The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

What does Sup Forums think of LXG series, both the main and the Nemo trilogy? Anything you like or complaints?

I love the universe it takes place in, the way the world is influenced by the characters, actions and inventions of all fiction is extremely immersive. I do feel that the main storyline becomes lame after the Martian Invasion. Less action and adventure and more bizarre metabullshit and unappealing sex scenes. Thankfully, the Nemo trilogy takes its place, though I found River of Ghosts kind of lackluster.

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Remember that Harry Potter is the Anti-Christ in this series and gets killed by Mary Poppins who's a stand in for God.

I'm interested in collecting the original run of the comic but have only seen the movie version, which I understand is unfaithful to the source material but I still kind of liked as a pretty good action movie with an unconventional aesthetic.

I agree with you for the most of the part, OP. I only disagree that Black Dossier wasn't that bad, but I think the series really stopped being interesting when Moore got rid of the best characters from the main cast, Hyde and Nemo, and left us with Mina and Allan who weren't good enough to carry the rest of the saga.

I liked the first series. A fairly classic plot where Victorian novel characters took on the likes of Moriarty and James Bond's great great grandfather. The second run where the League inevitably dealt with the Martians wasn't bad either. But after that, Moore's train leaped off the rails and straight into crazy territory.

Though, I did like James Bond as a rapist Thought Police Agent and Harry Potter as the anti-Christ. Melting that little Malfoy's bitch face.

Hey, whatever happened those storytimes a few weeks ago? They only managed to get up to the New Traveller's Almanac.

It went to shit with all the time-skip bullshit. Not only was it lazy how they skipped over the Big Brother government stuff and the other "leagues" only being name-dropped, ending it with a fight against Harry Potter just because Moore has a thing against it was just fucking silly. With Moriarty it felt like something the character would do if put in that universe. With the Tom Riddle/Haddo stuff you didn't get that feeling at all. Instead of having all the different magicians show up, he made them all into the same one and had them act like he wanted. Mostly because he's got a hard-on for Aleister Crowley. Same with how he just added Harry Potter without actually connecting it at all with the Harry Potter books, completely severing the literary connection in all but the names. I haven't even bothered buying the third volume despite having all the rest.

The Nemo stuff is closer to what I would have wished for in the continuation of the series after the Martian war, but I'm afraid nothing will surpass the first two stories. I would have much preferred to see Nemo do all those things himself, or him passing his mantle down to another more modern character, rather than creating new characters to inherit his shit.

Allan should never have been made immortal, and they should never have mixed in non-literary characters into the universe. Should have stuck with literary ones, just to not muddy everything up so much with television-adaptations of literary works and the whole actor thing.

All in all, one of the most disappointing endings I've experienced. Lost Girls is legitimately a better comic than LoEG Volume III.

To add to this: Harry Potter as the anti-christ could have been interesting. "The Chosen One" being turned on its head and whatnot, and Harry Potter interacting with other literary magicians while unwittingly being groomed to be a world-destroyer. But delivering it in quick flashbacks is a fucking terrible way of doing it. If we'd actually gotten to follow the anti-christ to school and see the plotting and whatnot it could have been a decent modern setting, his time with the Dursley's showing us the world of mundane modern literary works while his time at Hogwarts would show magical literature. But instead we got to follow characters who didn't do shit except fuck, drink, do drugs, get raped, go insane and vegetate, right up until the end where they get bailed out by God.

>Not only was it lazy how they skipped over the Big Brother government stuff and the other "leagues" only being name-dropped,

My thoughts exactly.

I like Black Dossier quite a lot, except for the ending (I'm not really into the super bizarre stuff with the Golliwog and the Blazing World), but if there was going to be another conventional volume, it should have been the 1940's League fighting against Big Brother.

Plus, I'd love to see stories with the Twilight Heroes and the Les Hommes Mysteriux, rather than just text-dumps. The TH shows up in Rose of Berlin, but I'd like to see more when they were in their golden age.

There could also be stories about the Prospero and the Gulliver Leagues, too.

I liked the rape

Dear lord the Harry Potter thing is not a joke... I need more info anons, help a pleb.

As Moore got closer and closer to the present the more his bias seeped into the work. My other complaint is that Orlando is a gigantic mary sue even if people mostly ruined that phrase.

Post some.

Only the first volume was good. The second volume was nothing but waiting and the third volume was crappy experimental shit.

I said I liked it, not that I saved it you weirdo

I don't think he is a Mary Sue. I think he is a cynical statement by Alan Moore about the state of humanity only capable of fucking and killing each other.

Where can I find it then?

The league either fighting or just keeping themselves hidden from Big Brother(while collecting artefacts from history that's getting destroyed, perhaps) would have been really interesting. Although I'm not sure I would have liked Mina and Allan to be the ones. It should have been relegated to some literary characters from the era.

The Blazing World is a fucking fascinating book due to it's creation and how it's basically the first step towards Sci-Fi, and I'm actually a bit saddened by the fact that it was just relegated to "3D alternate dimension".

first and second volume are neat but even from the first volume it suffers from Moore's self indulgent metafiction bullshit. I mean yes, I know, it's just crisis on infinite stories with older scifi/fantasy novels but in some places moore stops the pulpy fun to wax poetic about magic or his metafictional bullshit.

In the end we see him basically REEE at modern culture and honestly the further it gets from the victorian era the less interesting it gets.

I agree.
Orlando's either a murderer going off to any war or fight there is when he's a man, or a whore who'll fuck anything when a woman.

Which is why I could never care for the character. About the only time I liked the inclusion of the character was the scene with Colonel Cuckoo.

Moore in general is really fond of the 'old experienced woman adventurer' archetype and plays it up with Orlando and later in his pet work Promethea with one of the past prometheas.

The main issue here being that his 'experienced female heroines' are self centred selfish assholes who are more interested in hedonism and petty bullshit than adventure or anything remotely interesting.

Nevermind the man's prurient fascination with sex, drugs, and booze and having characters engage in their use. I've done drugs, I've fucked, I've gotten drunk. You know what? That shit is boring from an outside perspective, why any self respecting writer would make a significant part of the narrative sex, drugs, and booze if it's not porn I have no idea. of extraordinary gentlemen rape