Kevin did nothing wrong

Kevin did nothing wrong

I still think it's weird how Steven is willing to forgive absolutely everyone for their flaws EXCEPT for him.


But somehow, SOMEHOW, Kevin is the first person he legitimately hates.

its cuz the creators are cakefruits and kevin is the only true straight no fat fetishist guy in the show : ^)

Jasper and Peridot were brainwashed by Homeworld. Kevin is just a cunt to people because it amuses him.
Steven has literally no reason to like Lars, though.

Completely agree. All he wanted was to dance, his grudge against him literally isn't the worst thing he's forgiven

He failed to understand that no means no. Also, he's a colossal tool.

Steven didn't hate Kevin. But Stevonnie did. There's a fair amount of evidence to suggest fusions have a profound effect on their components' subconscious. Hell, Garnet outright says that she still exists within Ruby and Sapphire even when they're separate.

So no, Steven doesn't hate Kevin, it's just Stevonnie's feelings being projected on to him. Connie has better control of her emotions and is more sensible, so the effect is less pronounced in her.

Kevin was trying to get in their pants man.


So, they didn't want him to get in their pants.

They are not the ones that get to chose who is attracted to who.

>the only true straight no fat fetishist guy in the show : ^)

You know Stevonnie has a dick, and you know that wouldn't've stopped the Kevster.

I mean they fused together, which is a pretty serious thing in gem society. Pretty sure they get some say in who they like.

Also if they were smart they probably could've killed and gotten away with it.

The Stevonnie episode still confuses me. Is it because I'm not a teenage girl?

What the hell was the bit about Lars AND Sadie being attracted to her?

>which is a pretty serious thing in gem society.
But Stevonnie is 75% human. And Steven, despite being half-gem, grew up with human culture. Gem culture shouldn't affect him in the slightest.

>SU thinks if it teaches kids "no means no" early on that'll somehow make the abusive people who are the real problems stop

Why are the SU writers so dumb?

Will Steven be willing to forgive Yellow Diamond even though he's an abomination to gemkind in her eyes?

Yeah, but they DO get to decide who is allowed to fuck them.

It's a metaphor for puberty and how people are suddenly a lot more interested in someone once they start growing into their body. That's why everyone thought Steveonnie was a hottie. Little Plain Jane just transformed into Smokin' Hot Janet. Dig?

Kevin made a sort of fun but kinda weird day, even weirder and not fun.

By flirting with him, his girl and their offspring, all at once.

I'm a cunt to people because it amuses me, does that make me a bad guy?

.... Yes. That does indeed make you a bad person.

Stop doing that.

Because there actually are a lot of young people who don't know how to say "No" or stand up to themselves, or recognize the situation where they need to to do before they get in too deep, and they need to hear those lessons early on before they get bombarded from all the other "lessons" of life that teach them that it's easier to just give in.

Except that doesn't solve the actual problem of "People who can't take no for an answer".

>Except that doesn't solve the actual problem of "People who can't take no for an answer".
That's what tasers and pepper spray are for.

>Yeah, but they DO get to decide who is allowed to fuck them.

Did the let him fuck them? No? Cry me a fucking river.

>brain washed

That's not an excuse.

Steven ships Lars/Sadie like it's going out of style. Of course he's going to give Lars a bit more slack

Kevin was trying to fuck them. Steven didn't like Jasper, he just didn't want her to get corrupted.

Liberals in general are very sensitive to media and so think everybody is the same. Hence their belief that altering, cartoons or comic books or video games to suit their agendas will make a difference.

kevin's a butthole

Kevin go away

Liberals in general are AWARE that they're sensitive to media. They tend to give everyone else the benefit of the doubt that they understand how sensitive people in general are to media.

I kind of like Lars in a "sympathy for a dude who was kindnapped and nearly raped" sort of way.

But Steven clearly doesn't share that assessment.

All I wanted was his little brother being sick to be real. I know it sounded cheesy but I thought of Steven healing him would've been genuinely sweet to see.

Because Kevin is a creep.

That's true but he is really hateable, if I knew that guy in real life I would probably hate him irrationally.

Are you me?

That might get things into uncomfortable territory

Like why Steven doesn't heal EVERYONE that is sick

I could actually see that as a conflict. Steven heals a human, not just with bad eyesight, but a terminal fucking illness, and feels an obligation to help as many sick people as possible. It requires just a little saliva, doesn't it?

Cue Steven quickly becoming overwhelmed at the sheer number of people in the world that DO honestly need a miracle heal, more than he could possible help if he devoted all of his time to, and then feeling terrible for not being able to

Moral from the gems about how even when you have literally space gem magic powers and superhuman abilities, you can't be there for every single person that needs your help

Grim but as a hero he needs to learn that so he can continue to protect Earth and help people without drowning himself in the pressure

no. i don't believe so.

To be fair, humans tend to end up considering larger-scale evils differently from lesser ones; Steven might consider Peridot and Jasper sympathetic on the "gems trying to kill you" scale, while Kevin's a fucking jerk on the "regular people" scale.

Ignoring the flirting, he treated Greg like dogshit and fucked off without paying for his car wash.

I'd be pretty pissed off at a guy for robbing my dad too.

Eh, he's rich

Maybe Steven just wants to hate fuck Kevin as a power bottom

Doesn't excuse the treating like dogshit part.

>Yeah, but they DO get to decide who is allowed to fuck them.
He hadn't made an actual move on them yet though. What's the harm in one more dance?

do you realize how creepy it was when he asked them to dance? it felt so rapey, like he was trying to score some puss for the night.

Nyarlathotep once again proves himself as the best.

Well he probably was. But being persistent in the pursuit of puss is not illegal nor particularly immoral, up to a point.

i was not saying that it was illegal at any point. i was saying how they have a right to think of him as a creep if he just wanted puss.

>the only time lars is likable is when it's not literally lars himself aka steven lars and amy lars

Sure, but being a creep is nothing compared to a would-be genocider. And Steven seems fine with those.

I thought of that too. If he could actually heal illness' that would be the burden he would have to face.

Kevin wouldn't have known that. that was pretty much the equivalent of a dine and dash.

It's the power of pussy man.

I'll sum it up with this quote from Mr. Rogers.

this kinda makes Kevin a pedophile.

still hot though.

I'm going out on a limb here, but Steven's natural ability to make people/Gems/animals/monsters suddenly like or listen to him might actually be a power he has. Like mild mind control inherited from his mother. Even Jasper respected Rose Quartz, and Rose might have something to do with the fact that people know there are Gems in the town and don't really care about the monsters that get close to Beach City.

Either that, or like Sardonyx said, fusions tend to have extra powers, with Stevonnie having mild attraction powers. Every time she shows up people go ga-ga over her, despite her having average looks.

>Steven's natural ability to make people/Gems/animals/monsters suddenly like or listen to him might actually be a power he has

Steven confirmed for The Mule.

steven thinks all gems are special and worth helping
kevin is a rape metaphor.

Then who is Hari Seldon?

>Steven didn't hate Kevin

Yes he did, he made that clear from the moment he saw Kevin again. It was strictly Steven that hated him, Connie was pretty neutral the whole time.

>Steven didn't hate Kevin. But Stevonnie did
Steve is the only one who hate Kevin.

I just finished the first book of this and I really liked it. How are the following ones?

>it felt so rapey
This is a joke.

Steven Universe is about a boy turning into a woman, Kevin is the opposite of Steven
Steven + Connie = Stevonnie, Steven fully realized as a woman, him fully embracing feminity
but Kevin, Connie + Steven = Ceven
Kevin WOAH
making Kevin Steven's fully realized as a MAN
the similarities and contrasts don't even end there
Steven has the literal power to get into people's heads, but uses his powers to help people, even if its without his host's approval
Kevin gets into people's heads, not as an actual power but people let him get under their skin and this turns out bad for them
a clear contrast with these characters
they even have the same color scheme

Kevin is the evilest character in Steven's head because Kevin is the opposite of him while being so similar. Kevin is Steven's inner masculinity, so Steven is inclined to hate this part of him because the show is about him becoming entirely feminine, because the writers hate masculinity, they view a man that is insistent on dancing with a woman who doesn't want to as the worst person in the world

Kevin is even the first character in the show to change the way Steven acts, its a challenge for Steven that he won't handle ways he always does

knowing all of this, Kevin is really the greatest villain in the context of the show

but maybe i'm just overthinking, i doubt the writers are even clever enough to realize antagonists being better as character foils when they first create said antagonists

well seeing how dancing is literally SEX (or generally just a physical manifestation of a relationship) for gems or some shit it makes sense in context that him wanting to dance is suppose to represent someone attempting to have unwarranted, possibly sexual, advances

but being insistent on wanting to dance with someone is not "rapey", its ludicrous for someone to think this literally

Kevin seems to represent insecurity coming from the writers. I doubt anyone s supposedly good looking ever tried to dance with Sugar, Florido or Mitroff, or that they went to many dances. So this is their imagined scenario to reconcile what they never had.

So you'd make him into Jesus?

why do people always feel the need to defend assholes around here?

not all the people working on the show are females, many are males
so it could be male writers expressing their hatred for males who possess more masculine traits
if a guy is a little persistent with women who doesn't want them, he's gotta be the worst person in the world
if a guy has confidence and people are obsessed with hating him? well he must be obsessed with them hating them!
but it could easily be both, though the writers and directors of episodes involving him were all women so its probably what you said

in the show all characters, especially humans are portrayed as flawed but well meaning and Steven wants to help them and be friends with them
Kevin is only portrayed as being bad, and the only person Steven actually hates

probably because it he got personal

it wasn't personal when he was gonna be killed?

physical combat is direct and easier concept for steven to grasp, he would also be under adrenaline

Or a gun.

Sugar needed Steven to be the one freaking out to validate the markedly feminine complaint.

He literally already is a Jesus metaphor.

>But Stevonnie did
My wife's theory is Steven is actually just resonating how Connie felt with all of it, that the anger was Connie's that just bled over on him.


I think it's just that Kevin flirted with his girl, his daughter and him, all at once.

It takes a particular kind of hedonism to not be put off by that sort of thing.

what does her son think?

It's also worth noting that this confrontation had a weird turn around, where Kevin cares that they don't care when all signs of his personalty would be to take it as a victory and move on.
I'm thinking more this is a projection issue, like they suffered a situation like that and they just wish it played out like that where the agitator suddenly cares that you don't, when the reality is most people like Kevin really don't care as long as they can say they are better, which is what happen. Hell when they talk about how he was right with the night sky I was expecting him to make so comment about how much better everything is when you just submit to him, have Stevonnie roll her eyes laugh it off and leave. Instead we got this weird 180 in character where Kevin gets hurt that two tweens don't care about him.

If Steven isn't indpendantly ticked off at Kevin then it partially invalidates the complaint Stevonnie had in Alone Together. Suddenly it just becomes a female problem, something that male viewers aren't supposed to relate to. It makes it a male vs female issue instead of a jerk vs non-jerk issue.

That's why it's not just Connie bleeding over into Steven.

Check who wrote and boarded the episode.

Good point didn't think on the jealous/protective angle, that makes the irrational of Stevens feelings towards him make sense more.

Were not the type to have kids. Figured it was just where we were young horny virgins and we grow into it but 9 years later she still dead against it and I'm just apathetic about it because kids are fucking expensive and time consuming.

I'm starting to wonder if we are overthinking this in general, She proposed the theory because we both caught what so many here caught which is it made little sense that Steven could forgive genocides and would be killers but lost his shit that a guy got pushy about a dance.

So you're saying Kevin was some gangsta dissin' Steven's fly-girl?

>Were not the type to have kids. Figured it was just where we were young horny virgins and we grow into it but 9 years later she still dead against it and I'm just apathetic about it because kids are fucking expensive and time consuming.
newfag detected

correct but he isn't villain. Just some random who's power is to produce straw.

What does your wife's boyfriend think?

how so?

I'll let you know if I meet him

It's pretty simple if you look at Beach City Drift from the perspective of the person writing it.

They needed Connie and Steven to freak out else there wouldn't be justification to steal the car. They needed both Steven and Connie to be obsessed with Kevin for the aforementioned reason. The show is rather gynocentric and it needs Steven to echo the messages in some way to make the themes more universal. Finally, if both Steven and Connie are obsessed with Kevin then obviously Steven would be the one showing it the most since that's just how his established character is.

>Instead we got this weird 180 in character where Kevin gets hurt that two tweens don't care about him.

honestly it reminded me of the strawman comic where the guy goes "I AM SILLY!!!". Just kind of came off as forced and weird.

worst thing about the episode was they had to turn an Inital D homage into a "don't be obsessed with people because they're obsessed with you hating them" moral

The moral was fine it just failed at the end
They should have played the moral straight and had Kevin stay in character and be an uncaring jackass.

They overdid it, but I didn't have a problem with Kevin losing his cool. He saw the entire race as build up to Stevonnie freaking out at the end. Stevonnie didn't freak out so it was all a waste. He desperately tried to salvage the situation but in so doing showed that it was he who was obsessed. They needed to give the viewers some sort of satisfaction other than "just ignore him". They needed to show how ignoring bugged the person being ignored.

He's a one dimensional character that has like two minutes of screen time across two episodes.

He's a plot device.

>He's a plot device.
You only say that because you are obsessed with him.

Sheltered child that doesn't go to school doesn't understand morality? who would've guess?

oh you

because its funny