Sup Forums i dont get it give me a history lesson

Sup Forums my familys from south italy but i dont get how theyre from a weird mountain town and dont look italian at all, mostly pale brown or blondish hair with blue eyes and their dialect sounds like some weird norse shit

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theyre all tall mostly too around 6 feet

which town?

Sorry OP, you're a berber.

outside of avellino

im white as a ghost aussie, plus im most likely smarter than you outback inbred

Don't know about the dialect but blonde hair are not uncommon even in the south

I can guarantee you that my dick is bigger and I shaved off my pubes so it probably looks good too

yeah, you find lots of blonde even in sicily and sardinia

hell, i have black hair and my blood sister is blonde

do you have any words to share about that dialect?

vikings invaded shit out there, interbred with the latins and now you have this race of supermodel looking people, look like what greeks in alexanders time might have looked like

i dont know how to spell any of the words but they dont pronounce the vowel at the end of alot of words that are common like buongiorno theyd just say like buongiorn ect. my uncle says its like the hillbilly dialect of italy

so id probably be a stud if it werent for my half scotch english genes?

>my uncle says its like the hillbilly dialect of italy
He's right but it's also true for venetian

interesting, when my nonna talks with my mom alot of the words have like a osch sound with like thick ch and k sounds if that makes any sense

we wuz norman 'n shit

Normans where called to remove kebab, at the time muslims conquered even Bari.

would you rather live next door to me or a bording house full of niggers

Southern dialects sound like that, I don't think there's anything Norse about it

Sorry Mario, you don't understand. Op's great grandmother came from southern Italy, so he has a rich Nordic Italian ancestry. Probably Caesar blood.


I'm sorry but campania is the worst. you should consider sterilization. Also if you think neapolitan sounds norse you are mental.

German rape babies from 1941

it probably sounds like this

Might be arberesh





Normans did rule the region for 300 Yeats.

Vikings, Normans, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians all migrated through southern Italy at one point or another

You could argue that the destruction of Greek civilization was justified by the Romans, seeing that the Greeks invaded their region.


Rome basically was a Greek civilization.

Sure thing, tell me about Jewish history, why does it wear the "they were all the same" mask?

> Greek civilization
> Emperors
> Non democratic

are you Tony Soprano? my Dad's family is from Montescaglioso and they look Italian as fuck. I've read the town is populated by descendants from Thracian tribes who immigrated pre-Roman Empire though, pretty neat

>outside of avellino

You should kill yourself

> avellino
I'm sure you look like this

>implying Romans settled South Italy before Greeks
>implying their gods and language aren't from them as well

there was a series of texts written by a haruspex in years 250 - 350 bc for the emperors of rome . detailing on a better way to control populations on how to build nations on this rules , religious , political , and commercial power . it is said that the banks have root in this texts .and guess what happens after

i meant AD