So what's the most recent SWEDEN YES that's happened? It's going to fast to keep up.
pic related, average SWEDEN YES occurrence
So what's the most recent SWEDEN YES that's happened? It's going to fast to keep up.
pic related, average SWEDEN YES occurrence
nobody's surprised by them any more - they've fully, irreversibly embraced degeneracy and masochism to such an extreme degree, it's a little like prodding a corpse with a stick... it's just gross, and won't undo their death that occurred long ago
latest here in Sweden is:
Our government is paying swedish girls as young as 14 to be with black men. They even bought a cabin in the woods for overnight activities
There is absolutely nothing wrong with bein a trans/trap.
What the fuck.
So, uh, did anyone over there l-like d-do anything?
same in finland
What the fuck is wrong with you Sweden
It's not funny anymore Sven. I legitimately feel bad for the sane swedes.
state sponsored propaganda, brainwashing the people.
Cant be real
Finland is also trying to pacify refugees with free native lolis
I like how the rapefugees are the only men there. How fucking retarded are these women?
I genuinely don't know how you're going to survive this Sweden. Is there anything Jimmie Akesson can do?
Cant stay on this thread ,im out
And no political party opposed to this?
Can you explain to me why you're doing nothing instead of burning down everything, thanks.
>Is there anything Jimmie Akesson can do?
When the head of police told girls to wear "(don't) rape me" bracelets, Åkesson responded with this: saying that these bracelets work on the rapists, and that little girls shouldn't have to be afraid
Let Sweden have their daughters get raped. I'm hoping for that.These brainwashed pussies will never understand the kind of fucking danger theyre in until that happens
>be first nigger in Italian govt
>get free bananas everyday
What's not to like? They are just trying to make her feel at home
why do u link my boifriend fuking faggots
Wonder if they'll keep it up after the rapes start.
fake and gay
>implying they're going to do anything about it
That's from finland
Other european women would rather not sue their agressors if they aren't white, when they don't outright falsely accuse their fellow european males
He's alpha, I can tell
I feel like this is way funny to those of us who only speak English.
>bra communication = bra sex
lmao just kill yourselves fucking cucks
A whole lot of shhheeeeiit going on over there
What are the causes of mass cuckoldry in Swedish culture?
So how can a country go from vikings to biggest pussies ever?
over 100 years without being involved in a war has created a particular strong strain of nu-males
As a Turk, I'm disgusted as well. Questioning whether to be a degenerated developed country or based underdeveloped, but then realizing to be in degenerated underdeveloped country.
>And no political party opposed to this?
Not any that is in parliament. The "true finns" have been cucked by the leadership after they got into government and have not done anything.
>based lega nord
>tfw you will never be a young Muslim/African man in Sweden
The light blue is finns party.
at least I'm not monkey with computer
Yup. You're a mongolian wiith computer, which is quite the same.
You really think they'll understand anything from that? They'll do nothing.
Even here in Belgium we have not reached that level of being a cuck
The only way a right-wing party like the Sweden Dems or the True Finns can actually implement their policies is if they withdraw from the EU
They require a majority vote for that, and because of your cuck proportional parliaments, that's impossible
That's actually pretty clever. That way they can integrate into your society better and it gives them a chance to accumulate to local culture by socialising with local people. Also it gives the young girls a chance to learn about tolerance and diversity, preventing ravial discrimination. Nice going Sweden ! :)
>Sees the russian flag.
Die Untermench.
>i-it's just s-summer camp... right?
It hurts so much, neighbour. Come back, please
lmao I know that guy with the tattoo.
>not a thinking it's sandnigger
Kys subhuman scum
They know the danger user, they get off on it. They want their daughters to get raped while they watch. This people need to go extinct asap and hope their shitty genes don't spread.
u w0t m8, u be avin' a fuckin' giggle?
post a link, i can't read gibberish
Why are americans so deluded? Is this post satire because I really cant tell anymore. Your kids are being BRAINWASHED from babies to go for blacks and here you talk like you're living in some pure white country.
If you guys don't harden up and do it soon, there will be nothing left of your culture. Thousands of years gone on a few decades. This has always happened throught history, weak cultures are consumed by strong ones. You're not a weak culture, are you Swedes?
here's his face
>You're not a weak culture, are you Swedes?
of course not
>it's actually real
See Sweden? That's how you fight back.
>$50 an hour
Okay that's quite a bit, but considering you can be raped at anytime, you might as well just whore yourself out.
You watch too much American TV user, everyone here is using the internet now. Expect TV networks to go bankrupt by 2020.
its actually 50 SEK not dollars
>£4.542 an hour
That's less than minimum wage over here, I understand they're underaged so that might be a lot to them, but who the fuck would endanger themselves for so little?
>who the fuck would endanger themselves for so little?
very tolerant 14-15 year old Swedish girls
Honestly it's a shame to see the blatant cherrypicking of examples and antisweden propaganda. Sup Forumsmakes me hate other westerners because of the arrogant hypocrisy and it makes me yet more triggered because I know that's the jidf tactic, divide and incite anger
What are you even talking about? Do I really need to derail the thread with stats and pictures of """"""white america"""""" and what there is considered white?
>Do I really need to derail the thread with stats and pictures of """"""white america""""""
please do, my Sup Forums folder is very light
They're not your neighbor luckily for you. Their cancer will sooner or later spread over, when they're all out of benefits, they'll come for our oil and thorium money.
That's probably the whole point of it
hopefully he gets stabbed by some drugged somalis.
Perfect for precision head-chopping later. In some not too distant future his head is rolling with the top part of the tattoo rolling down, while his limp body still says welcome.
How in the fuck do native Swedes allow shit like this to continue?
>Always dried up mid 30 year old crazy cat ladies who fell for the femnazi meme and woke up too late pushing this shit
Nobody here cares. I try talking to people about all this and either im met with ''RACIST!'' or ''Im not really interested in politics''.
we dont have your freedom so what can we do?
How can you resist the urge to fight these fuckers?
Low test Swedes kill yourself
Well you can easily find information about the most degenerate country ever, America and I'm not going to make other posts in this thread unless he really wants me to BTFO him.But anyway
>american white non hispanic population is around 60% according to census
>not counting illegals who heavily add to the real non white percentage
>counting jews, arabs, north africans and sudanese as non hispanic white
>of that 60% majority are boomers and old people who're about to die
>a lot have interracial offspring
>not counting the high number of adults without children
>includes one drop rule people as white
>includes people of tricky ancestry who self identify as white
>counts swarty people of caucasoid looks as white too
So, it seems that it's worse than
Not even thinking about the number in 10 years.
>''Im not really interested in politics''.
>"I agree but we're not allowed to voice this kind of opinion"
fuck off kanga go back to sleep
Pretty much. Most (male) swedes know that something is wrong but are too craven to even talk about it with their friends.
Stop it please Sweden.
they've taken it too far
Would be much more fitting had he put that above his ass.
>bananas have been thrown
gmta, also checked
I didnt understand any of that but I am an old Brit
this can't be real