Why isn't Obama suffering politically during Louisiana floods what Bush suffered after Hurricane Katrina...

Why isn't Obama suffering politically during Louisiana floods what Bush suffered after Hurricane Katrina? This flood is even much larger and impacts more people.

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BUSH doesn't CARE about BLACK people

Permanent victim status blacks aren't affected by it.
>floods is racist and sheeit

Because trump said some mean things.

If I was trump I'd be down there handing out shekels to people to help them rebuild. Guarantee the southern vote then.

Obama is on his way out in a couple months, while Bush was barely into his second term when Katrina hit.

Response is not bad this time.

Because he's on his way out and the rescue efforts haven't really been as incompetent and shitty as they were with Katrina.

Last time bush offered help and they turned him away.

then apparently he dosnt like black people and people flipped out because his white I think.

No one cares about white victims

Nogs were also shooting at rescue teams during Katrina though.

>Obama has a great response time for Sandy and this flooding
>Bush had such a bad response time first responders have written books about how it was a literal war zone where Snipers were in buildings taking shots at law enforcement

I really do wonder why Obama doesn't seem to get more flak :^)

I don't think people realize how badly FEMA fucked up in 2003. It took them like two weeks to deploy and the superdome had become a total mess.

It was the MTA and NJT who fucked up on Sandy, not Obama. As much as I want to shit on him, give credit to the right people.

Because the people being flooded out are White people in one of the most Republican districts in America. Livingston Parish--hardest hit--is headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan.

I am giving him enough credit.

>Reminder that Romney was going to win but based Christie blew Fox and Romney the fuck out so hard after they tried to bait him into saying Obama did a bad job on Sandy

Source: youtu.be/uuStG2D26Oo

Same reason no one sees dead bodies every night on the news from all the wars they have continued and the new ones they have started

keeps the sheep asleep

>they turned him away

No excuse not to amass resources in preparation then use his executive power to immediately distribute help after the storm. As a result of Bush's failure west Texas and northern Florida is full of niggers now. There's a reason why people hate Jeb. Remember how bad NOLA got. All the Levees broke and 30% of the city was underwater. Levees are built and maintained by the federal Army Corps of Engineers, so there is absolutely no reason not to have at least them ready to rebuild on day one. This didn't happen and the city fell into total anarchy.

#stawoke nigga

Romney wrote the ACA (Obama even admitted this when it was passed), he was never going to win.


ACA is a disaster.

Obama did nothing for sandy but hug cris crispy creme. it was local emergency services and neighbors helping neighbors. how come noone will admit Obama Hates White People.

Because whites don't chimp out when faced with adversity.

They suck it up and handle their shit.

Katrina was a bad situation made much worse by rampaging niggers.

After 7 and a half years of destroying the country, the media protects him from blame for the poor economy, terror attacks, increasing violence from black cities and all the other negative things that are happening.

It's also embarrassing to the left since most of them actually believe the shit they say on tv, so the fact that nearly a decade of their idiotic policies the country is barely staying afloat makes the left look bad.

If Trump wins the election and our economy starts to improve overnight, the media will jump in and claim it's due to Obama's 8 years.

>Federal Level Officials did nothing
>It was all Christie

I knew the Trumpkins were getting delusional, but this is ridiculous

>He thinks trump has money
bud if he had money he'd release his tax papers

if trump had a ten inch dick he'd whip it out on stage

>be in east texas
>katrina hits
>niggers pour into Houston
>fights at school and crime skyrockets
That environment filled me with anger and isolation and that translated right into my upcoming 2 part book.

>releasing you shit
come on son.

lol, the two events are incomparable. nobody could have stopped the Mississippi from flooding, but there were ways to stop the flooding in New Orleans. the levees failed, and rightly so, it was blamed on the government and the sitting members of that government for not caring enough about FEMA and the Army Core of Engineers.

and that's not even going into how shitting and god awful the response to New Orleans was. i heard like two days ago that they had already evacuated tens of thousands of people from around the Mississippi.

there's plenty to shit on Obama for, but pick something that is actually real. Bush was a shit president

On the flipside of this, NOLA is as white as ever

I lived through it. national guard and local cops and fireman did all the work. name one thing the feds did in the following couple weeks after the hurricane. faggot


>Unironically thinking ancedotal evidence means its true

The city fell into anarchy because it was exposed as cesspool of corruption from "mayor chocolate" to the governor. The local government started to evacuate people a couple of days before the storm made landfall and even then there are pictures of bus depots filled with unused buses. The president can not activate the nasty girls without governor approval and that too was delayed because muh party politics.

even more screwed up is the liberal press trashed the cops the following year for making too much money. the police were working 16 hours a day 7 days a week for 2 months chasing looting niggers and the media makes them the bad guy.

Just curious, what's the status of the Confederate monuments now? Are they still sandbagging on the issue? I moved away recently so I haven't been keeping up with it.


Obama gets update on deadly Louisiana floods, heads back to golf course


It was 2005, and I think a lot people forget, or are too young here to remember that a lot of Bush's problems (Iraq War post war planning) stemmed from awarding political loyalists with positions that they were unqualified for.

Much more importantly, the FEMA budget had been cut to provide funding for the war effort.

People can hate Obama, but there's a reason Bush is considered a shit president, his policies led to actual disasters.

Lets just be honest and frank here.

Obama is black. They cant use the race card.

>about how it was a literal war zone where Snipers were in buildings taking shots at law enforcement
Justified since all the gun grabbing.

Agreed. Although with the cards Obama was dealt, he had much less wiggle room to make bad decisions. Any serious ground war would've been political suicide on his part.

we already pointed out that Bush was scathed over the fact that the levees failed and that the FEMA response took forever.

did the Army Core of Engineers fuck something up due to having funding cuts? did the FEMA response not come immediatly?

people don't get mad when disasters happen under presidency, they get mad based on the response to the disaster. so unless i'm just ignorant on the issue, has the response to the flooding this time around been ANYWHERE near as bad as Katrina?

Because plans were made after Katrina for this shit. Also, no media attention went to Alabama or Mississippi after that mess, who both recovered for the most part in under a month, instead it all went to NOLA because black people.

Katrina sent helicopters and the blacks shot at them. The blacks were also rioting and shooting people in the streets.

They quit sending aid.


If Obama was white it would be this all over again. Quit acting like its not just a race issue because it is.

The federal government can't send our prepare help unless asked for it and the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of new Orleans didn't ask for help in a political move

They sent*

Why arent Greenday and NOFX making anti American songs anymore?

Christie handed Obama the election, plus the 47 percent remark.

Almost like losing was part of the plan.

The President has federal superiority, what he says goes. He could have just told the mayor and governor to fuck off while he gets shit done. It would have pissed people off (and fuel even more conspiracy theories) but law and order would have prevailed.

Idiot. Bush vlew up the levee so he ciuld kill melanated people. His whitw skin is jealous because the sun is the enemy of whites.

Didn't he just do that for his state and the democrats based their system after his

No Moron that'd be unconstitutional

1.8k dead

>13 dead

Fuck off

What cards, a full deck. He's had unqualified support from the media since he was elected. He's had a free hand. What about Libya, Ukraine and Syria? These failures are ignored

Bush admin ignored pleas to shore up the levees which collapsed after Katrina causing massive flooding. And he was slow to say anything much less act.

Probably because he hasn't been grossly negligent in his handling of it. A federal state of emergency was immediately declared, the National Guard was swiftly deployed, and Obama is doing everything he's supposed to do to handle an emergency of this scale.

Or are you just retarded and think the President should be blamed every time it rains in Louisiana?

Crazy dumb nigger animals flooding Houston because of Katrina: another reason to hate Bush

Not to mention that Obama care is in a death spiral.

President can't send in help without the governor song for it


Bush personally rigged bombs on the levees.