Come Home White Man
Come Home White Man
japan is my home now
slavs are not white though
Only the Vascones are white
I dont want any ameriniggers in my beautiful Europe.
Yeah, I forgot you'd prefer Ahmed and Jamal. Honest mistake.
>"Beautiful Europe"
please kill yourself
at least you can recognize them, americans can look white but they are all mongrels carrying non white DNA
How the fuck would an airline make any money sending a flight from Tasmania to the Falklands? This is bad shitposting, try harder next time desu
Venga a casa hombre blanco.
"The real reason no commercial flight over-flies Antarctica is that there are special aviation rules for flights that do. These rules were designed for sightseeing flights but apply to commercial flights as well. Planes flying below 72 degrees latitude need special survival equipment on board, and no commercial carrier would want to stock planes with all this stuff just to save a bit of fuel. It would limit the number of seats available and would require special equipment and training. This could seriously screw up the airline's schedules."
Humans have known that the Earth is round for about 3000 years, people still saying otherwise need to be gassed.
>flying passenger plane over one of the poles
>Electromagnetic fields fucking up all of your instruments
>Have a flight emergency
>No human life for 1000s of miles
why am I responding to this
This tbqh, any yank is guaranteed to have mud blood in their line.
>Pasta nigger talking about who's white
Every Italian I've met is literally Slav-tier, if not worse
>sub 60%
bix nood, my good fellow
>60% white county talking about who's white
I agree with you, stupid
> British
> Intelligent
London is 44% British white.
Your entire country is 60% white.
Imagine a world without Europa
It's the one thing I can honestly say I like about Europeans. I hate your stupid union and your open borders faggotry, tolerance and invitations for jihadists etc, but at least you are genuinely white and not some mixed mongrel spic nigger dog.
>Most popular newborn boys name in UK is "mohammed"
>Refugees Welkkomin!!
>We do not care about being das raped :^] we are still sorry for being of Nazis
I was agreeing with you, just elaborating on your point. I did word it retarded at the end though, sorry I'm quite tired at this hour
>that much light
I honestly thought Spain was pretty city heavy and mostly barren.
soon hopefully
Come home sphere cuck.
>Flat Earth Hypothesis
This meme is sad.
No one flies over Antarctica. It's too fuckin' windy, near the size of the U.S., and requires special training and survival equipment to fly over.
Can I really?
You are alerady stay here.
I cant decide if I like Israel for being a big pen to keep Jews in,
or if I hate it for being zionist home base
come home nigger man
Some did.
I choose to remain in Superpower in 2030
Flights from North America to China fly through the North Pole all the time you literal fuck...
Says you, you guinea prick
I love Israel, it's hilarious watching sand niggers freak out over seeing a small piece of land that they stole be taken back. Mudslimes fuck up the whole word then act like the victim, and Israel doesn't give a fuck and continues kebab removal
No duh you fucking idiot. Antarctica is a no fly zone because that is where all the secret military tech is hidden. Area 51 and all other bases are a diversion.
If this were true wouldn't the satellites be able to see it if a plane were able to?
>there are actual black nationalist and spic separatist movements alive and well (and getting stronger) in his country
not for long
oh look, muhammad believes that the earth is flat. what a shocker
what country is this anyway?
The difference between us and every other planet is the fact we are flat. This is the reason life was able to begin and thrive. No other planet is like earth.
Who owns the satellites user?
Most likely underground anyway. Your question involves them being retarded. They aren't.
>Cant own a gun
>Cant purchase a fucking butter knife
>Gets literally butchered in the street by muslim nog
thats mine now
On my way
go to war for israel, goy
Iran is the biggest threat in the world
>he had to lie while I was being totally honest
You can't be serious. That is Europe you dumb dumb..... holy shit.
Perhaps worry about finishing of toilets at Sochi first Vlad
Actually, you more likely find a white slav than Italian.
Ironic because the 2050 idea is Europe being lost to Muslims and many white Europeans migrate to th US
i thought it was part of Africa
so calm your hormones 60%
pic related, a white british citizen
>italians in charge of being white
kek, stay greasy and swarthy
If you aren't trolling I seriously feel bad for you. Please buy a globe user.
By asking such question you have proven that the offer in the OP should not be extended to you, no matter your race.
I don't get it
spics will outnumber whites in the us before that happens
i was serious i didn't know where the fuck it was i had to look it up on google earth
But Merchant, you are already there.
So are in yours now, I am afraid. I just hope you'll be more reasonable than some others and you'll be able to resist them before it'll get as bad.
well some leafs apparently don't know what a cherry is
>pic related holds the highest attainable office in the united states government
pic related, an american
what the kind you find on trees?
or the kind on the cigar Muslims burn german ass with when they are done fucking you
look at english wiki, according to that original people of europe were black. not memeing. brainwash contuniues, just imagine new generation of today 0-5 yr old white people kek. they will think they have no home or concept such as white country exists. gg we had a good run. jews won.
At least he's not a woman
Hivemind Britbro.
russia is true white mans land. russia will be the last white country on earth after europe and america are cucked out of existance. we could start all over again and build a pure white society there.
Literally all my grandparents were off the boat from Europe
If you are a woman I hope you are extremely beautiful. If you are not you have a lot of work to do.
we need to 23andme americans because they are so white :')
same here
It doesn't make you white though
You can hardly thank Europeans for that, current year considering. You're following us into the toilet
>pic related was more alpha than any American ever
no blue eyes. not white.
Wrong af
>stood on a shoreline and watched her navy beat some inbred Iberians
Though I can understand your confusion, "women" in "Great" Britain have more mettle than the "men". The Briton is a simpering coward, suited more for hiding from Europeans and bullying dumb Africans into submission.
The ignorance has no borders
literally WHO?????????
Literally what? If all of my ancestors are white, so am I.
We´re truly white indeed
That's just because you're a Jew
It's difficult to immigrate to Europe if you're not a shitskin that's ready to rape white women.
Ehhh i hope niggers will exterminate whites finally
That feeling when you get when you realize you're the last generation of white people on planet Earth. And it's all white people's own doing.
Are things as bad in Vodkastan?
>btw slavs = not white, russbro
pick three
Our numbers will reduce substantially compared to the rest of the world, but I see whites especially in places like east Europe holding out. Whites who still have a sense of identity will flock to each other and maybe to eastern European countries.
The cucks and racemixers will stay in their multiculturalism. Whites are going through a big evolutionary pressure.