The Guardian: "Fuck having law and borders and shit"

The Guardian: "Fuck having law and borders and shit"

Literally the front page

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Fuck you guys, so sick of racists.

are you joking? what's wrong with racism
pls reply

What's wrong with being racist

Not Europe's fucking problem. Maybe China or fucking Africa can take them in or something.

European colonization destroyed these places, and now racists whites wont't take in the victims of their own colonialism and prejudice. I judge people on their actions, and most muslims are good, peaceful, and moderate, and I'm sick of seeing all this racism towards these refugees fleeing war because of their skin color. How cold hearted and sick.

>Muslims killing each other

Thank you USA for arming terrorists in the middle east since 2 decades so that this shit can happen.

Muslims destroyed those nations not colonialism

I believe in an 'Open door' policy for genuine refugees, but the door remains open for them to leave once the dust has settled.

America forces the orgy of nations and peoples.

do not reply to the troll

That's it, I'm importing 20 fighting-age Syrian men into my house to fuck my wife now.

>European colonization
Am, am, America literally bombed Europe into rubble.

Of course, all muslims did this, right. Again 99% of Muslims aren't in ISIS and are moderate and peaceful, they are fleeing war and just want to become part of our societies.

Do you think I was for that? I voted for Sanders and will be voting for Jill Stein in the general, and I was one of the first protesting the Iraq war.


Muslims sold themselves out for oil. Just like niggers sold thier own into slavery.

Damn, I've seen coalburners but this kid is the king of it

which is why I SUGGEST that the places that were colonized by whitey, i.e Africa and China should take these people in, they have tons of space and resources, much more than Europe, and they are not evil whitey that destroys their homes, so these refugees won't be afraid!

it's a win-win, and whitey can spend their time not invading anyomre, i mean don't you want wars to end? are you a war monger? why do you want to see more wars!

no more wars, no refugees for Europe, expel the ticking time bombs already here too.

>I voted for sanders

How does it feel to have your money taken by a con artist?

America invaded Europe first, don't blame Europe for America's world.

imagine if his parents stayed to protect him.
>and didn't leave the wife and children with isis...

the father is probably assaulting children in sweden.

Daily reminder that the democratic establishment currently in charge deliberatly allowed and fuels this war to happen because Obango doesn't like Assad.

Daily reminder you will be seeing far more of this under Hillary then Trump.

Daily reminder that their message is basically "Look at this problem we caused, vote for us to stay in power so we can fix our own problem that we secretly don't even see as a problem. But it sure makes you feel bad doesn't it? Keep voting for us or else you're a racist!"

Bernie has been fighting for the same things for over 40 years, he is maybe the only principled man in all of america politics,

>everybody knows 6 billion people a second die in the mediterranean sea and syria; nobody cares
>release one picture of a drowned/injured child; sheltered normie faggots lose their minds

Islam is not a race.

>walk by a pile of rubble
>see Syrian child trapped
>lock eyes for a moment
>use nearby rebar to push him in deeper


Shut the fuck up. Muslims treat everyone like shit, they live in their embattled exclusionary zones and treat everyone else as less than garbage. In whatever country they choose to invade and inhabit, they do the same by creating more hostile exclusionary zones.

When muzzies go to a western country, they are showered with free money, free housing, free everything and the media gives them a cozy little welcome. Fuck you, get the fuck out of my country you kike demon

99% of Muslims are moderate
>99% of Muslims are moderate
t. Muhammad

out of sight out of mind applies to normies usually

You think a symbol of the suffering of refugees being killed and ignored by racist run eurpoean countries is "just a picture for normies?" How sad.

How about sharing this "powerful image" from Nice, the left so desperately tried to avoid.

Seems like it's been a good year for photographers abroad taking pictures of dead kids and shit to go viral

Why not abolish welfare programs first THEN open borders?

>European colonization destroyed these places
But it didn't.

Fuck off shill.

Yeah, make the whole Europe like this too

Calm down Ahmed, did your wife get Alahu Snakbar'd?

Oh more "welfare queen" LIES from the racist right wing. When whites go on welfare they just fell on bad times, but when refugees who are peaceful and moderate are running from wars they are racist. How DARE YOU paint 1.6 billion people with such a broad brush, you're absolutely a racist piece of shit.

>Of course, all muslims did this, right. Again 99% of Muslims aren't in ISIS and are moderate and peaceful,
Yeah they just moderately and peacefully shoot each other in civil war.

even worse, they keep demanding that russia and syria lay down arms and let al-qaeda or isis take over

>$0.01 has been deposited in your account

>Thank you for helping to Correct the Record™!

>syrian refugees to euro countries
>blame America

I guess you have brain problems!

And he sold out to the establishment immediately after losing. Then he bought a 600K house. Really a great man right?

>being baited this easily
No wonders shills are staying.

So you can abuse this poor little guy for your political gain, but showing pictures of that little girl or even the others who were ran over in Nice is tasteless? Fuck off you hypocrites.

Came here to post this. Looks like we can add it to the list.

Top cunt.

>responding to low energy bait

Front page of CNN and with exact same picture.

There is no way in hell (((they're))) not coordinating all of this bullshit behind the scenes.

>implying I see turnover in the public housing two blocks away from my $750k townhome.

>99% of Muslims aren't in ISIS and are moderate and peaceful
I don't what's your definition of moderate and peaceful but is not mine, isis didn't create itself it needs a fertile territory of hate and fundamentalism and islam is a religion of hate and fundamentalism.


Wish he had died and got his head blown off so they couldn't use his photo as propaganda

Fuck you and your little sandnigger pets

Who said anything at all about white people you illiterate butthurt fuck?

Maybe they wouldn't be in these conditions if the christian right wing in america didn't invade Iraq. We complain about the "radical muslims" yet bush invaded iraq for god, isn't the US army the biggest terrorist group on earth?

>thank you militant Muslims for buying wepons from anyone and waging war on each other

*i don't know

Wtf. I love Assad now.

that's weird because ALL muslims are obliged to support sharia, else they are apostates

>maybe us army are the biggest terrorist group on earth
No that would be Muslims

Christian right wing in america invaded Germany and Japan. Don't see them fighting each other. Muslims gonna musli.

Most of that has to do with things like debt free lending, you can't just spread right wing lies without context.

You paint all whites as racist colonial oppressors.

So we will do the same right back.

I laugh every time a Syrian child dies

One less subverter

wtf i have civilized people now

You brag about voting for Trump and your 750k house, then you turn around and try to tell me white privileged doesn't exist.

and the (((BBC))) too

>Muh peaceful moderate beheaders
>Muh barrel bombs

Just look at drone strikes, randomly killing innocent people of color for the crime of not being white outside of america.


All this makes me think is that we need to kill everyone who isn't white and Western, so these creatures won't infest our civilization.

Sup Forums needs to grow a spine and take significant political actions.

Only Sup Forums can teach the West about true courage, Justice, and honor.

Grow a pair and do what is necessary.

t. Your mom's vagina

"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him, by force, to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his, then he will understand. But not before that. That is the tragedy of this situation of demoralization."

>Maybe they wouldn't be in these conditions if the christian right wing in america didn't invade Iraq.

so what has this got to do with Europe?

If you think EVUL America created this shithole that is the Middle East then why should Europeans care? Is it not your problem Bernie?

You can't be racist towards whites, racism is prejudice plus power.



>European Colonization

Oh great it's the "natives never did anything wrong" argument again

You're the only that started this

contra-narrative thread aren't you

Lol I already know Ben Shapiro, why would I listen to a right winger? Plus he is pro Israel, he is a racist, time to fucking free Palestine from the fascist apartheid state of Israel.

Europeans colonized these places before america bombed them, plus Europe is made of whites and whites STOLE AMERICA, remember?

>Muh rayciss Whitey
Kill yourself


Ad hominem. Information doesn't become untrue just because you dislike the source

Shows how brainwashed you are.

no dude, don't you see that syria was a paradise until the league of nations asserted its borders in 1923 as the ottoman empire collapsed???

The context is the growing wahabism that muslim countries suffer, islam is against everything good the world can give, muslim countries always pretend to teach something to the world when they have nothing to teach, just see those how those countries blindly trust imams they even impose the veil something that is not even written in the quran, and don't let me start on fatwas that those shit are the pinnacle of human stupidity.

Does anyone give a shit anymore?
I mean, sure, the media keeps pushing it, but I don't know anyone who actually comments on stuff like that rather than just continuing to scroll down or turn to the next page.

Right wingers and racists LOVE to complain about "Fallacys."


As a Scandinavian I still do not care.

No Danes colonized the Middle East but still people like you gives me grief for being the bad guy.

>Europe is made of whites
you and I have a different view on what is "white" it seems. White is not a objective term.

the Bernabteilung is out in full force.

How would not having borders stop any of this shit? Do they think everyone will be like "well guess we're all the same now better stop fighting for the bullshit i believe"

You are a special kind of stupid for this time in the morning user.

Remember how muslim stole africa and middle east from Christians? Slaughtering everyone that oppose them?

"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him, by force, to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his, then he will understand. But not before that. That is the tragedy of this situation of demoralization."
Let's did a little thought experiment.

Can you name me ONE Muslim majority country.

Which is in line with your liberal views.

A Muslim majority country that isn't either racist, sexist, homophobic or bigoted towards other religions?

Where homosexuality doesent get you killed or punished

A Muslim country that is progressive and tolerant?

I'll be waiting. You wont find any.

Ad hom fallacy.

Right wing racist lies, whites ALWAYS rewrite history. Even Muhammad himself said Islam is a religion of peace, read the Quran dumbass.

I would prefer to gas the kikes and the Palestinians

After all.

You democrats are the ones who hate palestine


Turkey and Indonesia. I swear you must only know about Islam from watching fox news, like all racists.

I'm getting so sick of this shit. I listen to the CBC at work sometimes and every fucking day without fail they've got some mudshit family on giving a sob story. Every day I listen to our state-funded broadcaster air people speaking broken English with a habdabber accent.I literally can't watch any MSM anymore, it's Soviet tier shilling for
>evil drumpf is a meanie aren't we better than Americans guys lol

Nice try but privilege is a invented concept of cultural Marxism

Look at that white doll, she was probably racist.

>tfw you can't virtue signal for syria if facebook doesn't integrate a display pic filter

>Turkey and Indonesia.
>in line with your liberal views.

At least try. 1/10

>How cold hearted and sick
Just like the stabbing and rapes in France and Germany.