This video was taken yesterday, in the most diverse neighborhood in Finland (Itäkeskus, Helsinki)
Videos of nigs nogging in Finland are popping up faster than usual, especially in that neighborhood things are getting pretty heated.
This video was taken yesterday, in the most diverse neighborhood in Finland (Itäkeskus, Helsinki)
Videos of nigs nogging in Finland are popping up faster than usual, especially in that neighborhood things are getting pretty heated.
Other urls found in this thread:
I am going to fucking come to Finland with my landwhale american ass and crush those fucking nignogs and their reign of terror.
Thank you my fellow burger :)
Helsinki is like Sweden but smaller. Full of faggots and niggers.
This is so lame. What are they even fighting about?
Why am I overcome with anger whenever I see these disgusting rats invading European countries?
>we wuz europe too
What are they saying?
Looks like Sweden
I don't understand half the words the nigger is shouting, just something about the fight itself
>ever peceful
They deserve it, specially when leftist get bullied by muslims and niggers
If you can't even work out and defend yourself form a nigger then you don't deserve your country
Please translate to God's language, English, so we understand why the chimp out happened.
No matter how much of a shithole Ukraine is, if shit ever gets like this in the US, that's where Im moving back to.
race war now
>so we understand why the chimp out happened.
Lets see...
Hes a chimp, he is outside and he chimps out.
I liked Helsinki when I visited it some years back
All of the women were fucking gorgeous
Only place I've ever been with more beautiful women is Gothia
Look how those SJW's held the fat white guy but left the Somalis go.
There is no hint to how the fight started in the video, but I heard that what happened was that the white dude fighting has some supposed connections to anti-Islamic organizations and groups and then the nigger recognized him and got angry
Damn, always thought Finland was least cucked scandinavian country except for Iceland
Things that are not familiar look better to new eyes, once they are familiar their magic is dead.
Just nuke helsinki for fucks sake.
I hate somalis and other shit tier niggers so much and I don't know what I could do other than straight up murdering them and that's really not an option.
Neither say why they are fighting. The fat ugly finn has pepper spray at the start and then starts to taunt the nigger to hit him. Then they brawl until nigger gets pepper spray. Then his boyfriend comes from behind. Then those retards think the nigger or ugly red fat one has brass knuckles.
So nothing important. Classic they in suburb
Finnish people look like literal memefolk.
and Funlanders said, they have no community events or social life xD
If your nogs didn't originally exist in your country for the purpose of slave labor then you have no excuses for letting them in
Maybe they just thought he was a pig and therefore haram
The last energy drink.
Its a battel to the death.
Thunderbenis 2016!
>swedish humor
What did the fatty in the red hat do? Why are those cucks detaining him?
Could be but I've traveled the globe and spent years living in places ranging from Germany to the Philippines and there's just something about Nordic women that hits me in all the right places
(lähi)itäkeskus :D
wtf finnish perople fight like little girls
I seen other vids of finnishh men getting rekt by weaker looking foreingers
why are finnish people so weak and cant fight?
jesus, why's everyone punching like a girl?
ES :DDDD Minä olen sinappi ahah
what drop on ground?
He did alright in that fight, though he was way bigger.
Mongolian people aren't known to be very good fighters in this day and age.
That's a typical day in Itis
the tolerance
lots of albanians here
No reason
the best universities are in helsinki/espoo
it's cause of autism mate
Swedes otoh won't even fight, they just present their anus to their nigger overlords.
>Some bogans and niggers involved in a fight
How about some context so people won't get angry for fucking nothing.
You fuckers are my favourite posters. Please tell me Finland is alright. I will shoot thunderbolts out of my asshole to protect your antisocial, alcoholic little shithole.
lol fucking white whites
shit meant weak whites
Yfw Civilian Police patrol Itäkeskus
sori seurustelen vain ketsupin kanssa
This is true.
Most of the homicides happen with guns/axes/knives.
Finnish Roma are born to be combat fighters.
>Be European
>Get raped/attacked by muslim
There is always a reason why, even if it's a nonsensical one.
To help other anons they need the most info to help avoid becoming a victim and the more chimpouts they see the better they can sense an impending one and avoid them or prepare themselves.
Oletico nähnyt EBIN sinappia missään ?
This was also taken in Itäkeskus
Not really in here tho. And that was a nigger, I thought you had a couple of those over there, yes?
>One incident that isn't even worth mentioning happens between a nigger and a finn
>Say goodbye to a peaceful Finland
Eh, idk about that, Lalli
It's interesting that the whites are actually fighting back and winning in the video.
OP is a country bumpkin and thinks this is something new in East Helsinki. It's full of Somalis, Finnish Roma, narcomaniacs and other criminals and white trash, it's normal.
You meant white males
Import 3rd world people, import 3rd world problems.
If you want a preview of what Europe will look like in the future check out South Africa.
The only difference being that public executions will become the norm
>can't even fuck up a malnourished 16 yo Somali
pathetic fight desu, that black kid was skeleton tier
welcome to the wonderful world of diversity!
>What are they even fighting about?
how whitey beez racist an sheeit
>What are they saying?
fuk u cracka muhfuggah, u owes me gibsmedats, whurr dem whitey wimminz be at? muh dik bix nood
>Please translate to God's language, English
ooga booga
>interesting that the whites are actually fighting back and winning in the video.
fun fact: nothing new, Ameri-bro. Our forefathers fought back and won in the USA for hundreds of years until the (((tolerant left))) showed us the errors of our racist ways.
excellent point!
Can't have a First World nation with a Third World population.
>Dutch and British imported themselves in Southern Africa
>Brought centuries of technological advancement in architecture, agriculture, education etc
>Shitskins imported themselves in Europe
Life is sour
How does it feel to be white in middle of niggers?
Well the capital is getting rekt soon by mudslimes and niggers but overall the situation is ok in Finland now.
If the scum keeps just coming were completely fucked in 5-10 years.
overreacting like always
good to see palestine is still existing
Some Finnish Romani(different than gypsies, they've been here for centuries) are fine, they do more crime but mostly they fight each other for vendetta and if you don't stick your nose in their business they let you live in peace too.
They're also good singers I often go to karaoke bar near my place and they sing there.
i fucking hate romas. they gipsy tier level of disgusting fucks.
South Africa was a first world country before the niggers took over, you should look into it sometime before you spout nonsense.
Ask one of the Swedes
What do I see here..
>finland Sup Forumstards get culturally enriched - the vid
Show yourselves
fuck am. all romani i have meet are fucking mental assholes. i rather spent time with a pack of niggers than those scum.
Come home white man.
and so it begins
PS:Nigger threw the first punch. Off to jail with him.
That's what I was saying you fuck nugget. Sorry if it wasn't clear
Fuck. The only countries I see weathering the storm are the Baltic states.
There will be blowback and it will be messy. From what I understand, Finns are pretty patriotic and willing to defend their country in times of crisis. Are you Finns armed?
yes, thats a problem.
however, that finn had that red hat faggot as backup atleast.
and im surprised the rest of the niggers had the decency to stay out of a 1v1, until redhat got involved.
Except we actually treated them not like shit, so yea your theory falls apart there faggot.
Raikku ties the synthesizer into a knot
They are the worst scum. Would rather have abos than them
I have a good Finnish friend and you all seem alright. Except for all the licorice. Salmiakki is... an acquired taste.
Please don't get nigger infested
You just have bad family near you
If you have good family, they work like spiders, they keep out the scum
It's the Roma code that you if you see a guy from another Roma family that has vendetta with your family, you must start a fight, so they just keep away from each other
Salmiakkikossu is the drink of gods
is that all the taxi drivers of helsinki lining up for a photo?
our roma are legit and fking patriotic to the finnish flag
they will stand with us against the nigger and mudslime hordes as some of our finest shock troops.
come on, the white guy is being the nigger first here - if you pull out mace you do it to defend yourself, you don't do it just because you are having an argument and then pursue someone with it
No it's our future tango singers and horsemen
>Except we actually treated them not like shit
Hahaha Jan, you think Ahmed is going return the favour?
Did they do anything to the meme factory?
My childhood friend was a roma, cool guy always had a mora in his jacket though.
They were arguing before he took it out. No idea what led to him taking it out.