Don't know whether to laugh or cry

Don't know whether to laugh or cry

Other urls found in this thread:

>retarded women you'll never have to deal with ruins her own life by making stupid choices
Laugh obviously

perhaps, but there are so many of these "humanitarian" types around, the West is truly fucked.


well im laughing you should try too

so this is what creates school shooters

Make a phony black account and drive her to suicide, user

>school of life (still attending)

Laugh in the moment and save that cry for the future of this everywhere.

>On Tinder just to make friends

Bitch have you not heard of Facebook?

/r9k/ slide thread

sage hide report,


Can't be real.

Laugh your ass off at the thought of her inevitably getting raped and murdered by some enraged ape.

Remember her name and picture, it will provide you with many keks one day when it's in the papers.

Except they shit out kids that my taxes will have to pay for to put them in prison, and vote for politicians that will raise my taxes even further to fund her shitting out more

>school of life
lesson number 1 black father=single moher

sup shawty?

this must be fake...

Those kids are going to grow up and be the ones that bully and rob your beta kids, all while fucking more white girls.

Their genes are dying out though. The nigger genes are an evolutionary dead end.

Laugh loudly while you point at her, obviously

Tfw my second cousin is kinda the same and she have a weird story
>old schoolfriend tells a story about her
>Going to Africa to get pregnant
>Didn't believe it for many years
>Saw her on the train few months ago with a half-black kid
>No father
oh vey..


Why do coal burners dateniggers while oil drillers date top tier black women?

this is fake

lifes school is a thing outside finland too?

Those two awfully retarded-looking niglets absolutely look like Bart Simpson, just in a slightly more melanin-enriched version.

isnt this the same as the yellow faggets from Sup Forums ?

Looks fake. Also those babies arnt half caste. They are full Africans.


Someone should pretend to be black then go meet up with her and beat her.

What the fuck is that kind of shit? If someone said what she said about whites to blacks on Tinder the account would probably be reported/deleted.

You will find yourself role playing a black while some Sup Forumstard role plays being a coal burner.

>school of life

that's nearly as bad as
>child of the universe

Anyone know any more of these to look out for to not get involved with whores like these?

Wew laddie


"no sex here" yet she has black children

>school of hard knocks
>full time mommy

These are my favourites

This is what happens when you fuck just one nigger. It isn't her choice to only like blacks, it's her curse now since no decent white man will ever want to talk to her.

Wait until she posts a video of herself with a bruised face left alone crying, and post to her

"Once you go black, we don't want you back"

>Doesn't look over 30
>Two nigger kids already
>Isn't even looking for a cuck to settle down with for the sake of her kids and is still trying to ride the cock carousel
She is even scummier than the typical coalburner. Most of them desperately look for a white guy after they "made mistakes in their life" that lead them to having a kid, or several. Obviously you should never date a coalburner, but this girl can't even say that she learned a lesson because she is still going to wind up having more kids.

get outta here white boy

Definitely fake. I mean yeah there's coalburners out there but they're not going to straight up turn away white suitors. ESPECIALLY if they have kids to take care of. Also those nigglets aren't mixed race

Fuck that got me

In other words, high school dropout, just like her baby daddy.

>school of life

I think she already failed that study

I can see dropping out one night and realized you fucked up and now you want to settle down with a beta white guy.

But having two and still wanting dindu dick...that's almost an impressive level of retardation.

>Don't know whether to laugh or cry

I can only laugh at those who couldn't see through it.

only a yuropean trash whore can be this degenerate and still wear it like a crown.


who would want a white slut with two bastard niglets that doesn't put out?

Got straight Fs there.

All most died laughing when I read it, why would you ever be tempted to talk to her? Let her make her own poor decisions and move on, but try not to die of laughter.

It's a defense mechanism. She knows no white guy will touch her once they've seen her spawns so she just pretends she doesn't want any of them contacting her to begin with.

i never could comprehend why women do that.
"muh strong indapendant wymynz"
there should be a law against women doing that.
that only makes their kids potential school shooters, furries and fritzls.

>slightly more melanin-enriched
see pic related

Cry because your taxes go to feed this dumb whore and her spawns

it's not fake. i can guarantee you that.

A lot of you don't seem to understand, she's a "humanitarian" type who went to Africa, those are obviously not her children. She's just the kind of vapid whore who likes to pose for pics with black kids.

For more keks (and sauce) see:

all babies are cute to me.

Because black women want the better choice if their smart enough to know why their own men are shit. It's not a fetishism thing like white girls and blacks. If a white guy wants to date a black girl and he's handsome, then she's gonna have to be up there too. It's one of the situations a man doesn't have to pick below him desu. I've dating a few black girls. Most of them wanted to be 1950's white House wives and are pretty damn cute about it. Obviously race mixing isn't ideal, but these instances it's not a person's terrible life choices based on Jewish lies, but someone's desire to have the best.

Most definitly whore.

I know a girl like this
They posts like life's good and are all uppity on fb and such
I guran-fucking-tee you she cries herself to sleep at night


holy kek

All I see is a bunch of shrieking disease bags

>no sex here

yah right, whore


>school of life (still attending)

Holy shiet, you go gurl!


stop paying taxes.

her and her nigger muffins starve like ethiopians :D

Enjoying your holiday?

I've seen a hafu polish baby.she was like angel.

She ruined her life, spawned 2 future criminals and doesn't want any help from the only kind of people that can save her.
If it isn't TOP KEK I don't know what it is.

I should laugh, but then I think of the poor father somewhere wondering where he's gone wrong.

>women who use dating websites and apps and only look for friends

>piercing the ears of a child
Why do shitskins do this?

I don't even view them as human anymore, I'm naturally repulsed by their view and want to crush them under by boot like a cockroach.

Looks like a young elliot rodger. People say all asian rook same but hapas are worse

Bait. Women don't usually talk like that.

Not saying this kind of dumb whore don't exist though.

She'll be dead before 30.

Asuka is real.

and im quite ok with that picture.

Why is her bio in English when she's in Switzerland? Appealing to refugees?

Nobody actually imagins anime characters as asian, you know. They're all heavily westernized, with simple features so that any light-skinned person can project onto them. Unless they're drawn with squinty eyes, of course.

Asuka, thats the bitch with bright red hair, no? And you think that squinty-eyed girl is "irl Asuka" somehow?

Nah, Japan. Nah.

Translation: Im here to fuck chads but you betas feel free to contact me. I wont fuck you but we can be friends and you cucks are welcome to pay for my shit while hoping for a chance with me because Im not a whore like other women here teehee xoxoxo

so racist

Why you so insecure,James?

Well it's true? Why do you think so much anime takes heavy inspiration from, and often explicitly set in, Europe?

Why do you think so many of the women and love interests are blonde? And if not, they all have the cuhraaazyyyy colorful hair?

All the squinty-eyed, black haired characters are boring because, lets be honest, in Japanese animation, they all look the same, even more so than real life.

Anime is often just Japanese culture and ideas slapped onto a more interesting western-inspired setting with blank-slate looking characters that don't alienate the primary Japanese audience, while still not appearing asian, because squinty eyes just arent appealing, ESPECIALLY in animation. That's why anime has freakishly large eyes all the fucking time.

And failing miserably at it.

Woman realizes she cannot virtue signal without some black friends and is bitterly jealous of her friends who do have diverse groups of friends so she creates an attention seeking tinder. She will end up impregnated. Woops. At least it's the ultimate virtue signal.

make a phony perfect white guy account
make her hopes
and then let her down

You can't into anime.

Most of Anime characters aren't even blonde.
Anime characters having colorful hair because it's easy to distinguish for autdience.

Why whites care about anime characters race so much?
Also white people aren't attractive as anime characters.

>Most of Anime characters aren't even blonde.
well it might be like that because they look like shit being blonde desu, but i watched few anime movies in my life so i am no expert.

>I'm pro black
Why are western women suicidal pol?

I don't care about race in Anime. I don't even watch it, but I do play some Jap vidya. If anything, I was just pointing out that the girl you posted looks nothing like an anime character that you compared her too.

And funny you accuse me of caring about anime characters race, when it seems you have a bigger problem with real life race.

>white people aren't attractive as anime characters.
This just reeks of it. Plus that picture you posted.

Besides, neither are asians. My whole point is that anime characters are attractive because they have very simple features that are aesthetically appealing. If you don't think they look white, then whatever. They sure as shit don't look anything close to asian though.


You expected anything different?

>once you go black you're a single mom
Unfortunately lotta dumb bitches have to learn the hard way

Mixed babies are cute.


And we're the ones who pay for it


Hi, there. I'm dean and headmaster here at the School of Life. We do not have Ms. Kohlbrenner listed in our ledger of students, and we do not appreciate her trying to enhance her own damaged image by invoking the name of our institution. According to the Database of Student Enrollment, Eugenie has only attended one school: The Poor Decision Institute of Technology (PDIT), where she earned decent marks, but then took up wingsuit flying with a minor in negro sex, resulting in her leaving school.

LOL, she seems to live the dream. Shitty furniture, nigger kids who look nothing like her, no man there to raise them, meaning their genetically determined low IQ and impulsive disorder will spiral out of control and violence once they hit puberty. How can a woman that on the outside looks perfectly normal be so fucking dumb?

nice one

unfortunately it means cabbage burner and not coal burner