Just reminding you none of this shit matters
Just reminding you none of this shit matters
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I blame women.
but we were created in god's image
There are other worlds than these.
It's all about putting things in perspective
Let go Canada.
Why is it that I feel that shit is hopeless. Here I am fighting a battle unlikely to be won and even if I do survive there is ultimately no point eventually I die as everything including the universe itself will
The weeds always take over the garden. It almost seems like there is no point to my existence I sometimes feel there's nothing to even wake up for.
Have I gone too far? In my quest for the truth have I removed all the joy from everything?
>implying you can prove that
But doesn't that imply these things are important and should be preserved because they might be unique to humans in the entire universe?
Same here.
Zen buddhism is my only refuge.
Yes, sometimes you don't have the answers to everything and there is no way to know for sure if there is a meaning to things happening around you.
But you are alive and have atleast some power to changes the things around you, sometimes even people to get on a track which makes you happy. Make what you will of the live you still have.
Preserved for what, for whom?
For other humans
>space is 99% black
God isn't an obese, balding 40 year old.
So they too can experience them and excel within them just as we did
No, the firmament is the glass dome over the (flat) Earth, which prevents space travel
It must really be depressing to have no beliefs.
All of it matters.
>sickle cell
That's nice
A thing is not beautifull because it lasts, its beautifull because it doesnt.
but where does the new water come from and why didn't all the sharks fall of the earth already
Why haven't you kys yet?
>tfw the feeling that you're so tiny and insignificant is still kind of spooky
>also the feeling that other people exist in their own head too
Does this ever end? It doesn't bother me, but it's always a weird feeling
>none of this shit matters
that's all matter, my friend.
oh my god too universe exist, wonder are there anymore kebab countries
what dis mean hermano
>implying alien civilizations won't have classes, religions, races and ideologies
>implying some animals don't have a concept of territorial control or tribal hierarchy, essentially the precursor to nations
if you drink enough from glasses made by scientists you'll start to believe in god
Oh your a coward.
Don't expect anyone to take your nihilism seriously when you are still up and about and wearing clothes and spouting your bullshit opinions.
Except all of it matters.
All of it.
Because it is matter.
>implying all of you aren't just fragments of my mind
>implying life isn't just a narrative that I subconsciously created
But it does
We are conscious, we are the universe reflecting itself. Being conscious in an almost entirely nonsentient universe is wonderful and worthy of investigation.
If you assume that what is meant is that those things should be eliminated because they exist in the mind, you are not very bright.
The fact that they are cognitive constructs means they can be relatively easily changed and adapted.
A species that wants to actually survive will adapt its cognition to encourage off world expansion.
None of this means putting dindus in charge or mudslimes in power or letting whores run the planet.
It simply means you need to make rational choices to ensure the enduring perpetuation of our species, one way or another.
A unified planet is impossible right now. A cooperative effort at off world colonization is not. Done right, you really could have an all white, non-degenerate colony or even world.
It's time to choose wisely. If we want to solve or problems, we must shift the focus of this planet and this species. Anything brown or degenerate that cannot keep up with the rest of us can simply starve.
Your mind isn't capable of coming up with such great memes you faggot.
Nah bro I'm real.
But it's just you and me, everyone else is a fake.
Technically.. no. (assuming talking about universes, if not disregard this post, though obviously there are other planets)
I believe parallel universes are a manifestation of the universe constantly expanding and contracting.
Because TIME contracts and expands too.
You'd be comparing universes that are relative to the same repeated fragment of time.
I basically take it as a way of saying that basic science will disprove things like the Bible, but things like quantum physics can only exist by a Divine Creator
>pale blue dot
>0 of 0
>mfw I've actually seen the light at the end of the tunnel
But yea it's most probably not about me and morals and shiet. It's pretty abstract and non-human.
Ok Schlomo
Do you think the feeling of death is similar to the feeling of going into a k-hole?
>>implying all of you aren't just fragments of my mind
But we are user.
Technically we are all part of one system. We collectively are the mind, the conscience, of that system.
So "we" (you and me as seperate bodies) are technically fragments of "our" (the system's) mind that "we" (the system) has created.
Remember the holy trinity? I think that doctrine is still valid. We are father(well.. sorta), son, holy spirit.
Its about the individual and whole.
yes yes race exists, calm down this is Sup Forums you idiot
Sup Forums's trafic went up this month.
We have legit summerfaggery going on.
Can you stop ruining this thread
Kek, exactly. It is extraordinary how stupid they are.
You can't ruin something that is already shit m8.
Then how about you leave?
>yfw this is all simulation and deep down you always suspected it
You first m8.
>quoting capeshit
GTFO toothpaste
Delete the account
pff meaningless words, go walk with your lastest faggy fragance coat and your snob can and tip that fedora. fucking cancer joke. i'm glad this excuse of a philosopher is dead. what a fucking snob piece of shit.
What do you mean by sickle cell?
For reference, I never saw the picture before.
Actually, my edgelord friend, discovery, knowledge and scientific progress has inherent value, so it does matter.
>b-b-b-but subhumans on earth are poor! We have to share the wealth! We can't waste money on silly things like science!
OK so race exists. The point is how much are you going to make of it, and how accurate are your determinations. What constructs do you form with regard to race?
There are hundreds of trillions of atoms in our eyes, each formed in the core of a star billions of years ago and billions of miles away.
Today when we observe a star they are utilised to witness that exact same process, its a strange sense of irony that we are the universe experiencing itself.
And beyond that, the universe trying to understand and comprehend itself.
That depends.
If we are the only life in the universe. (Which is extremely likely given the fermi paradox) We are ALL that matters.
Humanity is the only part of the universe that comprehends itself. Remember we aren't a seperate entity from the universe itself. We are part of it. We are a conscious piece of the universe. And more than likely the only conscious part of the universe.
The argument is that we are the only thing that matters in the universe.
>beer goggles philosophy 101
>Actually, my edgelord friend, discovery, knowledge and scientific progress has inherent value
The meaning doesn't come into it.
It's the experience that counts.
Meaning merely helps us or satisfies our experience of life.
There is no meaning to something that is chaos incarnate.
>we are the universe experiencing itself.
im gonna puke again for seeing this shit sentence again and again everywhere
>And beyond that, the universe trying to understand and comprehend itself.
This and it's glorious!
>he doesn't have a portal gun
see, thats the problem here, you can't go anywhere you want to go
or even if you devolved your own, which you probably didn't but whatever even if you did, i bet you cannot detect for certain that the destination is safe
your whole thread is a joke
Get used to it because that's the ultimate redpill you materialistic hedonist piece of shit
Now go and whine about your insignificant petty life
cool pic
>none of this shit matters
to whom?
Here's the thing though.
Liberals still use this as their excuse when ANY experience is all that matters.
Furthermore, their lifestyle DESTROYS the experience if it is adhered to by society.
Hence why facism and natsoc are unmovable political systems. It's the best system we've created so far.
But, I think we can do even better.