How many more photos like this are required to make you see that we need to do more to help desperate refugees?

How many more photos like this are required to make you see that we need to do more to help desperate refugees?

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For every million photos I see, it only takes one of mine to undo it.

How did you actually post a thread? Whenver I try post one last couple months it says our country's ISP range is banned from posting.

All of them


Not all Muslims are terrorists.

I'm banned from a couple of boards too for some reason, but not this one.

Poor kid so much orange it's like being at Holland football match.

Maybe we should send details help to redesign the colour of the ambulance.

>20 heartbreaking photos that'll make you say "fuck having borders and law and shit"

I can post replies to threads, but I can't post threads myself on Sup Forums or /vg/.

I can post threads on Sup Forums though.

I love seeing pictures of dead and injured Muslims and shitskins.

We should bomb more of them.

All of them

They need help. But in their own countries. I'm in to support them: sending food, figthing DAESH (supported by USA among others) and then help them build fix their infrastructure.

If everyone leaves their country (especially those with education and knowledge) and don't fight for it like the kurds... syria is going to remain as a shit hole


Many. My fap folder hasn't even reached a hundred gigabytes yet. I require many more pictures of dead, dying, and desperate muzzies.



I've never shitposted in my life though. Only posted actually contributing to real discussions on Sup Forums.

Help them what? Die?

Keep the pictures coming, if there's a channel to directly fund money to keep killing these Muslim shits then I will gladly donate.

When it's that far, maybe I'll consider it. Before then however - go fuck yourself.

Looks like a fucking nigger Grudge monster

If not all Muslims are terrorists then why haven't they made one secular terrorist free country

fuck off dingo fucker

>leftists using children to push their nation-wrecking agendas

These people have no shame.

WTF I want more refugees now.

What is this pic from

If USA and West Europe hadnt helped rebel goatfuckers war in Syria would have been finished 2 or 3 years ago

This kid should send his regards to Obongo, Cameron and Holland

The media who play the crocodile tears are financed by the same people who finance the war in these counrties. That's why I don't give a damn about this image. It's the same fore every aspect of life, Oh look this thing is EcoFriendly (but it was build by children in china) oh look an old nice grandpa is making the potatoes for mcdonnalds (but most of their stock comes from mosento who created tons of ecosystem problems and still carry on) lies, lies, lies, everywhere, everyone is fake as shit, we live in a delusion and we pretend that we are 'good' but we just exploit everything around us. So you have 2 choices, you fight for a better world, or you become cynical and don't give a shit. Anyway, why should we? Who said that the huumans is worthy? Sandniggers 2000 years ago in book filled with lies and modified 10,000 times to fit our current agenda? Sure.. fuck this.

Something that never happened.

our most popular newspaper also got the media memo that today asked for focus on poor syrians

>How many more photos
As many as you like. I'm not Jesus, I can't save everyone. All I can do is make the world a better place for those close to me.

How many more photos like this are required before people awaken to the Muslim menace that poses an unparalleled threat to Europe's future?

the west doesn't even care about them. There was a refugee camp that was ATTACKED by rebels.
A UN camp where people like picture seek refuge and the western powers can't even defand it. Sad.
and the result was media blackout

People need the facts.

how can it become a symbol so fast?

B-But he didn't even go to a Mosque, so he wasn't a true muslim.

nice try JIDF

Fuck off Melbourne.

Bomb them. Bomb them all.

>How many more photos like this are required to make you see that we need to do more to help desperate refugees?

I love it when western governments and media try to blame everyone but themselves for Syria spiraling out of control and act as if it's our fault they supported and propagandized the rebellion against Assad respectively and that now we, as in normal-ass people who never supported this shit ever because why the fuck wold we, need to take responsibility for it.


Fuck off you goddamn shill. Rapefugees are destroying Europe and you WANT more of them?!

You fucking disgrace

all media get a memo about what to write. I said it not as a joke in my previous post

Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi has a doctorate for Islamic studies in Quranic studies, BA, MA, and PhD in Islamic studies

you cant be more muslim than that, decent muslims are actually a tiny minority

Unfortunately not Syria or any other sandniggerland.



honestly the quickest way to win the war against islam is cut all the womens tubes and slit all the kids throats
then just wait
jobs a good un

Back in the day we were expected to look like that when we came home from a rugby match. Suck it up you little faggot.

Sadly most refugees are man in their prime who are pussies. And want welfare.

>14 heartbreaking photos that will make you say "fuck having borders and law and shit"

and white pussy

But it seems that a great majority of them find the acts of ISIS and other islamic terrorists acceptable or even great ....
And that's why they need to be deported .... just like your government dose friend.



Were the attackers refugees?


Still my fav.

Nice strawman.

Yes. Some came with the other sandniggers last autum straight outta syria. Two were born in Belgium.

how many refugees is your limit? it's higher than 0 right?

fuck you and your 'desperate' refugees. Putin is helping them find their way to their goatgod well enough.




Now, can we also see a picture of a little kid raped with a bruised face and blood dripping down his/her thighs from getting raped by a "refugee"? Can that become the symbol of mass migration?

There should be some rules about allowing refuges.

Man, GTFO!
Women aged 15-35 that are hot, and have tight pussies are welcome, other bitches GTFO!

>Born in Belgium
Then they're not refugees.
Also, the reports of torture are a rumor. The medical reports confirm that.

Somebody should ash that kid if hes jewish.

hello? one uncomfortable question and you're outta here?


All of them

They are second generation immigrants, fucking moron kike

I think it's a sign that we need to stop selling their monkey uncles weapons.

It's higher than zero, but I think the current flooding of refugees is unsustainable.

you can't show me a picture of a dead child and expect me want thousands of illiterate radical muslim men flood into my country you emotionally manipulative cunts.

give me a number. at what point would you say there's too many refugees coming in? 1k a year? 10k a year? 100k a year?

i see another wave is coming if they has started to drum up kid photos and like last time, its just 25yo dudes

they actually did a study on that, 65% of syrian refugees can't even read or write in their OWN language, let alone a second language.

what happened to all the doctors and engineers they promised us?

>what happened to all the doctors and engineers they promised us?

which dishonest fuckwit was promising that?

This, wait for it.


I smacked a pakki a few weeks back, If you send me cash I'll do it again!

Sandinigger engineers and doctors. Yeah they have shitload of these that is why Ex Yugo doctors and engineers go down there to make some money.