This birthmark is why I am absloutely convinced that Hirsch sabotaged his ending on purpose when he learned he couldn't...

This birthmark is why I am absloutely convinced that Hirsch sabotaged his ending on purpose when he learned he couldn't get a third season.
This, and Stanley's six fingers. I am sure something was to be found about the family at the end and it was more than just "LOL we're weird"

>I am sure something was to be found about the family at the end and it was more than just "LOL we're weird"

Like what?

What the fuck are you talking about? Disney wanted a third season of Gravity Falls, but Hirsch was too much of a whiner to make one.

Wait, THAT'S where the name Dipper comes from? I don't watch this show.

Disney wanted more seasons.
Hirsch is the one who couldn't get it done and was tired of dealing with standards and practices.

Don't forget the "the handyman knows more than you think" shit that never went anywhere.
Alex a hack.

It was kind of ambiguous about what Soos actually knew, but calling Alex a hack is fucking stupid. There's nothing "hackish" at all about leaving cryptic clues or mysteries.

Lots of shows have done it.

If anyone knows about Stan's secrets, it would be Soos.


Clues that lead nowhere are hackish

If you're leaving a hint then said should have some sort of payoff, even if the payoff is ambiguous, in this case we got nothing instead.

Clues that lead to dead ends, are made to confuse the reader, or aren't fully fleshed out are just part of the experience.

Writers sometimes even create red herrings.

Fuck off Hirsch, don't you have some Fox animated sitcom to produce? Or are you gonna give up on that half-way through as well?

Maybe you should get your friend Rebecca to help learn how to write lore properly.


Phew boy.

>Maybe you should get your friend Rebecca to help learn how to write lore properly.

This obssession with Hirch is starting to get weirdly stalkish.

The weirdest part is that you guys hate him, at the same time that you wanted him to make things for you, because you have an obssession with what he created

How did this fucking happen.

Why is the lesbian space rock show's lore so much better.

Whatever you say, they will NEVER be as good as Loud House.

he's the one who decided he couldnt do a third season though

There's a difference between clues going nowhere as part of purposeful misdirection and just plain dropping them because you forgot or something. Whether the latter is intentional or not, it comes off as sloppy. If it's given any special attention there should be some kind of payoff, even if the payoff is just acknowledging that it was irrelevant the whole time.

Steven universe's lore is rough around the edges, but overall pretty decent and better than any other current kids cartoon

>Maybe you should get your friend Rebecca to help learn how to write lore properly.

Do you think they double teamed her

one of them got double teamed, and it sure as hell wasn't her.


>It will never be as good as Cancer house
That's the best joke ever user. Good one

implying you can do any better.

Its not that anything caused Dipper and Ford to be weird, they are just deformities, however their weirdness is why they ended up in Gravity Falls.
Gravity Falls itself is an anomaly that draws other anomalies to it.

I was hoping for a connection between Dipper's birthmark and the alien ship. Alex is the right age to have seen Flight Of The Navigator on TV.

Loose plot threads are a sign of poor planning and shit writing. Say what you want about Steven Universe but it always revisits old ideas and never leaves a plot thread loose.

Why did this show get cancelled again?

Because the creator is a pissbaby who was mad that S&P wouldn't let him do everything he wanted instead of most of the things he wanted.

I didn't care for how S2 completely abandoned the idea of the weird creatures of GF being anything special.

That picture is far spookier than I expected.

Superior Mabel




The weirdness thing was ALMOST a good explanation

until he utterly trashed it with that zodiac thing, that was so heavy handed in the way it was done

It would have been infinitely better if the finale involved everyone part of the zodiac in the quest against Bill, to make it look like as if fate made all the weirdness stay in balance even if it gets tipped hardcore ie Bill breaking through, which would have explained why Gravity Falls sort of coasts through everything and hasn't blown up yet

Not make everyone stand in a circle with the symbols to make a spirit bomb. That was beyond a doubt the most rushed part.

Huh that's a weird picture of Star Butterfly.

>No-ratings Universe
That's the worst lie ever user. Bad one


Reverse Mabel will always and forever be the true Mabel of my heart.

>Say what you want about Steven Universe but it always revisits old ideas and never leaves a plot thread loose.
It's easy to say that because it hasn't ended yet, unlike Gravity Falls. I expect that they'll tie most of the hanging threads into a beautiful tapestry of plot, but I doubt they'll be able to use all of them. There's a chance that they'll revisit things like the time travel device or the evil scroll spirit, but there are just too many things like that.

You mean Rebecca "oh shit, we forgot about the plot" Sugar?

Hirsch could have got a third season though.

I mean, the most telling thing about this is that Disney WANTED Hirsch to make a 3rd season, but he said no. He had the opportunity to develop the plot properly, but he decided to just slap it all together and call it a day.

To be honest I also didn't got why Hirch wanted to leave, but them I saw that he worked on alost everything related to the production AND had to deal with an almost endless amount of obssessive autism on his back all the time.

Seriously, you guys are making things in a way that it is almost impossible to don't hate your own autistic obssessive fanbase, because you guys never stop whining with the production staff about your favorite ship or some autism niptick, that ends up causing hate to the people who make the things that you enjoy to begin with.

>he learned he couldn't get a third season.

You mean when he quit even though disney was begging him for a third season?

>b-but people were annoying him on the internet

If it's so much of a problem then why don't you just stop fucking checking your twitter?

Do you know what being professional means? Are you saying that said "autism" and shippers are a good reason for that actual behavior?

The thought of a creator that can't manage a fan base is stupid.

Doesn't SU get the best ratings on CN?

Your english teacher sucks

Not ONCE did he go Bruce Lee and punch a demon so hard it exploded. So much wasted potential.

>are a good reason for that actual behavior?

What actual behavior? Wanting to not do a show anymore because you are tired? Are you saying that he had an obligation or something to you?

Here is the autism that I was talking about.

That is only if he had it on his chest, not his head

You can be a Hokuto master regardless of where your dipper is.

Even that little shit Bat was able to learn some, Dipper is a disappointment as a man.

I can't believe we had to wait for a book to learn his real name.

So quitting your job because of comments on the internet is perfectly normal and reasonable?

No, Teen Titans Go does.


He finished his job, because he wanted to work on something else, this isn't quitting, you sperg. Also the main reason was because of the amount of work tgat he had to deal on almost every area of production and having to fight Disney to include anything at all.

He is the one who produces content, he chooses when stop doing it, no animator or creator work FOR you, you just cosume what they do.

You sperging over the fact that he said that shippers should focus less on shipping and more on other aspects of being a kid, in a kid's cartoon is the only thing patethic. More and more storyboatders and people on the industry are calling out the shitty autistic behavior of "fandoms", maybe we might stop other people of attempt suicide because they drew a character wrong, or people to harass creators just because they don't like a ship.

>Hack defense force

>this level of defense forcing
>"It's a kid's cartoon you sperg!"
>"I- I mean Alex fought Disney tooth and nail to get those bleeding taxidermy trophies on this cartoon!"
this post seriously reads too hard like one of Alex's cringey tweets. is that you, manlet?

and about that last part, other fandoms like Loud House, FOP, Regular Show, Star vs the Forces of Evil have perfectly fine fandoms in spite of large amounts of fandoms because the creators both provide input and don't get involved in the infighting and politics within the fandom, unlike Alex Hirsch, Pen Ward, Rebecca Sugar, and Ian Jones-Quartey who are too stupid to not give the trolls in their fandom a (You). No surprise all these pretentious hacks worked together previously.

Let me get it right...saying that characters under 12 should focus more on children stuff, instead of being a jerk? Please nigga, we also almost didn't got Lumberjack ghost because of Disney, and Stan had to regain his memmories because of them.

You are the one that is basically whinning about a guy not producing episodes for you, like some kind of crazy ex lover that can't get over a relationship. You hate the guy, but you keep wishing that he made more content for you.

Also, to be honest, GF and SU have bigger fandoms that everyone that you listed, and more nutjobs. Never saw someone bully a RS or FOP artist into suicide (but I saw a MLATR). You are basically saying that artists speaking up and saying that people are allowed to draw whatever they want is being a pretentious hack, like there was a code of behavior that they should follow.

We'll never know since Hirsch ended the show so abruptly

He could have, but he got sick of Gravity Falls and wanted to do something else.

>"If we do aliens it'll be at the very end of the series, you can't do bigger than aliens"
>Aliens do fucking nothing and are completely irrelevant to the plot of the series
Thanks, Alex, you fucking hack.

>.saying that characters under 12 should focus more on children stuff, instead of being a jerk?
but they focused on shipping anyway. this is such an empty excuse. what "child things" did mabel and dipper do anyway? aside from mabel occasionally acting like a retarded overgrown toddler. dipper didnt need to be kissing pacifica or wendy every episode, people just wanted those characters in general to have more of a role but they got a million soos episodes or mabel boyfriend of the week episodes instead.

>like some kind of crazy ex lover that can't get over a relationship

we get it, alex, the girl you based giffany off of was an alleged stalker.

>It's another hackposting thread

we just fucking had one you memes

>but they focused on shipping anyway.
Never seriously, this is the point.

And seriously, its like someone that broke up a relationship, but can never forget how great the dick was, and keep talking bout it, and how much they wanted more dick, while they hate the owner of said dick.

The birthmark ruined GF because the average audience dont know Ursa Major constellation, they live in cities with light pollution

>that's the point

and the show suffered because of it.

>And seriously, its like someone that broke up a relationship, but can never forget how great the dick was, and keep talking bout it, and how much they wanted more dick, while they hate the owner of said dick.

i really dont understand these crazy, homoerotic metaphors you keep coming up with, Alex.

people are critical of the show because they believe Alex did a piss poor job toward the end, and rightfully so. the ending was mediocre, many loose ends were left open, the final villain and his Yo Gabba Gabba reject sidekicks were terrible, the CGI "epic gundam reference!!!" fight was tacky, Stan went full retard at the worst possible moment, the final send-off was weak I mean Alex was too much of a pussy to even have Mabel leave behind Waddles.

its still possible to like the show, and hate what its become. thats why there are still fans of things like spongebob, simpsons, FOP, adventure time, or anything else that took a nosedive toward the end. people like the characters, they don't need to worship the one guy who created them (usually with the help of character designers and other staff members that get next to no credit), especially if said creator is an annoying liberal douche.

Nice try Alex Internet Defence Force

Remember the McGucket hoax?
Alex seemed kind of butthurt that the collective brain of the internet figured out his 'big twist'. He even had Soos call it out as lame in Ducktective.
Hirsch doesn't understand the difference between a real spoiler Vs. the collective joy of a popular theory being confirmed.

Aside from the kid cartoons in Japan.

Just because Lincoln makes your dick hard it doesn't make your show good.

What did S&P not let him do?

>Yo Gabba Gabba
I see you hackposter

just make a new twitter account if you're still mad about alex blocking you

So, BDSM much?

This will be really awkward if Dipper ever goes bald.

When your way to solve things is to give the guy that you have a hateboner one more season, and to writte more episodes, because you are a sperg fan of what he created...would be the solutions for your complains....yes, you sound like someone who hate the guy that dicked you, but cant stop talking about it.

When someone is dicking you
and does not give you a satisfying climax because they bailed early,
That is a legitimate reason to criticize them.
It's also reasonable to suggest they could have done better, if they had stuck around a little longer.

>tfw you realize the people watching this show don't waifu fag ironically