Is Mein Kampf any good ?

Is Mein Kampf any good ?
I often hear that it is poorly written
But there might be a fine english translation

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nah it's bollocks mate

It's pretty much Sup Forums-tier writing.
Stopped it after 10 or 20 pages.

plebian tier trash
visit /lit/ for good books

It's good, very good. Read the Stalag edition or Ford translation. Don't listen to the nu/pol/ cucks in the thread. I'm dumping more reading material.




I don't have this entire set saved

I've read it.I can say it's boring but if you keep up you would learn hitler's mind.


I recommend henry fords newspapers.


Is The rise and fall of the third Reich by William shirer any good or is it just kike propaganda?

No other book is needed.

>he fell from the Nihilist jew

You know, there's a French translation. An old one.

Damn, bro there is being aware and having your life consumed by this shit. Relax what happens will happen just be ready to take opportunity should it present itself.

its more of a history book so its pretty neutral

Generally, it's kind of shit - the claims are presented in a rather shoddy manner no mater your political views and on their own they don't really stand up well to scrutiny. Hitler's beliefs were propagated because of his popularity as a politician which in turn made the book popular, not the other way around.

I have no problems at reading english
I'm a national socialist already btw

No offense, but I'm a little confused.

Why call yourself a National Socialist if you haven't read one of the most important and defining pieces of literature related to National Socialism?

Well, he isn't the only national socialist

Technically you can support and agree with certain set of political views even if you never encountered them before, yet alone didn't read some particular book on the subject when you read others.

I've read the Mannheim translation. It's fairly heavy and alot of the context will probably be lost on anyone who doesn't have an in-depth understanding of interwar Germany.

I skimmed a lot of it

It's a rambling collection of grievances written by an idiot.

German speakers have said it's stodgy, not exactly poor German, just poor literary style.

>I'm a national socialist already btw
sounds like a diagnisis

kinda this but he rambles ALOT. I got through like 70-100 pages and it has some VERY fine points in it such as politics being corrupted and how not having 1 main person in charge to make decisions makes sure that no one can be blamed for a bad decision in lets say, congress.

He talks a little about the jews but speaks about them with such fevor that he seems like a mad man when does.

He talks about how stupid and arrogant people are. I never knew that he was threatened to be thrown off a building for going against one of the main socialist beliefs back then. I think it was socialist at least. They did this when he kept pointing out flaws in their beliefs and they couldnt debate against him any more.

All in all, hitler was a good guy at first but the world made him hateful.

you're right, there are at least three or four losers too

nu-Sup Forums out

the influx of refugees from stormfront is nu/pol/ matey

neonazi filth belongs here about as much as muslims belong in poland

>Is Mein Kampf any good ?
It's stream-of-consciousness garbage. Read it, but really, don't expect much.

In general Royalists/Dark Enlightenment people, old communists and Libertarian fringes write the best while cultural marxists/neo-communists, cuckservatives and mainstream socialists write the worst.

>book thread

He wrote it on prison toilet paper for fucks sake, what did you niggers expect.
Its awesome considering.

Don't pretend that you're not being subversive.

NatSocs have been on Sup Forums since the start. It was never sarcasm, it was never satire.

This board used to be a NatSoc/Fash majority with a Libertarian minority.

its good, mabe its tiring at some points but its worth it ,it will help to put some things in your mind in order

Think about how much influence the meme of it being shit could have even on Sup Forums users.

I'm not saying it isn't shit: but look at the people telling us it is shit. It's kikes, people that have never read it and cucks who would be scared to death of the consequences of calling it good.

To get a good opinion you're going to have to find someone who is both well read and full blown fash.

>the influx of refugees from stormfront is nu/pol/ matey

Are you retarded? The only reason I've been on stormfront at all is because of people calling each other "stormfags" on Sup Forums.

>neonazi filth
UK youths indoctrinated as fuck.

ahmed plz stop it

This “studying” cannot be done from above. Someone who has not been in the clutches of this viper cannot truly know its venom. Studying from above results in superficial chatter or the formation of false opinions based on emotion. Both are harmful: one because it can never reach the heart of the problem; the other because it passes by the problem entirely. I do not know which is more devastating—to ignore those who lack the basic necessities such as we see in those who are favored by fortune or live well as a result of their own effort, or is it those who stand tall in their fashionable skirts or trousers and “feel for the people” because it is the latest fad.

Then, they are astonished when their fashionable “social conscience”, which they proudly display never produces any results.

-Mein Kampf, Ford Translation, p20

It's horseshit. Read Napoléon's mémoires instead, way more enlightening.

I was astonished how easily my fellow workmen changed their minds over a question. Often their opinion changed within a few days, sometimes even within a few hours they turned around. I could hardly understand how people who individually held reasonable views could suddenly lose them the moment they came under the spell of the masses. It was enough to drive a person crazy. I would argue for hours and finally believe I had broken the ice or cleared up some piece of nonsense they had in their heads. I would feel pride in my success and then the next day, I would be stressed to find out I had to begin all over again. It had all been for nothing. Their crazy opinions seemed to always swing like a pendulum.

-Mein Kampf, Ford Translation, p42

all the libertarians had gotten redpilled by 2014 and turnd into NatSocs

but then fucking gaymergate flooded the board with kids and now we have to educate evryone again

a natsoc albanian?

Napoleon was a Jew shill that ruined Europe by spreading Republican ideals of equality.

There's 3 of us in total, only i am on Sup Forums though.

the one thing that has remained constant about Sup Forums throughout its entire miserable existence is its ability to get hysterically butthurt at a moment's notice

mein kampf is still shit. apart from historians the only people who take it seriously these days are muslims and fuckups like you


I read the whole thing.

> The writing style is relatively unprofessional.
> It gives a great view of how Hitler _feels_ about political aspects.
It definitely shows the F in his INFJ personality.
> Contains lots of "I learned this from life" experiences.
Ex. politics is for +30 y/o
& representative democracy spawns beaurucrats
> And a lot more..

I learned from this book, that I felt a lot like Hitler, when he was young. And I drew some of the same conclusions as he did.

Not an argument.

>i don't like this book
>why not?
>it's shit
>why do you think that?
>uh it's boring
>that's subjective
>you're a loser!

meant for

Enlighten me on how it's shit.

Damn. Wish you where there yesterday, that's exactly what I asked for. All I got was evasive or un related responses. There's still people here who can read, great

I didn't like it, he goes on long rants for pages at a time that have little to do with what he was originally writing about, often the rants will take up more time than the actual subject the chapter is on. It's a shame because as a memoir it's pretty interesting to hear about Hitlers early life from his perspective, but you will only find that inbetween long rambling paragraphs about unions or the working classes, very poorly edited, and pretty badly written.

It's boring.

My fellow britfag is right: the influx of stormfags is a recent phenomenon, Sup Forums has historically been libertarian board.

Read this Book. Its way better. You go full NatSoc after understanding this Masterpiece.

Do you happen to know where I can find this book and read it and even perhaps buy it?

I got up to the bit where he's poor in Vienna like two years ago and forgot about it
continue or is it just garbage?

Looks like there a lot of books I need to get now. Nice thread.

I have a question, as the term libertarian may be ambiguous, what do you mean by libertarian? as example, would be an anarchist a libertarian?

There wouldn't happen to be an English translation of this, would there?

I don't know, but you will surely be able to decipher some parts.

Sup Forums might be able to pick the contents of this book up and modernize it somewhat, adjust it to our agenda.

Give it a try, really. It's pretty interesting but I hope you're used to read dense books (it's heavy and sometimes convoluted, see: german philosophy).
Otherwise it's worth it. Don't listen to Sup Forums when it comes to books, they don't read and got their opinion by parroting shitty five minutes youtube videos

It's got some interesting things in it, but it's mostly bollocks.

>why use one word when you can use ten? :DDD

Bunch of boring shit about the economic situation at the time of writing tbqh.

It's an incredibly boring book to slog through, good luck.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sure he writes romantically, but that's the beauty of it. The guy was a dreamer. His dream was real beautiful but it was not his fate to see it last.

Read it first at 12. Was obsessed with Nazi German history. Reread it. Hitler was a sub-tier intellect. He had good ideas but his follow through was weak. The Jewish conspiracy is a lazy explanation. Sure, Jews are apart of the conspiracy. But it's basically rich white guys trying to one up each other at the golf club. TPTB are mostly dumb rich guys tryin lot act cool.

The Germans still deserve living space. White girls are hotter.

Shut up shitskin

Thank you.

It's drivel.