Why is it such a problem to build a wall along Mexico? It'll have zero impact on legal immigration

Why is it such a problem to build a wall along Mexico? It'll have zero impact on legal immigration.

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If there aren't illegals coming in, rich liberals wouldn't be able to exploit them in order to have someone landscape the yard at their mansion for below minimum wage.

Did you not read the second sentence

Those aren't legal immigrants.

The point is the Democrats have been losing more and more elections 2014 was a disaster they are literally importing voters illegally

Libs are pro-illegal immigration. They think it's wrong on principle for the US to prevent people from freely coming and going.

So they are going for the sympathy vote, rather than uphold the law immigration?

those two don't usually go together

Because it wouldn't do anything. What needs to happen is persecution of employers who knowingly or not hire illegals.

Look at California, which is 40% spic now. While the GOP was bitching about immigrants they would never, EVER, crack down on the farmers bribing Sheriffs to look the other way. When their champion, Ronald Reagan, won he gave them all a fucking Amnesty because the farmers wanted to break the United Farm Workers (which they were mostly successful in doing). The GOP continued to be run by neocons until this year.

Don't kill the immigrants. They're just dumb, mindless drones. Kill the Jew, and all farmers that step out of line. String them up on telephone poles as a warning to others.

On a functional basis, it doesn't work. Cartels and coyotes will build tunnels or ramps to BTFO the wall.
Trumpkins will cite Israel but Israel still cries about Hamas tunnels. We will get zeta tunnels.
But hey the federal government does everything well so we can trust them to build a wall without stranding farmers in the other side because the federal government does everything well.
It's a huge load of bullshit but it's the bullshit we voted for.

No they have illegals vote in election which is why they oppose voter ID laws so much

Because it's a complete line of politically incorrect bullshit fed to the racist white conservative voting block specifically to fracture the republican party so thoroughly it won't see the white house for another 24 years.

Trump's real angle, whence you deconstruct all the social media horse shit surrounding him, is that he is a stereotypical democratic, liberal billionaire who currently exploits the third world for cheap manufactured goods, has always in the past and has plans to expand that exploitation by means of 30,000,000 illegal Hispanics given amnesty here within our own borders.

Illegal immigration has been decreasing since the Great Recession and most illegal immigrants are here on expired visas anyway. It would also ruin our relationship with Mexico, and even though most people here are like, "Hurr durr spics, who cares," they're our third largest trading partner in the world. Also it would be a waste of money even if Mexico could afford to build it, which they can't. Maintaining it and manning it wouldn't be free.

>Illegal immigration has been decreasing since the Great Recession

It's actually going up again.


> it would be a waste of money even if Mexico could afford to build it, which they can't.


You know the wall will have passive ground penetrating radar hubs and detect such disturbances, this has already been talked about.

and drone surveillance in general to detect ramps and movement along the wall -- once detected border wall goon squads will be dispersed

The problem is actually that hispanic immigrants aren't natural conservatives. The countries they're from tend to be more socialist oriented. Bringing in a huge number of these people inherently means that the GOP can't win anymore. Being nice to them won't change a thing. Only Cubans like Cruz and Rubio are more or less conservative.


>he is a stereotypical democrat, liberal

George Takei claims that Trump is still against same-sex marriage, even though he attended one. If Trump is a democrat, Chris Christie is one as well.

Because the opium being shipped over the border is too exploitable for big pharma.

The usual cycle of opium abuse is:
>Pain meds are prescribed (most are derivatives of opium)
>Pain meds abused
>Tolerance builds
>User seeks a more potent high
>Tries heroin
>Gets hooked
>Attempts to get clean (or die)
>Prescribed suboxone/methadone
>$$$ in the door and out with the middleman getting their pay (cartels).

Also, Clinton and the Dems propagated the very same things not that long ago.



>recruit veterans as private wall security
>drones for autopatrolling
>tunnels? Seal them or flood them.

We have technology that makes this a moot point.

Most liberals in the US are middle class/wealthy people who grow up in comfortable neighborhoods. You're either that or extremely poor in an urban area because you vote to get welfare