Moving to Oz

My dad is Australian (from Queensland), which means I've inherited the passport from him. I've only been twice, and both visits were before I was redpilled, or really paid attention to much of anything.

How are things in Oz, though? I'd like to move there some not-so-distant day.

What cities are best? Which ones are the most based/least cucked? Which ones don't have shitty laws like Sydney?

America is better stay there

>shitty laws like sydney
The shitty laws are everywhere. But they're far less enforced in rural or country areas.
And the Northern Territory, but living there comes with it's own set of problems which you'd have to decide for yourself if it's worth it or not.

What are you after?

Avoid the east coast entirely, it's a multicultural leftist shithole and all eastern states have cuck laws like "duty to retreat."

Adelaide is far and away the best city in Australia, just make sure you avoid the rest of South Australia. It might have the most uncucked laws but the small towns are all shit.

Don't come here, Australia is shit. Melbourne and Tasmanian are where the uber cucks live. Chads and Stacey's all live in Queensland. Sydney is full of mudslimes and niggers. Perth, Adelaide, Darwin and any other cities/towns are shit holes.

Most cucked cities, in order

>Full of SJW types, Sudanese gangs, Chinks, rainy and cold, ludicrously expensive

Sydney (home city)
>Full of Chinks, Lebs, ludicrously expensive

Then Canberra, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, etc.

Basically he bigger the city, the more cucked it is.

Then again, in every city, if you avoid the dead centre (filled with Chinks) and the outskirts (poor people and immigrants), there are plenty of nice white areas with beautiful beaches and nature

Hobart gets a special mention from me, worth checking out. Queensland and WA are probably the most red-pilled states overall.


Would a degree from an American university be commonly accepted by an Australian employer?

I dunno desu. If Shillary wins I'd like to get out as soon as possible. Australia is the easiest exit for me, since I have the citizenship.

Obviously I'd love to run off to Europe, and live off some internet business, but I don't have a European passport.

I haven't really thought this through; it's more of a daydream after thinking and realizing I'm a year or so away from finishing college, and I don't want to live like a total normie: work, work more, get married, get cucked, retire, and die.

Any reasonably large city (I know the population tends to be concentrated into small spots with the rest of the country left empty) would do.

Just how bad are small towns and rural Australia? White trash everywhere?


>Is a citizen
