Cyber happening thread 2

Pretty tired so just gonna link the last thread

Other urls found in this thread:

You haven't answered my question.

Last thing I remember talking about is the limitations and risks of hired/brainwashed loyalty vs the new age of completely obedient robotic soldiers in a decade or so.
Whats your question?

Hmm, I think these threads have degenerated into too much roleplaying.

Goys I've overdosed on redpillz and don't know what is real anymore.

Yeah, I don't think it is very likely the Elites have a secret robotic army to combat a rebellion that would be effective. Still would have to depend on humans.

Stay woke, nigga. A little pot may help open up some neural pathways for you, but, you'll still have to learn to research and understand things using your own opinions, not those of the (((narrative))).

No friend, a toxic stimulant is not going to help do anything, good luck with that though.

The default loyalty mode for humans is tribalism (in group preference). Modern society weakens that, and tugs us ever outward, but in a pinch, our instincts revert to the benchmark norm.
Basically, their guards will stay loyal because in a SHTF situation, the known > the unknown. No one likes to take a risk in a crisis. All the elites will have to do to keep them loyal is offer them bread and circuses.
The unknown will include internal strife, btw.

>weed is bad because the government told me so

Good morning. Where we at on this? I just checked the hackers bitcoin wallet and it is at 1.723 btc with 26 transactions.

> weed is good because Justin told me I will have it soon.


Humans are naturally a solitary animal, social siuations pervert the natural human thought process.

i guess the whole bidding thing is a joke.
The thing starts to get boring, i want my natural disaster event, thats more impressive

And they still dont lol

>Humans are naturally a solitary animal, social siuations pervert the natural human thought process.
lol what

if the "stuxnet for banks" shit gets released
if someone, no matter who, does it
holy shit.
thats gonna be a world of hurt

if you guys think 85 deactivated coldwar era nukes in Turkey is worthy of 10 happening threads daily, this shit should have its own board, t-shirt and a DVD

the entire western world can collapse into martial law and ration lines in a couple of days

i've been kind of joking about bugout bags lately, maybe its time

No-one is playing/paying because the context of the message makes it clear the haxorz will cheat and bring down the system anyway.
Most likely a agitprop pre-amble to a false flag happening, imo.
>Humans are naturally a solitary animal
There is nothing natural about you being a smelly basement dwelling neet.
Why do you think prisons use solitary as a punishment?
You're an opinion swilling retard if you actually believe this.

There is no secret robotic army

They are currently developing the technology both in public and behind closed doors. There will be provate models released in secret for the elite if necessary and then eventually a public model or a military contract once they are ready to ship. This could be upwards of a decade away.

There is currently no army of robots unless you count drones and small rc type vehicles

I uploaded every file to virus total, they are all detected and useless now, at least on windows.

The cisco backdoor stuff only works if you kept the default user/pass cisco:cisco

This isn't anything. I read in a local newspaper that they were cutting jobs in R&D department.

There's also the problem of them having distant families that could be collateral damage of say a shooting by a rapefugee.

If you are mr open borders body guard and someone you know dies because of his policies there is always a chance for mutiny

>No friend, a toxic stimulant is not going to help do anything, good luck with that though.
You completely missed my point. If you need the crutch, use pot. Otherwise? Use your own thirst for truth to be your stimulant.

Seems to me like you may actually need a little dab.

if you dont think that non harmful drugs like weed should be legalized than you burgers deserve ur spic problem. Have fun letting those mexican criminals rape ur women

Only from individual strife from living through the hardships of the natural enviroment did humans form social bonds with others for anything besides mating.

Yeah this isn't a livestream type of happening but definitely get some food and ammo and carry on with your day if you havent already

Go watch Castaway, you humungous knobhead.
Solitary is extremely damaging to humans emotionally and mentally.

Cisco also closed the backdoors, and kicks out some employees


Our intelligence is both a blessing and a burden.
We developed basic skills to assist in our survival, tools and such. Anything else we learned was generally useless. Being social was helpful in the beginning to help with survival, but has since degenerated into what will be our own oblivion.

Mutinies are usually collaborative. They will have protocols to contain lone wolf postal shootouts within the safe area.

>muh "only neets will survive" fantasies

>be indian
>poo in loo
>shitting in the street because its wednesday
>realize I forgot my wiping rag
>a neighboring streetshitter hands me some extra paper before dropping some sludge
>read before wiping and learn that that guy on Sup Forums is totally wrong because my asswipe said so
>procede to shit all over street while shitposting from mobile phone

Insallah pajeet

from the source files looks like that they can tell the routers to not even ask for user/pass
guess some of the firewalls are backdoored in hardware and firmware so they obey the NSA toolkit

its almost "hackcisco.exe -disable_password_request -install_network_sniffer"
the code and tool names is comic book villain tier, you should check it

we dont even need to meme happenings anymore, its on autopilot from now.

That is only because he was stuck on a shitty island with little to no resources and he was born into a social world first, then dumped onto said island. Think about it, and that was a movie.

>we dont even need to meme happenings anymore, its on autopilot from now.

They will also be super soldiers with enough skills to pull off unexpected wildcard shit like John Basilone in the pacific or this unstoppable german

When you concentrate extreme outlier talent you allow for higher chances of unexpected variance.

Im not saying this will happen or that will happen. Just laying out some potential problems

So basically the hacker known as Sup Forums has the little black box from SNEAKERS now?

Not trying to be a buzzkill here, but if they had the tech and ability to make super soldiers, they would be out there, in full control of things already.

You are so full of shit. If humans are by inclination solitary animals, what the fuck are you doing on the internet?
Go to bed, Chad. You're drunk.

Also look how Clinton treats her body guards

Shes the most public elite we have right now and I dont see rockefeller treating his body guards like equals

Trying to educate your sorry ass, but it seems to be an impossible feat, I would not expect one so special as yourself to be able to understand this.

you're not wrong. This progressed quickly from happening to a fucking cyberpunk 2020 session

Setec Astronomy

Theres years of developement between an object that does something new and when it hits the public

Heres one of the first semi automatic rifles everyone says never existed a hundred years ago

I agree, and I'm the pastebin guy.
Too many people assuming that all the theoretical implications and more are 100% fact and going to happen.

Well the happening is more just a public warning

The thread is about what to do after this house of monopoly money cards tumbles

I don't know how she treats her bodyguards. We have already went over how an "Elite" would have control of people: Fear.

Ughhhhhh lurk more

Theres dozens of articles videos and books about what elitist scum Clinton is even to the people in charge of protecting her life.

Many of them are humans and even silently admit if the chips were down, they wouldn't die for some corrupt king.

Dammit...Emotions are a social construct within the human mind. The natural way of things. Eat, drink, sleep, procreate. The four basic needs of any living thing. Anything else is created, a construct, made through social interaction.

This is why people want the uncrackable government laptops?
So they can use the tools that are available, and the ones that will be auctioned to create shenanigans that will bring down the western banks?

Whether that interaction is with the enviroment or another living thing,i,e. a woman, needed for procreation. If humans were asexual, you think we would be in this mess?

>Eat, drink, sleep, procreate. The four basic needs of any living thing.

Dude, no.

Emotions ARE the innate state of the human mind. Fear is a response, it's also an emotion. The most basic forms of life are reactionary, they respond to stimuli. Emotions are the tools we use to deal with the world around us. By your definition, we're as basic as viruses.

This is some of that woke shit I was talking about earlier.

What is this shit about Kaspersky? I use Kaspersky. How fucked am I? My step dad said to drop them 2 years ago but I didn't listen. Halp!!

Can someone give me the cliff notes for retards version of events without hyperbole please?

Nothing. They just research this shit.

CIA is hiding in your tubes.

no more secrets
>1 post by this id
>(ID: A/6A66Lf)

Ok, I will humor you...

What is our Alpha and Omega then?

My step dad is a libtard moron who works for the government and fancies himself a Jason Bourne type in his delusions so I figured the opposite must be true.

I run Windows so I already know that.

>genetics>social conditioning
your basic premise is flawed, scientifically disproven and probably based on wishful thinking.
>I would not expect one so special as yourself to be able to understand this
Muh "you wouldn't understand" mythology
Watch this, learn how the world (and your brain) really works. Then STFU!
Even wild children raised by animals have a culture. It just isn't a human one.
A solitary homo sapiens born outside of a culture wouldn't have language, tool use or even the basic abilities needed to survive. By definition, it wouldn't be human. It would be like the most retarded autist in the world.
And it wouldn't be happy.

He's just looking out for his wife's son's best interests.

Read the pastebin ITT. The top half is pure facts.

Understanding knowledge.

We lost our innate instincts, our ability to survive without teaching. Our most basic need/want/desire is to learn how to cope with our surroundings. First and foremost for any biological being, is survival. Emotions are the tool which allows us to handle basic needs, but knowledge (intelligence, our evolutionary niche) allows us to become the dominate species. This trait - ensures - our survival. Humanity evolves as one, not just individually.

Societal constructs are things like Greed; the number one thing which is causing our current Anthropocene extinction event.

Emotions are not a construct, they're a tool.

One more question for you before I go,

What emotion drove the first toolmaker to make the very first tool?

Ingenuity is a societal construct. Evolution isn't just a biological process. Mutations don't always work, user. A lot of species die out because they evolved down the wrong path that was right at the time. We're no different.

Hunger. The first tool was a rock one of our ancestors picked up and dashed at an animal, now orbital bombardment is within our capacity.

That's true, the dinosaurs evolved to be big and powerful, to take full advantage of the higher oxygen levels, then the asteroid strike caused the O2 levels to drop, making them an evolutionary dead end.

You just proved my point, emotions are not a tool, emotions do nothing for us but progress de-evolution.
Our imagination and intelligence drove us forward, and those are individual traits, when combined socially, drive us exponentially further.

Our downfall is, quite literally, our intelligence. We're at a constant war with ourselves. Continue to grow, produce, multiply. Continue to consume to ensure survival. Yet, comprehension of the collapse of the system isn't something most of us have the ability to understand.

Why is that?

We lost our instincts. We learn by knowledge. We don't pass down the rules of survival through our genes, we pass it down through our minds, intelligence, culture. When we have a society that is at odds with true knowledge, we can never learn. Things like politics, corruption, concealment, all these things are so powerful because they can control us, they can control our minds, by denying us access to knowledge.

Wrong, emotions are the truth in a sea of lies. Intelligence is the lie, our evolutionary offshoot was a mistake.
>drive us exponentially further.
To ruin.

I'm going to tip you off to something our "intelligence" did.

>air traffic grounded in the northern hemisphere
>3 days later, 1c increase in global average temperature

Imagine when this economic collapse hits, user. Imagine when they literally turn off all the industry that is killing us. Do you know what global dimming is? For all the CO2 produced by us, we also produce particulates. Those particulates give our atmosphere an albedo effect, we reflect sunlight (heat) away from our planet. Once our toxic industry ends, so do we.

We're all just lying to ourselves. Our smarts are our downfall.

Its neither of those things you dumb nigger.

Friend, you are literally all over the place with your statements.
We learn through interacting with ourselves and the enviroment. We pass down knowledge to our offspring to assist in the survival of our genetic information.
Emotions are not a necessity in our day to day survival or even in the long term.
Our downfall was the very fact that we must be social in the very least to mate.
It almost seems like you are against the human race itself in your post.
When did global warming get thrown into this conversation?

Back to with you.

>Friend, you are literally all over the place with your statements.

Yet, you asked me earlier: >What is our Alpha and Omega then?

I gave you your answer. If you don't like my opinion, you don't have to accept it.

>What is our Alpha and Omega then?

It's easy...our genes, they must survive, this is the very purpose in all of the life on earth. It is not that difficult to figure out friend.

Actually you should leave.

are there any hackerbros in the thread?

whats a good learning path for someone with a strong programming background / academic comp sci? should i just jump into participating in CTFs or what? when i say strong programming background i dont mean pajeet php. most of my experience is in distributed systems, designing system architectures for cloud environments, and shit like that.

from what little research ive done it seems like it would take me a really long time to find an exploit for a single piece of hardware that i could leverage in any meaningful way. fuckin blows my mind what these guys have been sitting on for years. if they were hijacking firmware 5+ years ago then nowadays they must be up to some truly fucked up stuff

If you look at my posts, you can see how I frame my narrative. I talk about emotion being the basic framework of our survival, how it's not a societal construct, but an innate human one. Our intelligence was an evolutionary mistake that is at odds with our basic survival drive, something that is figuratively and literally killing us.

I'm saying something similar to what you are. I'm just putting the blame for our strife on our intelligence. And yes, global warming is a byproduct of our intelligence.

You are saying we would be better off being dumb, hapless animals at nature's mercy than being intelligent and ensuring our survival against nature.
And somehow we would not be dead while at nature's mercy? You got to be kidding me...

"Global warming" is a product of climate which is driven by the Sun and it's activity. We have very little to do with it, CO2 levels are lower than ever that's why plants are dying off increasing flooding, plants need CO2 to fucking live, and in general you are full of shit and repeating greenie talking points from the left. You are a retard and need to have your head bashed in by immigrants.

>Mutations don't always work, user. A lot of species die out because they evolved down the wrong path that was right at the time. We're no different.
>A lot of species die out because they evolved down the wrong path that was right at the time.
>the wrong path that was right at the time.

I never said it was our fault. Evolution fucked us.

Friend, whatever you are trying to convey, good luck with that, it doesn't make any sense to me.
Take care.

>And somehow we would not be dead while at nature's mercy?
It seems to me that you think humanity is "removed" from the rest of the species on this planet. We aren't special, yes, we are at natures mercy.

k bubba, pic related

Goodbye and Good luck.

youre fucking stupid

I thought I was fairly clear. Intelligence is an evolutionary mistake, and emotions are a form of the basic tools we needed to survive, before our breakthrough of intelligence.

I really don't understand how you can't comprehend I'm talking about all the stages of our species, not just the one we inhabit now, as primates.

How does this tie in with Russia's possible invasion of Ukraine? If they are really the hackers holding the NSA files are they using it as a hostage to prevent American interference in their annexation?

Seriously am I the only one who reads the message in OP with a Japanese accent?

Doesn't ukraine have a puppet government anyway or something?

Chinese for me. I think that was pretty intentional though.

Meme magic is entering reality

I literally hear Hiro the Hero making this threat to the (((bankers))) of the world as (((they))) cower in fear

>Implying Russia needs a reason to invade Ukraine
The west is already sanctioning them, it's pretty clear there's nothing else they're willing to do and defending Ukraine isn't really a geopolitical goal for the west.

>What is secret black projects