Hey Sup Forums I was born in 96, I remember something some watching G 911 on the news but apart from that nothing

Hey Sup Forums I was born in 96, I remember something some watching G 911 on the news but apart from that nothing.

What was the general morale of the world when 911 happened? Did people talk about it for months after? If you were in another city in America what did you do? We're you scared Te streets would be shot up etc? How Long after did the conspiracy theories come? I was recently told that it was still a conversation piece until 2008 is that right ? And general 911 thread

Other urls found in this thread:

truegamer.net/SA_911/911 SATHREAD/wtc02.html

This is Howard Stern full broadcast from 9/11 as it happened.
He's always been a Jew perv and he's a cuck and Israeli firster, but as close to real time reaction as you will ever get from where first plane hits to when it dawns.


'96 is the year of my first death. There was a temporary surge in patriotism after 9/11 but mostly shock. The state of shock remained and we now have a generation that never knew freedom. Those of us who do are still pissed about govt out of control, controlling everything.

I guess it was big but we didn't give too much of a shit about it because it's America

We gave far more of a shit when 7/7 happened

Thanks bro! What did you think a it happened?

Where you freaking out when that happened? 911 was far more full on though

we talked about it for years. literally everything from 9/11 to the invasion of iraq was all 9/11.

everyone was amped up to kill towel heads

most people had no idea why anyone would hate us and our freedom

my brother in law was in the next building over and my sister was working at a law firm in the city, they met up and walked the bridge with hundreds of people and got a mail truck driver to drive them close to home. my sister is apparently the same, but it left my brother in law really shaken up and he developed a lot of anxiety and ocd because of it

Couldn't even listen to this that long. Fucking bad days man. I remember being woken up by my girlfreind and her telling me "The United States is under attack." My aunt was an exec at A&M records and I was freaking out that she might have been dead. Phone lines were fucking tied up for a long time too. She was ok, though, thankfully.

How old where you when it happened?

I remember Paul McCartney came over and performed for the firefighters and their families, raising money for them. I think he said his dad was a firefighter.

what did Germans think when Berlin fell? you deal with reality as it is in front you.
Lots of maudlin bullshit, patriot propaganda, paranoia that really shot up with anthr mailing...
People bury the dead and move on with life.

> I was born in 96

gtfo of here newfaggot

>I've been here since 2012 get lewst

And we will keep on talking until we find those responsible for it ..

I was 12. When the first one hit my teacher put it on at school. When the second one hit everybodys parents came to school and picked them up. I sat at home and watched on CNN while the towers fell. I cried and was really freaked out.

Turns out the terrorists fucking won. Our country is on its way to a police state.

Did you all start carrying around more guns?

Berlin Wall coming down was great but the 'Pink Floyd' performance/controversy was disappointing. Lots of other good concerts afterwards, tho

What state were you in bro?


No, our government told us they were going to go kill the "people who did it", and we stayed glued our TVs at home and work, carrying on like normal while we cheered for our forces to bomb the everloving fuck out of the taliban because we thought it was the right thing to do.

Nah, just more young folks gung ho about getting revenge. Things were actually still fairly decent compared to now, but the '90s were shit compared to the '80s.

I mean when Berlin fell to soviets. you clean up the shit (I didn't personally) and..not sure, at time you didn't know anything else.

>le funny epic maymay haha i lack empathy guys pay attention to me!

Sup Forums calls into howard stern on 911


I'm watching national lampoons right now, a staple of the 80's

Ah, I see. It was great watching it come down, though. Very exciting.

Vacation was alright.

As I say we gave far more of a shit about 7/7

No not freaking out, I was 10 years old at the time, we heard about it at school at lunchtime (or just after I guess) but that was about it.

AZ, so not even close. It just freaked everybody out. Even now thinking about it my heart sinks. I think everybody knew "oh fuck its war time" and "oh fuck everything is going to change"

It was the day America lost it's innocence.

Was 21 and was pretty shocked as fuck. Thought it was sketchy too and got me watching conspiracy docs and Alex Jones and shit for awhile (still indulge now and then)

Anyway here's a thread from something awful when it went down

truegamer.net/SA_911/911 SATHREAD/wtc02.html

Same, I started watching and listening to conspiracy videos on the internet. 9/11 red pilled me...

Oh right you mean freaking out when 7/7 happened

I was 14 when that happened. Yes we all shat ourselves a lot more because we didn't think such things happened in our country.

With 9/11 everyone thought "well it's America, shit like that happens over there" but when it was London we thought "fuck"

Also, my uncle's stepdaughter worked in London at the time of 7/7 and subsequently moved out to the countryside because she was so disturbed by it, and the possibility of it happening again (even though she hadn't been anywhere near the bombs when they went off)

When did the conspiracy theories start? Did anyone believe them at first and does anyone here think 911 was an inside job?

Yep. We still don't know the whole story. I was pissed that Clinton did nothing when Bin Laden officially declared war on us with the bombing of the USS Cole.

It took a while because everybody was in "FUCK THIS LETS BLOW SOME SHIT UP" mode. When they started investigating people started seeing the gaps in the story.

they started the next day or the day after maybe, due to the way they misreported wtc7

>wasn't an adult when it happened
>thinks he knows how Britain felt

It's was big for ages here. 7/7 was nothing in comparison. I lived near Edgware Road station and it forgotten pretty quick. London is no stranger to terrorist attacks

when wtc7 collapsed even though no plane hit it, and the person asked the reporter what happened and they said they "pulled it" and that was it, and no other mention of wtc7 was shown on the news ever after, that was the start of the conspiracy theories, which then went on to focus on the guys phone call, where he was on the phone and then started screaming oh my god just before the building collapsed.

The story of that one was that the collapse was triggered by rigged explosives being detonated and he was on the phone and as he saw literally a wall of explosions travel to him he cuts himself off mid sentence, screams oh my god, and the whole building collapses. But people only had the phone call to go on. And then other people said "oh no he was just saying oh my god because the building started falling and it got cut off because the phone got disconnected from the falling debris" which is probably bs.

I don't think it was an inside job but I think the CIA knew something was going down. Whether they failed to stop it or simply chose not to, I don't know

Dunno if you remember, but some variation of this seemed really popular at the time


Didnt even think about it till way later, probably into 2002. Man i just watched a video and teared up :\ Fucking terrible.

United Airlines Flight 93

yeah and like 10 million new grounds clips and games about sodomizing mohammad or osama bin laden

later on sadam too

>didn't think such things happened in our country
>IRA bombing are shit for decades
also had a guy blowing up gay bars.

Oh and don't forget there was a training scenario at the exact same locations on 7/7 (sketchy as fuck also)


Heh, I had a ton saved on floppies.
Long gone garbage now.

I honestly don't know what I expected when I looked at their staff page


Was 911 an inside job?


Know what I'll always remember? The blacks behaved themselves beautifully, was like a lesson in how to manage blacks, no looting, no kill Whitey.

City was quiet, downtown was...went down to see rubble on 3rd day with a girl I was friends with, they had national guard standing there with m-16s and wouldn't let you take photos since entire area was a crime scene.

sister was in second tower on 20th floor, was on train there but not there, lost her office. Father was in downtown office and came back covered in dust.

Lots of dead firemen (joke was wife in first row at Church, mistress in 2nd row). All the streets and shit named for them all gone now, funerals had very long waiting list. Wives all got big payouts, some went out and bought BMWs.

Don't know. Not sure can add anything not public record already. All the bullshit on TV, at least there were no "reaction videos" or hash tags at time.

the JEws stopped running all cable but news for over a week, either news or black screens on every channel.

Ah to be young and stupid enough to think terrorists did that.



I almost forgot. Every, and I mean every cable channel was 9/11 'coverage'.

also, city was like an armed camp, fat Irish cops with M-16s doing random "shows of force" and parading through subway in full military gear, still have that in Times Square.

A few cab drivers got their asses kicked or windows smashed, all the Indian restaurants put out big american flags so people didn't confuse them for muslims (the jews didn't pull "muh muslims" at time.)

They did do it but purposely wasn't stopped. Maybe even had a little help.

No, but many here on pol seem to think so. I was part of the "Truther" movement for about a year. Embarrassing as fuck now, but I learned a great deal from the experience, or more precisely, from how I came to realize I had allowed myself to be had. It was a giant circle-jerk where contradictory evidence is ignored, and all reports lead back to a few reports, which led back to one false report, but the volume of reports was what impressed them. Nowadays I have the integrity to question even more stringently anything that, if proven true, would suit me. A YouTube user called RKOwens had the patience to talk me out of the madness. He still has a bunch of videos online that knock all the Truther's pins down one by one.

Was Clinton in on it?

Hope you guys can fix your gov

much luv senpai

You probably too young to understand ..

I listened to this while it happened. The best part of having this record is that you'll hear them talking about rumors at the time that more planes got hijacked


I was born in 94. I'm not sure but I think 9/11 was my first happening, my first political memory.

The 5 "dancing Israelis" across hudson in Jersey City were arrested that day, there was a report of a truck with explosives heading for..either the brooklyn bridge or GW, they shut bridges and closed tunnels fast, there was a wild search for a truck that supposedly had a picture of WTC on it.

The Israeli thing is real, they had foreknowledge, I didn't know at time only realized when I got older and researched.

If you are interested in how a White "Red-pilled" person reacted, see the Dr. Pierce Audio "Who is guilty?" from the week after.

I remember people were talking for months that it's impossible for planes to take down these towers, engineers were not stupid back then...

>Did people talk about it for months after?
nah what are you thinking
the topic died 2 weeks after

ignorance is bliss..

silly goyim. thats just air from the ventilation system escaping

I was actually pumped. I had been hoping, the age of cuckery was over and we were finally getting OUR great war, to give live meaning, value and male virtus again. OH BOY were my hopes shattered!

If anyone tries to sell you, the 90s were somehow "based" and not PC and people were so happy: RIDICULOUS!

I did too. Was standing in hoboken with a walkman and listening while I watched it. I didn't expect the first collapse, no one did, people on the NJ side at least were crying, screaming, cursing.

The dust cloud covering lower manhattan is something never will forget. NYSE was closed for 5 or 6 days, forget.
Yankees got to World Series but didn't win, they made a big deal out it at time before baseball was fully shit as it is now.

I don't remember IRA bombings too much, presumably they were before the GFA in 98 though? So I guess I was too young to remember such happenings, I was 7 in 98.

The attack happened around 3pm GMT+1, I still remember watching the whole thing on tv when I got home from school.


i remember a friend of mine being happy about it
he was a 9y old kid tho, and i guess his father made him think it was a good thing cos muslims
people talked about it since than

Oh yeah and I also remember that people here were pissed off that muslims all over the world were rejoicing themselves. The political conflict between muslims and whites here in Europe started on that very day

Dude... The guy who said that was the owner of wtc7...
I know that video
And he made millions off on insurance for it

>the 90s were somehow "based" and not PC and people were so happy: RIDICULOUS!
bullshit, maybe bc I was young but nowhere near what it is now.
Or maybe just bc i was in NYC at time and things went to shit. then a few weeks later, the anthrax thing and everyone in city had to steam their mail and you were afraid to go near mailboxes or post offices.

I visited NYC 6 mo later-- it was a really windy day and ashes from 911 were still blowing around. The dust was so fine it would get into your hair and would show up the next couple time you showered.

> rejoicing themselves.

that was old footage of palestinian wedding celebrations

you got jewed m8

It was the beginning of a wave of obvious bullshit

>pissed off that muslims all over the world were rejoicing themselve
2 muslims in Liberty State Park were cheering and got their asses kicked by niggers that day.

It was funny for a while in a way bc all the cab drivers (all middle easterners) literally covered their cabs in flags and "god bless america" to avoid an ass kicking.

That is fucking raw


George Bush could've said lets invade Easter Island and the whole world would've followed in tandem.

>t was a really windy day and ashes from 911 were still blowing around
Were no ashes 6 months later desu, not even a week after, had settled by then. Probably psychosomatic.
The cloud stopped around 15th-20th street. Def didn't reach midtown.

Yeah well I was only 7 years old man. But I went to a school with a lot of muslims and some of these kids really cheered. Probably because their fathers were happy. They had to go to the principal for this

not too bad on 7 muslim you write 4 of them .. you may need some help ..

Oh..they found an arm bone on the roof of my sister's new offices 2 or 3 years after. It was..5 or 6 blocks away, pretty amazing it flew that far and sat on roof the whole time.

I remember seeing news of the bombings during the 80s and early 90s. They went more for property damage and costing us money though since they almost always gave warnings. When people got hurt the police would get blamed too.

It was AMERICA FUCK YEAH until 2002. Flags and signs everywhere. Everyone seemed to care about each other more and we had restored pride in our country. Pretty sure we could have taken on the entire world at that point and won convincingly.

I was 14 and had no concept of Middle East geography so when the Northern Alliance started shelling Taliban positions later that night, my mom and I thought it was the Israelis retaliating.

I also thought the World Trade Center and Twin Towers were two different buildings as shit was going down. In my mind, at least 4 buildings had fallen by noon.

It was 2 fucking muslims mate, it was liberty state park, wasn't even news, was word of mouth thing but heard from enough people I trust to believe it.

Was 2 muslims, don't mean dancing israelis, those are different. These were muslims in the park, not in a parking lot of their "moving company.'

It was most likely an inside job though. The 9/11 truth movement is complete bullshit. It's probably a psyop.

This guy goes into great detail and explains why the truthers have no credibility.


You mean the Israelite Arrested by the FBI ?!

I was a sophomore in high school. I was walking to Mr. Silvers history class. Walked passed the nurses office, which always had a TV on, kid came out and told me a plane crashed into the world trade center, I walked to class, told the teacher he turned on the news and we watched the second plane hit. I'm from Massachusetts, NY is close and means a lot to a lot of people, the entire day was spent watching the news, I can remember people screaming when the towers fell, damn thinking about it makes me tear up. History teacher told us our lives the country and the world will never be the same again, he was right. America lost a sense if innocence that day it's hard to explain, the worst part is we ended up the bad guys in wars that had nothing to do with the attack. My generation is permanently scarred. Many joined the armed forces and died, some came home and are dead emotionally. Truly the saddest day in American history as long as I have lived.

It was absolutely massive news, as you can probably imagine. I was about 15 when it happened and I remember overhearing the news from a radio on building site I walked past on my way home from school.
I remember thinking it can't be real, until I got home and turned on the TV. It looked like a blockbuster action film.

Everybody was talking about, there was a sense of disbelief and I remember the school holding a 2 minute silence the following day in the gym.

We had barely recovered from the 90s, a decade filled with the worst trends and fashion imaginable when 9/11 happened and we knew that the next decade will be about terror.
But deep down everyone was relieved grunge was never coming back.

I was in the fourth grade. My teacher turned it on while all the kids huddled under the desks. After the first tower my mom had heard about it on the radio and rushed to come pick me up.
We had just gotten internet that month and she was rushing to buy us gas masks and prepare us for the world collapse.

I just remember it being really silent after it happened.