are mentally ill.

Same as mythical creatures, Big foot, yeti, Loch Ness monster. Doesn't mean shit because none of those fuckers exist either.

Facebook should leave.

Ayys aren't from another planet but they are very real. They are the same beings that were called fairies in the past, and not the tiny people with wings. They live on Earth but mostly in what can best be described as another dimension. We have only attributed the characteristics of extraterrestrials in the past 100 years or so as space travel has become possible and thought possible before that.


Different species?
Perhaps some people are delusional?
Its hard to sieve through the all of the information and you have to avoid confirmation bias.

>Sasquatch isn't real

You are talking to the wrong person entirely my friend.



So...........advanced aliens don't have cloaking technology or any measures to prevent crashes


Supposedly they were testing on Jap and Gook POWs like Unit 731 and that's why they looked like aliens because no one got to see what actual human biological testing looked like before

What if roswell was no ayy lmao



Yes. Nazis. A secreat german space program. But they faild to get the crew back. They did skim around the earth until velocety got so low they droped out of orbit. Only by meere chance and luck the reichsraumflugkapssel did crash in the usa.

Nazis where first in spaze.

But what if?

Its no ship but only a escape pod witch did head towards the nearest habitabel planet?

The bodies recovered weren't human.

Then it should've saved them

Ayyliums exist, we just know them as "Ashkenazim".


Think any shapeshifting aliens or whatever fought in ancient militaries?