Has meme magic gone too far?


>Baltimore 'Mom of the Year' made famous for smacking her rioting son is now HOMELESS after he accidentally burns house down while frying chicken tendies

>The Baltimore woman dubbed 'mom of the year' in 2015 is now homeless thanks to her son accidentally setting a fire.

>Toya Graham, 43, received the highest praise from the likes of celebrities to President Obama when she was caught on live television smacking her teen son, Michael Graham, who was throwing rocks at police in protests for the death of Freddie Gray.

>Gray's neck was broken while he was handcuffed and shackled but left unrestrained in the back of a police van. His 2015 death set off protests and the worst riots in decades.

>Now, more than a year later, Michael accidentally started a fire in the kitchen on Saturday afternoon that destroyed the family's home.

>The 17-year-old says he was frying chicken tenders and stepped away to use the restroom.

What have you done Sup Forums? you burned down this poor woman's home, now they gonna need more money for dem programs.

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This woman i like, black or not. My mother would have done the same to me if i was acting stupid.
But the son should have died in the fire. Good riddance.

I don't think this is meme magic. Nobody's memed her in ages, and never in relation to tendies. Looks like dumb luck.

>it's okay when blacks discipline their kids, disregarding the huge amount of physical abuse in black communities

I had two friends in a social study who once said that it's your fault as a parent if you even need to discipline your child. Of course then it's about whites.

hol' up

you can make tendies at home???

>Making Tendies


boy golly gee!
i am sure am gladdened we have all this free speech!
even free to speak as far off topic and as often as we want!

>smack son
>make him angry and helpless
>go throw rock on cops
>smack some more

what a cure!

>>it's okay when blacks discipline their kids, disregarding the huge amount of physical abuse in black communities

It is. That's how niggers learn.
Different kids need different education. She is probably uneducated and a single mother,and her son is a dumbass. She did all what she can.

The White House commended her during a press conference, if you could let that sink in

I think they referred to it as "love and passion". That's what wife beaters used to say.


Niggers have no morality you have to brutalize them to get them to listen to you and nigger parents know this.

>those fucking ripped genes

literally literally cancer

Guess the anarchist should have paid for "Firemen Gold Package(™)".

Wasn't this the guy who was filmed cutting the firehoses during the riot?

Oh because that is working so well my tax free friend.

Niggers are obviously always getting more peacefull and virtuous with all that slapping around.

This changes everything

It's hilarious that now disciplining your kids is deemed commendable in the black community. Says a lot about the expectations in the nigger community.

kinda sucks for the mom though

whats more sad is that a black parent disciplining their child achieved national attention

How did he make tendies if his neck was broken and he died?

Spare the rod spoil the child.
Correct parenting means enduring the pain of disciplining your child.

It's true when mom told me that it hurt her more than it hurt me. And that is true in multiple levels. But fear of authority and ultimately God, is a good thing.

Tendies were a mistake

>I had two friends in a social study who once said...

Have those two friends ever tried raising a nigger boy? I didn't think so.

This mother was likely doing everything she could do to raise her son right given her circumstances. I doubt she's college educated, I doubt she had a great career, I doubt she even has a husband to help her. That mother cares for her son and was trying to correct him in the best way she knew how. That's more than we can say about many deadbeat parents.

I might be biased though, because my mother beat the shit out of me as a kid. And I deserved it every time, just like this kid did.

The single mother of six was left homeless after the same son, Michael Singleton, started an accidental fire that displaced the family Saturday.

Surprise surprise surprise

Omg my fucking sides

They've raised 56k in two days and going up. Looks like nigger mum and son are playing it smart after all.

comedy gold

>Telling kid to not throw rocks at police
> Mother of the year

obvious this boy was exposed to too much white sex (deviant homosexuality)


the Jews have degenerated White civilization so much that this is considered exceptional parenting. The real mother of the year would have hung her child, implying that she didn't discipline him to never go riot in the first place.

>I can't read
Please tell me this is a poorly constructed bait

>18:05 minutes into the video
>"Let's see what Plato has to say.. now y'all heard of Plato right.. the Roman philosopher?"
>Roman philosopher

Yeah, time to shut the video off. Look, if you're going to come up with a load of bullshit that you want to trick people into believing, then at least take the time to do some "google search scholarship" to get simple factual statements in your video right. That way, when you craft a narrative of bullshit, it can be wrapped neatly around historically or scientifically accurate facts/statements. That's how competent people weave tales of bullshit.

This guy couldn't even go through the effort to do just that. It shows that he's not even committed enough or good enough at the one thing he wants to fucking do in his life.

C- , not enough effort

The cure is the humiliation of doing it in public, not the beating. Having your mom disrespect you like that when you're trying to be a hard nigga is the ultimate trump card.

Why do you think the house burned down?


The punishment fit the crime. When I was young I would get a spanking if I hit someone. It was logical and fair.