Louis Theroux

What does pol think of him?

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i want to be his friend

Definately underrated bloke.

Non-opinionised journalism from his is A1, triple xxxx, Lucky super market bargain buy

>that time he interviewed neo nazi skin heads and they asked him if he was jewish
>he didn't want to answer
He's a jew. But his docos are always interesting and he always has a lot of patience with the people he interviews with.


I like his documentaries


i have no fucking idea who he is. seems like a decent bloke tho

This is my favorite thing about him, only Kike that has the balls to talk about the WE WUZ ISREAL N SHIET. Funny thing is, this time, they just might be right about it


I didn't like how he didn't ask the right questions when he talked with the tranny kids. Especially with the girl who goes from being a boy to a girl on a whim, seemed like the kid was making the entire shit up but no one was willing to call her out on it.

Pretty sure he's not jewish, he probably didn't want to answer because the documentary isn't about him and answering personal questions takes the focus off the people he's interviewing.

He looks like a cuck


into the trash he goes

The important question: Anyone got the documentary about Scientology?

I'd agree he does have the John Oliver look, but doesn't really act like it.

old nu-male

He's not Jewish, you spaz. He just wasn't going to validate them with an answer.

These guys actually seem pretty smart and cool to be honest. At least they're not shooting each other over gang turf


Borderline autistic, but makes him unafraid to ask questions no-one else will, bretty good.


He's a left footer.

It is one of the most critical documentaries on the subject there is at the moment.

He sort of relies on the intelligence of his audience and tries to remain objective. Letting the kid talk away proved that it was simply repeating thoughts planted by grown-ups as no child thinks like that. He later confronts the mother with this. He avoids drawing conclusions for his audience, this way avoiding outrage and keeping the conversation going in order to get to his actual point. Which he certainly makes, he thinks parents push their kids on hormones because they like the attention. His message is obvious but you have to read between the lines

Seen the tranny one, the autistic one and the zionist one.
Surprised this even got to be made.

Actually got it recommended to me by an acquaintance that i thought was extremely blue pilled. He was pretty upset about (((it))) and i pretty sure it started his journey down the rabbi hole.

seems based for being part of the msm

He isn't. He isn't a pen pusher at all. Look up some of his documentaries, he often lives with families that are 'radical' or goes into dangerous situations willingly.

His thing is treating the underrepresented fairly by spending a lot of time with them and immersing himself in their lives.

He is a cuck.

Although what you said makes sense, towards the end of the show I thought he was completely buying into what the children were saying but you're right in saying that it's the most objective piece on the subject.

Only thing that seems to come close when it comes to gender/sex and trannies loosely related is this show called Brainwashed


I like his docs, some of my favorite reaction images are of him too.

His early documentary in South Africa where he interviewed the Boer people was pretty biased imo. He was constantly trying to push the idea that Boer separatism was all about racism when all the groups he talked to specifically said that it had nothing to do with racism

Big fan. Just curious to any Americans, when he wore that bullet proof vest in Philadelphia that was kind of silly right? I mean it may not be totally safe but it's not a war zone. Going in dressed like that is a sign to everyone he meets which reads "I don't trust you"

He doesnt like his early work either

He is no jewish, in the season recap he clarifies the situation at lowend trump supporters.

That is fair enough, his earlier work does some a bit hamfisted in a way and even a bit disingenuous to his participants. I think this was because he was trying to force the Gonzo style too hard that he just came off as condescending to them. For example his episode on wrestlers where he gets his ass beat (figuratively) by the gym coach and the spiritualism one in India where some of the people really lay into him for pretending to be into it for the sake of the program. In later doco's he certainly takes a back seat and is more objective and even handed in his participation.

that boer leader guy was like a badass and you could just feel his desire to cut louie's throat

He's not Jewish, French Roman Catholic apparently. He is a lefty (few journalists are) but he at least doesn't really espouse his opinions on his documentaries. He does in interviews however.

Yeah, he was later butchered by three black people on his farm while he was asleep.

Few journalists aren't left I mean.


fuck ive been asking the same fucking question.
still no leaks :(

but here's the trailer. makes my blood boil 2bh

I don't think he necessarily wanted to cut his throat I just think he was frustrated by the fact that he was being interviewed by a guy from the BBC who had to/wanted to push the apartheid narrative that depicted the Boer people as the oppressive colonizers when he really wanted to get across the serious danger that was being posed to the future existence of the Boer people as evidence in .

He sure does look ethnically Jewish, but it may be lost in his family. Jews do share physical characteristics, regardless of what nu-science tells people.

goddammit the autistic one scared the fuck out of me.
how would you handle it if you had kids like that?
im pretty sure you'd be very close to wanting to put them in the oven or give the good ol zyklon

Exposes degeneracy while cradling his interviewees into a false sense of security by his non-threatening style, master troll.

He's a master at manipulating human psychology. He must be educated in it. Or, he really is Jewish and they're just better at it naturally than goys.

have you seen the brothel one?
you think he fugged the prostitute?

probably abit of both m8


(((Louise Theroix)))

a fag

He looks like a French John Oliver

I'm with you on that one, every video I've seen of the black israelites, I couldn't help but chuckle and feel sympathy for them
There's something really genuine and refreshing in that stupid rethoric of theirs

he's not jewish. he wasn't answering out "principle" probably

Love his work. He seems like a nice guy. A bit too leftist, sure, but he doesn't let it show in the documentaries I've seen from him. And you can't go back from Philadelphia and South Africa completely bluepilled. I'm looking forward to his Scientology movie.

>current year

The man should get the cement boot treatment.

How is that a Jewish name, though ?

You're confusing him with this guy



The name isn't necessarily Jewish, but he's a Jew. Hence the Jew tags, faggot.


>how would you handle it if you had kids like that?
Fake my own death and join the FFL.

He's alright, but he doesn't really bring anything to the table and is not provocative enough. His style is more along the lines of, "Let them do the talking and it will speak for itself", which is fine but sometimes it is not enough. His entire shtick is "what will other people think of you", which gets stale and is a psychological implement for plebs.

Why do you do what you do if others don't like what you do, /pol? Are you being a bad goy?

Do you have any proof of that ?

OK Trudeau

He disagrees in a very European manner. As in; hardly noticeable.

He seems like one of the few leftists with an open mind about factual evidence. You clearly notice he is pulling towards centre and right as the years go by.

Who wouldn't in his shoes anyway, he visits the worst of the worst part of society for his job. Strangely he seems more understanding of the Marlboro baptists than the women who feeds her kid hormones.

>Strangely he seems more understanding of the Marlboro baptists than the women who feeds her kid hormones.
How is that strange?

Brits haven't mastered comb technology yet

For a left leaning individual I think it is. Of course it is not in hindsight since these people have that strong sense of community that every (even leftist) individual longs for, but that is quickly forgotten when general media spouts its 'hatespreading nazis, think for yourself you special' may may every day.

Whatever you want to criticise him for, even in his earlier more disingenuous stuff, he really does treat everyone equally and its mostly just based on how they treat him.

His a left liberal but old school - its generally more a 'there must be a reason you're like this' based thing than the modern screaming and threatening SJW with blue hair. It annoyed the right more because its obviously a bit patronising.

The Jimmy Saville episode (the thing he will be remembered for now) proves his approach does work.

I think he should do a Milo episode and a "When Louis met the SJWs" episode and go and hang out with some #killallmen types. If they had been around in 1998 he would have done I think.

the most redpilled cuck.

>That French journalist interview where he said his yank dad hid weapons all over the house and took him hunting and how there was absolutely nothing wrong with any of that

ITT: user discovers Theroux is from a famous family of autobiographical writers and film makers who have never mentioned it and the son of, again famously, lapsed French Canadian Catholic.

And he was thinking of Jon Ronson the whole time anyway.


He's great. He was on the Joe Rogan Experience a while ago and came across as the self-depreciating cuck you'd think he was but with enough integrity to care about the stuff he does.



that is what people usually say when they tested positive for HIV

>He disagrees in a very European manner. As in; hardly noticeable.

Americans can't process someone getting quieter and saying less as a sign of disapproval.
Its like a colour they can't see and might even be a genetic thing with them.

I don't think they're that exposed to it is all.

Is that louis?
Voice sounds weird.

What is the funniest louid doc and why is it "on broadway"?

Has Loius actually commented on that? I mean, it sort of validates what he was saying.

He's fine I like how he does documentaries. He basically asks hard questions without seeming hostile, thus making people open up to him and tell him what they really think or believe. That and generally they are barely biased (if ever) and lets the people he meets speak for themselves rather than infer and speculate what they think.

Louis or Eugène Terre'Blanche?