With the world as fucked as it is today (I.e wage slave, mortgage repayments, 8-5 work days), does anybody else wish that they were born in a different era of the past/future?.

For example:
>Be viking
>Travel to unknown lands
>Raid villages
>Rape and Pillage
>Pillage and rape
>Worship pagan Gods by sex, rape, drinking, drugs and blood sacrifice
>Kill sissy Christians
>Have more sex and murder a slave, just because...

Post about about how you would envisage yourself in History my amateur Sup Forumsiticians...

>Swedish and Canadians are not allowed to post about their dreams of being gay syphilitic cuckholds in the Roman empire either.

Just go to the ME already if you want to be an edgy barbarian you faggot.

You also had to live like an animal and the comfort we enjoy today wasn't there.

You pretty.much live more comfortably than a medieval king.


>For example:
It means just that. Its an example.
I'll take my belt off soon ya little cunt

What the fuck is ME anyway


Are you happy Mukmoud El Shallhaddammadeen?.

Getting run over by EMUs does that to your brain.

I find it hard to take vikings seriously considering how much cucking there was in that show.
So much wife sharing.
And at least one guy was forced to raise the child of his wife who cucked him

Nah it's the right era, you just fail at life. I got good A-Level results and going to better my life unlike the rest of you NEET losers, you're like a jobber Viking killed by a Christian but when I finish University with my degree in gender studies the world will by oyster, all the big firms will be after my knowledge and skills.


>be edgy Australian in 2016
>never quite achieved much in the modern world despite all the opportunities
>watch romanticized American sitcoms about early iron age era life
>dumb enough to believe this is an accurate representation of the average person
>"YES, this was truly the greatest time to be alive"
>spend life developing a time machine to travel back to 700ad Denmark
>spend entire life farming grain and gutting fish
>die of exposure in 725ad

middle east. Thousands of years from now, your descendants could wish they could go back to the 21st century and kill arabs like we did.

Just like the vast majority of nordics were farmers that never handled a sword, the vast majority of europeans nowadays just want to shitpost online.

>(I.e wage slave, mortgage repayments, 8-5 work days)

You don't have to do those things, do you? If you can't find another way to make money, it's on you personally.
But hey, we live in the blame-culture, so I wouldn't expect you to be any different from the left-whiny cunts. Only you faggots choose different subjects to cry about.

God forbid you ever try something outside of your autistic hugbox.

t. Bjoorrn Hagaarrdlsson Liefricksson

>Born in 1325
>Grow up, plow a field
>Get plague, die


>Thousands of years from now, your descendants could wish they could go back to the 21st century and kill arabs like we did.

Hey man, I'm an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran. Thats the only interesting comment so far. I'll take that onboard mate.

If you want to be a animal so much just go live in Africa or the Middle East.

I wanted to be a rich,young professor working at Oxford. I would spend my whole life contributing to the future of mankind and getting pussy.


Toothpaste please tell, how to love for free. Its how society is engineered.
I cant exactly go take over some farm land and start building a house without working and live self-sustainably can I.

You fucken retard. Jesus fucking christ your European cunts are fucken retarted. Just keep sending your female back packers this way. You can stay at home you fucken cock head.

What the fuck is ME?.

I was like "what a jackass" then read the rest and had a good chuckle, well played, user.

What part of Iraq were you? I ran trucks from Nassariyah to Balad. I miss your lady soldiers and their booty shorts.

Yeah fuck you man. I actually want this life too. In fact I made a thread eerily similar to yours a couple of weeks ago.

Our "freedom" in our western society is an illusion. We are told we are free, but in reality, we have no freedom. We are slaves to a corporate machine.

Wouldn't eat be cheaper to just buy a plane ticket to Iceland if you wanted to live like that?

Dont you have some bus-raping to do?.

Middle East you retard.

>wage slave

you're doin' life wrong, m8

>You call that a shit post?
Straya plz

For Example:
Used to introduce something chosen as a typical case.
"many, like Hilda, for example, come from very poor backgrounds"

You just described muslims. They used to (and still do here) rape, plunder and shit on everything.

I want to be a gay syphilitic cuckhold in Athens and I'm happy that is very much possible today.

>be viking
>get small cut while fighting
>gets infected and inflamed
>curse the gods

yeah no thanks

Sorry Edge lords. I work in Underground mining. I dont spend all day on the internet.

My phone doesnt vibrate everytime Buzzfeed makes a post.

Or for you two faggots, whenever some faggy cunt messages you on Grindr.

Lol maybe start contributing to society.

>Wah wah wah boohoohoo I want stuff for free.
Kys retard. It's whiny dumb cunts like you that are going to ruin this country

When is the money going to "trickle down" into my generation? Seems like one in a million are getting all the cash by selling out their fellow man, and parents are telling sons it's easy, get over your attitude problem there are plenty of chances to be rich, just copy those guys. Paren'ts aren't telling daughters anything, telling a female to do something is illegal these days.

>living self sustainability
>have a dry summer, no rain for 3 weeks
>crops die

Why do you want to kys me you fucken homo. Must be from Melbourne.

Thanks but no thanks.

>3000 years ago
>Be nig kang
>Live in pyramids
>Have state of the art nig technology
>White man comes along
>Steals our technology
>Rewrites history books

>We wuz kangs n sheeit

> XVI-XVII centuries
> Go to America
> Rape Indian bitches
> Steal their gold
> Fill the place with African niggers for the lulz
> Have cities found after me
> Let XXI century Spaniards get all the blame and the hate for my actions

I Dream about being born between the Renaissance and Fall off napoleon. It was the best timeline in the human race. Instead off becoming more degenerate we improved. Humanity started to went down after the (((french))) revolution.


This timeline was superior in everything.


>be viking
>travel to unknown lands
>raid villages

>you will never experience pre-ww1 europe
Might as well off myself Tbh

>be born in the viking era
>literally 90% of "vikings" was actually farmers and shit
>you'll literally do less than you do now

Hurr durr, it isn't a fantasy world you retard.

>Be Crusader
>Travel to barbaric lands
>Don't go around raping and pillaging
>Convert filthy barbaric pagans to Christendom
>If there is no other choice, put the barbarians to the blade.
>Decimate their pagan religion.
>Don't go around fucking everything or murdering people as I'm not a filthy pagan.

>gets his throat slit in sleep

But seriously.
All drinks were alcoholic back then.
Paradise for alcoholics

Somebody has been watching "Vikings" too much. You should read up on what it really meant to be a farmer from the north.

>farm 8 hours a day buy you get to have a loving wife and family
Doesn't sound too bad

Can you think of anything better than what we have for the majority of civilised people ?

Anarchy doesn't work for those society's and cultures that can't distinguish right and Wrong like we can.

>Be peasant
>Farm your sire`s lands
>Nearly starve
>Pay 90% tax
>Army comes
>Get pillaged

>16 year old finds Sup Forums via a buzzfeed article: the post


Weren't taxes usually very low?

The post-WWII generation live in a rather unique period of history, where people could crawl up from nothing with just a little bit of effort. Unfortunately, the historical norm of being locked into more-or-less the same socioeconomic strata as the one you were born into is reasserting itself. To answer your question: there's a high chance that unless your parents or grandparents give you an inheritance now, there won't be anything for you to inherit. Especially if you live somewhere where the state wants to get the money back for end-of-life care, you might get nothing at all, or worse, if their care is too expensive, they might stick you with a bill.

You can literally do all of this in Africa right now

>Move to Somalia
>Many places undiscovered since Africa is vast and Africans don't discover shit
>Raid African village
>Rape and pillage villages/ aid workers
>Plunder what little goods they have
>Worship some African God by sex, rape, drinking, drugs and blood sacrifice (Also Allah works the same)
>Kill sissy Christians with your new Muslim plunderers
>Have sex with your slave and kill her just because
You can literally live this life now, but will you move? No, because you are an idealistic piece of shit who gets all his historical knowledge from tv and films

Chantelle is a lezzo

For Example For Example
For Example
For ExampleFor Example
For Example

For Example
For Example
>For Example

>This would represent about 2% of the value of their farm, and if it was delivered as butter, it would be the equivalent of 16 kilograms. >Retsö and Söderberg believe that during this period a typical peasant would have owned about four cows, which could deliver between 14 and 20 kilograms of butter per year.

Nice living in TV Land, Johnny TV. Now for reality -

>Be viking
Be born up north

>Travel to unknown lands
Have to leave village or be called giant pussy

>Raid villages
Hit the shore starving, have to kill people for food

>Rape and Pillage
Have to rape to get laid

>Pillage and rape
Tribe led by violent assholes with mommy issues, have to play along or be banished or killed

Nobody knows how to make or do anything, so they just steal what others have

>Worship pagan Gods by sex, rape, drinking, drugs and blood sacrifice
Worship stupid frozen guy who supposedly walks around the tundra, nobody has ever seen him

>Kill sissy Christians
Only raid coastal monasteries because anybody else would put up a fight

>Have more sex and murder a slave, just because...
The world sucks, nothing good is allowed to exist or flourish, I only drink and fuck to temporarily take away the pain of my animal existence

Then why are you still here? Go do it

I wish I lived in 11th century Iceland
Best time ever

Best Cunt Ever!!!!

implying past had more confort than now

you're disgustingly naive

>post pic of non Nordic looking man
>watch American "viking" shows

absolute trash Strayan.

After the Great Culling, everything will work better, until the Robot Uprising.

Sure sounds mad. Go do it faggot. You dont want this life at all, you want to cosplay as LE EPIC VIKING MAN.

I don't want to, I prefer life right now

>>Rape and Pillage
>>Pillage and rape
>>Worship pagan Gods by sex, rape, drinking, drugs
>>Have more sex and murder a slave, just because...
Did you get your information on the vikings from a fucking TV show or something?

Are you fucking retarded?

> you can't do that today

desu I understand. You are strayan. Rape and murder is in your blood. And gasoline fumes


>born in ~1900s
have to deal with WW1 and WW2
you are told every day that the end is near

>born in ~1950s
have to deal with Cold War
you are told every day that the (nuclear) end is near

>born in ~1990s
have to deal with Middle East and Semi-Cold-War
you are told every day that the (nuclear) end is near, this time for sure!

at least in this era we have Sup Forums, anime, and dickgirls you faggot

Sounds like you want to be a muslim


>Born in 814
>Die during infancy due to diseases
no thanks

Pre-WW1 Europe

>born 1980
>Grow up, work
>Get cancer, die

I'd be a George Norman Rockwell kinda guy in the 50s


I wish i was never born.

>Infinite porn
>Thousands of videogames

Nah I would never give up modern. Luxuries just to be some shit peasant in the past.