User, let's pretend you are in charge of the Spider-office at Marvel

user, let's pretend you are in charge of the Spider-office at Marvel.

Slott ends his run after this Clone Shit Electric Bogaloo mini and you have to come up with a new direction and assign talent to the books as followed:

Three Spider-books (Amazing, Spectacular, Sensational etc; two of these HAVE to feature Parker) and three spin-off books. Think realistically as in DC exclusives and guys like Millar are off limits.


Peter Parker's now asian.

Spider-Man has sex with Bendis.

I want spiderman to start robbing banks.

like for real, being "hard up for cash and maybe even having a drug habit" desperation type crime. I want comic books to show how the system doesn't work.

bring in a new spider man, who is louder, angrier, and has access to a time machine

I want captain america to be a junkie vietnam vet with PTSD and flashbacks.

I want Superman to be a closet fascist who collects nazi memorabilia and gay porn and is a straight up hardcore s/m fetishist faggot.

I want Iron Man to be a coked up rockstar billionaire military contractor who doesn't know shit about technology.

Hire Simon Hanselmann to make his sexy Spider-Man book.

Kill off Peter, Miles (in an exceedingly embarrassing fashion because fuck Deus Ex Venom Blast) and Gwen.

All Miguel, all the time.

>robutts r gay

Aw, hell yeah nigga, spiderman 2099!

Once again confirming I have no idea whats actually popular or what kids want. (Where's my Shandling Pepe?!?)

Robbie Thompson on the Parker books; have Peter lose his money or have his business discredited or something to get rid of Parker Industries. Maybe a corporate takeover from Alchemax, or something. Get him a job as a university lecturer, and try to rebuild his supporting cast. Spidey can keep going; would that count as a core book or a spinoff?
Get someone else on Miles Morales. I'm going to throw a dart at a board and say... G Willow Wilson. Or, fuck, how about Chris Hastings? "Literally anyone but Bendis", I think.
Dunno if Thompson would be overworked by doing Spidey AND two Spider-books AND Silk. She deserves better than to fade into obscurity, but she also doesn't deserve to have her book go to shit, as it might with Thompson on.
Give Spider-Gwen to... Kelly Thompson (no relation)? Why the fuck not, she's doing well enough on Jem and could probably handle the teen girl drama.
And, uh, let's go with... Mayday. Retcon the death of her parents, give her to... Conway? Or, hell, you could bring back DeFalco.
>Amazing Spider-Man (university lecturer Peter) - Robbie Thompson
>Spectacular Spider-Man (Miles Morales doing Miles Morales things) - G. Willow Wilson
>Spidey (young Peter adventures) - Robbie Thompson
>Silk - Robbie Thompson
>Spider-Gwen - Kelly Thompson
>Spider-Girl - Gerry Conway

Amazing: Ewing.
Spectacular: Ewing.
Sensational: Ewing.

Spin offs books all by Ewing too.

yeah, cause that won't cause burnout or anything.

>Wasting Ewing on the Spider books
If we have to shove him into one corner of the universe, can't it be the X-Men? I'd rather have him take over all the Avengers books, though.

fuck comic books.

comic books are fucking fascist.

Avengers belong in the fucking garbage can.

Ewing works best when he's got a wide spectrum of lore and characters to draw from. That's best on team books, especially diverse ones like the Avengers. He wouldn't do as well on Spider-Man or X-Men, because he'd be drawing solely from the Spidey and X-Men character pools rather than the entire MU.

Okay, you have a point.
So, i give Fantastic Four and Cosmic universe to Ewing.

Who can write this?

Both of Robbie Thompson's current Spider books are fantastic. Give them to him, he's already proven he can handle it.

"Main" Book:Scholastic/Sensational Spider-Man:
Peter Parker uses his rich money to finance a super hero school, but one unaffiliated with Shield or the Avengers, or the X-Men. There is no Spider-Academy team, no fast-track into superheroics, just a place where people with powers can go for the support they need to learn to control their abilities and get a damn good education, that understands the necessities of super-heroics.

A place where you dont have to worry about people chasing you or hating you , where your safe from the J.J.Jamesons of the world.

Miles can go here, Kamala can go here, it can be the new marvel sueprschool to tell super teen stories.

OBVIOUSLY everyone going to the school has a secret identity so they learn what its like to have a normal life.

The main book focuses on Peter setting up the school and making it safe from both supervillains and shield. He would have himself as science teacher, and hire someone else to be

Second Book: "Amazing Spider-Academy/Spectacular Spider-School" - A team book focusing on the "A-List" teen superheroes going to Spider-Academy. Miles, Kamala, probably Sam/Nova too, he needs the help. Maybe Aracaly and Mania too, with Kain as a teacher and Flash turning up to look for Andrea/Mania after the end of Space Knight, but she has found other people to help her already, and he eventually ends up as a teacher.
Peter features as the head of science, and a team leader for "rooftop level" super-teens.

Third Book: Pure Carnage: Cletus/Carnage tries to follow the instructions in the Darkholde to ressurect Cthon/get more power to do whatever he wants. To do so he has to fulfill steps/prophocy culminating in a resurection/sacrifice ritual on a hidden mystic island. The ritual requires the sacrifice of his most loved one and the most loved one of his greatest enemy, so he kidnaps Mary Jane (along with several other people to hide his tracks). Once Tony Stark (who i think is still dating MJ?) and Peter work out whats going on they try to rescue her, after meeting up with the group tracking Cletus in his book and the re-formed Darkhold Redeemers. They fail, and Cletus stabs his loved one and MJ through the chest with the same magic knife. Except Cletus is an idiot, and it turns out his idea of his most loved one was himself, and the magic knife seems to kill him, ending the ritual. MJ however survives, and gets a fragment of the Carnage symbiote imbued with mystic power. This story continues in the spinoff four (which starts when spin off three spider-man/deadpool ends), The Curious Spider-Tiger.

Spin-Off Four: The Curious Spider-Tiger: MJ partially reforms her fragment of Carnage with the help of the Redeemers, the once-envenomed staff of the Spider-Academy, Tony and Dr Strange to become Spider-Tiger (name under consideration) and fights of the resurected Carnage, who is pissed his plan failed, thinks its her fault because shes obviously not Peters "Most Loved One" and must have tricked him and wants the shard of his symbiot back. But he is not that angry, because the ritual DID give him new powers.

Spin-Off One: Wondrous Web-Warriors/Splendiferous Spider-Family: Peter Parker, Mary Jane Parker and May Day Parker (from a universe where they are the Splendiferous Spider-Family) become the core of a new group of Web-Warriors who campaign to save the spider-verse from inter dimensional threats. We learn the venom symbiotic is actually a symbiotic/parasitic life-form from the space between universes that exists in ALL universes to a greater or lesser extent (sometimes in just one individual), and the Klyntar are actually just a fragment with memory loss.

Spin-Off Two: Stupendous Spider-Gwen : Spider-Gwen is captured by shield and breaks out by bonding with a mysterious red and blue oozlike creature that becomes her new suit- The Ghastly Gwenom arc begins.

Spin-Off Three: Spider-Man/Deadpool: The Professorial Spider-Pool: Deadpool tries to become a teacher in the Spectacular Spider School. After Peter vehemently refuses, Wade starts his own school with blackjack and hookers, and random kids who respond to his Wades-List add for "teens who want to be superheroes (no catch no charge must not be missed)". Peter shuts down Deadpool Deadcadamy/Deadly Deadschool and folds the few kids who were good at it/now have permenant powers into the Spectacular Spider School, hiring Deadpool as a temp and guest speaker so he will stop (mainly as a negative example to the kids, it doesnt go as he would like).

>Sam and Kamala going to superhero school instead of normal school
Dropped. Miles being a spider-guy he's big on having a Secret Identity, so that wouldn't work for him either.

somehow i cut out a couple of sentances,

In Scholastic Sensational Spider-Man, Peter hires someone else to be the head of the Spectacular Spider-School, (maybe Carol/Cpt Marvel after her minority report shit fucks up and she needs something to keep her ass out of alchoholism/marvel wants to give her a big push before her movie)

In Spectacular Spider-School Flash turns up to look for Mania after the end of Venom Space Knight, he they link up with Peter and the Splendiferous Spider Family in the cross book symbiote arc, to help Gwen/Gwenom and MJ/Spider-Tiger (Maybe Red-Tiger? Maybe Shambles? Maybe something blood related?) get a hold of their powers, with Peter advocating removing the symbiotes, Flash advocating keeping and helping them. Then the Spider-Family turn up and inter-dimensional symbiote adventures happen. This mainly happens in the fourth spin off.

the point of the school is that its a superschool where there are LOTS of people with secret identities. Part of my idea was that all the students would be spread out over several schools in new york, with only Peter and the other super-teachers who act as temps at the schools being used know whos a super hero, and even then, not necessarily who is which superhero, just that these certain students are superheroes and may need additional help and support (and excuses for skipping class)

remember peter went through that shit too, part of my rational for him starting the school was him looking at how shit a lot of the other marvel super schools are about secret identities, and understanding they may want/NEED to keep their identities a secret.

So basically putting the word out that if ANY teen superhero finds Spiderman, he can make sure they get a good education and get to live some kind of normal life, even if its a wierd and stressful one.

"Not everyone can be an X Man, and teens sure as hell shouldn't have to deal with being Avengers. They need to live their lives first, even if a lot of us didnt get to. BECAUSE a lot of us didnt get to."

>Amazing Spider-Man with Peter Parker
>Sensational Spider-Man with Miles
>Spectacular Spider-Men (Peter and Miles)
>Spider-Man Team-Up (Spider-Man teams up with other Marvel heroes/villains).
>Old Man Spider-Man (like Old Man Logan, but with Spider-Man)

First of all i'd retcon one more day, slott isn't the only thing that's wrong with spidey since years ago BND sucks dildos
>amazing spiderman:
Goes back to normal numeration where brand new day left off, there's a huge timeskip tho, no need to explain everything, if bendis can forget so can we, anyway, peter and mj are together, may is dead, nobody remembers his identity, no more setting events, spidey goes back to having normal adventures and being a teacher, with occasional arcs to showcase his villains, with some surprising twists but nothing status quo changing
-Written by peter david, art by stuart immonen
>web of spiderman
This title focuses on putting spidey in the most strange (and maybe even scary) adventures,where black humor and sometimes surrealism meet
-Written by zeb wells, art by chris bachalo
>spectacular spiderman
Roger stern writes spidey at his leisure
-Written by roger stern king, rotating art by travel foreman and gabriel hernandez walta



>spiderman 2099
-Peter david still writing, just change the artist to rick leonardi
>black cat: burgars in the night
Black cat is joined by gambit to solve various crimes, will she be able to redeem herself?
-Written by gerry conway, art by ron garney, covers by terry dodson
>the impossible scarlet spider
Ben reilly is back , but how? Discover why in this series as our new spider fights against strange menaces straight from the silver age
-written by Grant morrison, art by john romita jr, covers by simon bisley

well i like it so far, even if marvel probably wouldnt O.K something that didnt at least build on what they had a little

My idea about MJ getting a bit of the Carnage symbiote was honestly part of a longer plan to get her and Peter back together without breaking character

I mean it works I guess but it doesnt tell us much

>Superior foes of Spider-man - Nior Eric Campbell
On top of dealing with Spider-man the foes now have to deal with the Heroes for Hire.
>Spider-Gwen - Rebecca Sugar
Gwen is visits the Fantastic Four and things start getting steamy with Human torch, but will that be enough to save them from Galacta.

>The amazing Spiderman
Black Cat made a deal with M, now she lives in a reality where her and Peter are together. Peter now wearing the black suit is a criminal he steals from the Avengers and Shield. They act like the Bonnie and Clyde of marvel. Things seem to be going perfect except one the Felicia is pregnant.

Spin Off
Alchamex- Alchamex has successfully cloned Spider-man rougue gallery in hopes of using them to find new renewable energy. The clones are now in their teens and are planning a break out when they get some unexpected help. The Runaways

>DC exlcusive
Pretty sure hes done Marvel work more recently than DC

Alright, let's do this.
>Spectacular Spider-Girl, either as it was when it ended, or altered to have Parker Industries. Either way, I want Mayday.
>Sensational Spider-Man 2099, so this would be the one that doesn't have Peter.
>Amazing Spider-Man, with Miles as Spidey and Parker as a mentor. Give Miles his own rogue gallery, but have some of Pete's show up from time to time. Maybe something like the new Blue Beetle comics?

And the three spinoff's:
>Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends (either have Nova and Ms. Marvel, or a Spider-Man version of Brave and the Bold.)

I have no idea about artists and writers, I haven't been keeping track of that stuff.

>three spin-off books.

Scarlet Spider with Yost
Bendis on Spider-Miles: Spider in Space where Miles Venom Blasts all the cosmic threats
Bendis on Klyntar: Klyntarier. A series wherein Bendis has to use the word Klyntar in every single bit of dialogue until he deeply and sincerely apologizes to the world for trying to saddle the Symbiotes with that dumb name,


Reboot Spider-Man with Peter Parker and make it a standalone series, with it not taking place in a retarded, Marvel "universe".

Stop tempting me with things I will never have