you fucking gooks over in china and japan or fucking korea better stop fucking coming into my country. ill blow my load in ye wife if you dont stop fucking taking our jobs n shit get the fuck out of here, you dirty gooks come over to fucking Sydney and shit and fucking go to restraunts and demand that you get ye fuckign chopsticks so you can eat, why dont you fuckin get over your fucking primitive lifestyle and man up and use a fucking spoon,or even a spork i dont fuckin care. also why the fuck are all the patriotic gooks all so fuckin elitist as if they run the fuckin world, step down from your fucking high horse and drink some fucking water and cool the fuck down mate, if ye havent notcied most of you gooks are slaves to us white people.
also your celebrities are shit.
Angel Bennett
I'm from The North Shore Sydney. We do things a little bit different up here. We enjoy living in a country which has been so lucky to us and has the opportunity to share that with new Australians from all over the world. I myself have friends from all backgrounds who I respect and admire. Some times you just need to feel the sand between your toes and remember, Australia, you're doing good baby.
Oliver Allen
Get back to your Vegemite mine, gwailo
James Cooper
your a fucking faggot mate, those gooks are stealing our profit.
Michael Taylor
So this is what australians are actually like. You must be the cream of the crop, tip of the spear, and a fucking great human bean. Stabbing your food instead of picking it up in 2016 lmao
Jason Hernandez
fuckin singapore, your ecconmys shit i went over to singapore a few years back and it costs $11 to buy a fucking bottle of water.
Carter Powell
its spelt fucking being not fucking bean you fucking gook.
Nolan Fisher
I think you've got it twisted mate, let me lay it out simply.
Among other things, new Australians bring with them capital. They buy homes, cars and electronics on top of paying taxes. All of this is a boon for the Australian economy. Any profit you suppose they've stolen is a drop to the ocean of wealth new Australians create.
Owen Jenkins
I don't like asian people.
Aiden Diaz
Lincoln Flores
>forgot to fuck a kangaroo in the morning
Nathaniel Ortiz
Well then I think you should get out there and meet some people from Asian backgrounds. Have a chat with your local florist, riff with your next taxi driver or shoot your neighbour a cheeky thumbs up and a g'day next time you are him. You'd be surprised at the friendships you will form with people of diverse background when you realise how alike we all are underneath.
Aiden Gomez
>forgot to rape daughter in the morning
Ryder Taylor
uhhh... idk man i think that's just u desu
Daniel Martinez
>Stabbing your food instead of picking it up in 2016 lmao
You cringing cuck.
For the record, them gooks can come here all they want, Asian women are the best.
Lucas Rodriguez
this guys got a point, asian women are pretty fucking hot.
James Myers
I dated a Chinese girl for a time. She was wickedly intelligent and beautiful to boot. These racial divisions, tearing human beings from knowing each other, are going to bring this country down if we don't keep it in check. I respect that this is aboriginal land and that they have a deeply reasonable say in the argument, but that's a story for another time. Australia exists to be a beacon of the South Pacific for our local friends to grow with us. I dream of the day a city like cairns rivals Singapore as the jewel of pacific trading hubs.
Tyler Young
Says the faggot whose country managed to get an almost 1:1 ratio of currency with Singapore
Xavier Cook
Well said, I do see that possibly happening in the future, although at the moment cairns is a bit of a shitfest.
Jason Nelson
I don't like Australians. You guys have done literally nothing ever. Except stop migrants but that's it ain't it
Jose Jenkins
I think every Asian girl I've met was red pilled af too
Connor Moore
water bottles dont cost anywhere near fucking 11$ over here mate.
Isaac Gomez
Stay mad you wild animal I'm bringing my family over and we're going ti steal your jobs,women and streets
Tyler Peterson
That's more than most countries do
Brandon Martin
Never seen an $11 bottle of water anywhere. Granted this place is pretty expensive. Unless its a restaurant or some shit where they gouge you
Tyler Nelson
Yeah Im actually surprised Europe were such cucks. I used to think it would've been a nice place to live up till pol lmao
Noah Brooks
"literately done nothing ever" what have you faggots done literately ever apart from making a smart phone controlled vibrator.
Nolan Foster
my folded steel chopsticks feel slice through your racial biogtry with the force of a thousand rising suns hehe xd
James Powell
>hehe xd
You're giving me cancer.
Jack Moore
Oh it's certainly not in any position now, but Australia has great potential if we can pull together and work together. There's only one colour I care about and it's one we can all agree on - green.
Camden Turner
Jason Moore
Oliver Hill
h e h e x d
Landon Hernandez
IT professional stealing Australian jobs
Easton Jones
Eli Jackson
if you do get cancer, obamacare will cover your chemo X D
Joshua Bell
Does anyone else just get sick of the sight of chinks?
They all look the same. Soulless, dirty and ugly as shit (male and female, don't be fooled by makeup, most are shit tier).
That's not even starting on their fucking sound. STOP FUCKING SHOUTING IN YOUR MONKEY LANGUAGE
Logan Bailey
Brody Brooks
Gas the Chinks race war now
We'll pull a long tan on the entirty of Asia and come out on top
>tfw Indians get beaten in curry bashings >tfw the Chinese are getting kicked out of Australia and public hate for them is rising fast >tfw based Pauline Hanson is in Parliment
Australia will literlly be a super power by 2050
John Peterson
My Chinese boss gives me bantz about how they'll end up running NZ.
I'm scared, Sup Forums.
Ayden Long
He's taking the piss out of you because he knows you're a cuck and he's right.
Logan Reed
Also where the fuck do you work that you have a chink boss? The chip shop on the wong side of town?
Grayson Wright
IT. His ex-wife was white kiwi and he'll just say random things like that now and again. I've even heard him say "Fuck kiwi" now and again.
Isaac Peterson
>He's taking the piss out of you That's exactly what bantz are ya fuckin poof.
Carter King
Australia will be a super power if we embrace our close neighbours. Don't you see the great allies we could become in a powerful economic operation? As their living standard starts to rise you'll find yourself living comfortably in china or India as you do business or see the sites. Capitalism raises the living standards for all and in the end that's all anyone's after, the good life.
Evan King
One of my old mates was gook. One of the best cunts I've known. He was born n raised here though so he was fully integrated. That's the problem with the majority of these gooks, they don't assimilate and act like snobs.
Wyatt Powell
That's great and all, but you'd have to live with chinks and pooinloos. No fucking thanks.
Nolan Bell
The old ones are fine. They hate the new ones too anyway lol
Jason Hughes
how do i meet australian girl friend
Nicholas James
>Got flooded by Chinks and Gooks >Australian way off life is gone >We all start shitting in trash cans and running babies over in the middle of the street >cat and dog population drops off meanwhile Abo population skyrockets >Get annxed by the UN for not giving enough reperations to the Abo's >With us gone the Emus take over and genocide the rest
We Have a shitload of Uranium and the Backing of the US army. Build nukes and nuclear power plants and dump it all in the desert
>Become super power due to having Russia tier number of ballistic nukes being able to supply all our food ourselves and superior Anglo genes.
6/10 bait got me too write this out
Gavin Cooper
Be Australian
Evan Gray
Ethan Harris
tfw you will never have a qt 'strayan gf
Jack Hill
Yeah well I'd rather we were flooded with gooks and Indians than arabs and niggers. At least the Asians are generally peaceful and hard working.
Nathan Gonzalez
>chopsticks Stopped reading right there Everyone knows spork-knives are in
Connor Hughes
People are just people. I've travelled all of Asia and New Zealand too before I was 16. People are people everywhere you go.
This aggressive, dog eat dog attitude you have is exactly what brings people away from each. Live in peace together with new Australians, not in company estranged.
Oliver Russell
Dont worry boiz, the gook youths have all been corrupted by the loose aussies. In the last 2 years a large portion of them have become gacked cunt ping bats. No joke they are fucked.
John Cooper
Asian peoples culture of money grubbing and seriousness is antithetical to our Australian culture of a laid back easy going lifestyle. They treat their children like slaves and send them to extra curricular activities, obsessed with gaining positions of wealth and status. They do well at pretending to be like us but they learn from an early age to put on a facade because their morality is one based around appearances and shame, losing face is the ultimate defeat for them. Our morality is inward and we do not rely on a hivemind to tell us what to do.
They come to this nation and use the wealth they have gained in their home nations through exploiting their own people. They buy our homes, our land, our businesses and bring in their comrades to occupy and staff said homes and businesses.
They own mining companies and farming conglomerates which are taking our water and using our land, sending the product back to Asia while Australians do not see a single dollar of the profits.
Pic related is foreign investment, in the last few years Asia has ramped up direct ownership of our property and real estate market. They have moved past the simple phase of making profit and are now entering the phase of take over.
Their countries are becoming overcrowded and modernized, the only way for them to continue to survive the way they do is to branch out.
Asians are extremely focused on race, which is something that white people have forgotten. If white men do not remember that it is only your own race who you can rely on then we are already defeated.
Henry White
Cavalier, chauvinistic tone you've used there but you have to understand you're a relic. I like this board, it allows people to have a voice regardless of their opinion. It's for this reason you need to know that brand of burning hate is being stamped out by the market place of free ideas. More people want to be together than those that want to tear us all apart.
Blake Taylor
Do you live in Melbourne?
Lincoln Brown
North Shore Sydney, work in the CBD
Angel Perry
This post redpilled me hard. I hate Asians now, no excuses.
Eli Butler
>new australians
Gabriel Roberts
its a meme you dip
Zachary Hernandez
That includes white fellas like me.
Jayden Gonzalez
>More people want to be together than those that want to tear us all apart
People just want $$$$, family. If it means working with azns, then they will. It's not a fucking lovein.
Adrian Walker
Im not even Aussie. I generally have no issue with most Asians, my burning hate is reserved for Muslims and Blacks. Maybe its different in Sydney but here in Melbourne drug use and excessive partying lifestyles has corrupted a large swath of Asians (Particularly those who have been here for a while). Everything will even itself out. I personally suspect that Asians are more prone to losing control of many vices such as gambling, alcohol and drugs.
Luke Jenkins
no reason to hate gooks they are pretty cool
Carter Nguyen
When will NZ change their flag? It's about time
Cameron Clark
>Not even Aussie >dosn't hate Asiens
No surprise even when they outbreed us you'll be saying atleast their not Muslims
Your like the Americans going atleast the Mexicans aren't black
Rather neither the Asiens nor the Blacks/Arabs be here anyway and that's the only way it should be
Liam King
Agreed. Stay at home and send your women only... No ladyboys ok!
Benjamin Morales
This is a penal colony moite. Im sorry to tell you but at least to me and as much as I respect and hold an affinity to you convicts the fate of Australia is secondary to that of Europe. That being said I dont see the Asians to be a major threat to this country. Just hope the rest of the country doesn't turn out like Melbourne.
Angel Turner
>Not Australian >Living in Australia >Nah brah just let me tell you how your country should run
Penal colony turned 1st world nation build on the backs on my ancestors who stole some bread and wool turned into a White mans land
The white Australia policy was one of our founding principles been there since 1901 and only got removed recently
Get out of my country you traitor adapt to our culture or laws or fuck off to where ever you came from. It's all the same another race wiping the Whites out
Whereever it be kinda ok Asiens or shit blacks
Hunter Smith
>Im not even Aussie. >Straya flag Okay.
Sebastian Murphy
There are so many fucking gook lover on Sup Forums and the "alt right". It's disgusting those mongoloids are taking over entire countries buying everything from homes mines and infrastructure and nobody says a thing.
Benjamin Barnes
No. You're just a useless, genetic dead-end weeb.
William Collins
No Japanese want to emigrate to Aussieland.
Fuck you. Don't come here too.
Thomas Morris
>Got fleeced in the tourist trap >Still doesn't know after 3 years+ Kangaroo btfo
Nicholas Campbell
This guy. This guy has the right idea.
Also, fuck the alt-right. This mouthpiece for this "movement" dribbles nigger cum with every syllable. I'm a white nationalist.
Austin Wilson
>wating worst sluttiest pig
James Smith
Ru sou rery canky
Brandon Rodriguez
Australian women are worst anglo.
They are shitting on street and make fun of Indians for pooping on street.
Jacob Kelly
There are planty of self proclaimed White nationalists who are gook worshippers too. Some even say they have no problem with gook immigration. It's a mess. Gooks are not compatible with the West. Just because they don't chimp out and cause crime doesn't mean they should be welcomed
Jaxon Phillips
Andrew Reed
Your country literally gave me that fetish. Now I get to see it when I'm stumbling home from the pub.
Fuck I love this country.
Evan Ross
Shut up you stupid mainland chink
Isaiah Lee
Fuck see Greece gets it
Just cause Chinks aren't nigger tier bad dosn't mean their not total shit as well
These cucks are thinking with their dick and le waifus. I'll like to see these people take a walk down a China town street or Toronto and tell me if it's still White let alone Anglo culture.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Jacob Hall
Is this what passes for humor in Australia?
Juan Bailey
Gavin Stewart
Saves Aussie women on his computer along with all his loli tentacle rape and traps fucking old fat men and whatever else fucked up their degernate porn industry comes up with
Come on mate we know you wanna be BLEACHED. If two bombs did this to a warrior culture imagine what three or four would of done