If unarmed blacks are 7 times more likely to get shot by police because they are inherently more violent, then why isn't there any correlation between police violence and community violence?
Also is racism caused by "uncanny valley"?
If unarmed blacks are 7 times more likely to get shot by police because they are inherently more violent, then why isn't there any correlation between police violence and community violence?
Also is racism caused by "uncanny valley"?
Why don't you look up the stats regarding "Violent Crimes Committed By Blacks" and Police Violence?
I don't think there is a better indicator for retardation than when someone starts comparing numbers regarding a minority to general figures including ALL people(I had to be redundant so you'd get the fucking point, autismo)
We still require community violence to correlate to police violence. Without this correlation, we can't say that black communities being more violent is what causes the police to be more violent towards them.
How to rebuke this?
Actually that would be worse if police violence correlated only to black violence, because then it shows a racial bias.
>racial bias
This is so fucking bullshit, noticing trends is not bias
Yes, knowing full well that niggers are more likely to resort to violence is than in account of threat assessment by police, because fuck feeling I want to get home back alive
Better be judged by 12 then carried by 6
> How a controversial study found that police are more likely to shoot whites, not blacks
(Actually the title is false since the null is within the 95% CI but don't expect a journalist to understand that. )
Studies show that blacks who watched this video
had a 50 per cent lower incidence of police interactions and a 70 per cent low incidence of police violence of any kind than the general population.
Police are more likely to shoot a white person than a black person in confrontation.
>Yes, knowing full well that niggers are more likely to resort to violence is than in account of threat assessment by police, because fuck feeling I want to get home back alive
Well firstly we're talking about unarmed blacks here. So the threat level is much lower than you portray here.
Secondly, and more importantly, POLICE DONT SEEM TO CARE ABOUT HOW VIOLENT THEIR COMMUNITY IS (see OP image).
Because police don't have to respond with deadly force to the actions of a community, they respond with deadly force to the actions of an individual.
If you have an overly violent community, but it's one where they drop their weapons when ordered to by officers, no one gets shot by police. If you have a suburb with one black guy and that guy doesn't drop his gun then he gets shot.
Police in violent communities probably also have a different procedural and training regimen. And there's not a consistent spread of non-lethal weapons like tasers across law enforcement in the United States. And the culture in different regions is different. And every situation is different.
There's no reason to expect that it would correlate in any statistically significant way to community violence. I don't have any idea what they were trying to prove with this study. It's about as relevant as saying "The proportion of racists in an area is not correlated to the number of bees per square mile". All they did was take two unrelated but controversial subjects and run irrelevant statistical tests on them.
>cherry picking cities
>despite their different size and structure cities don't have specific weights
>is violent crimes a standardized variable?
>no regression and R^2
>correlation-causality fallacy
You're literally an uneducated nigger posting crap propaganda.
Okay? This EXACT same information could be used to make the point that White people are shot by police more often... They absolutely HATE this being noted. I guarantee ALL of the areas with lesser community have smaller black communities, thus meaning their percentage of the demographic is too small to account for the majority of police encounters.
They'll have to say "woah, whitey get shot more".
If they deny it, they're basically saying "YUH we minority but we responzibl fo da CRIME CRaKKa"
Individuals make up the community though. If the community is more violent, then the chance of an individual responding violently to police is also increased.
>There's no reason to expect that it [police violence] would correlate in any statistically significant way to community violence.
If it doesn't correlate, then how are we concluding that police are responding more violently to black communities who are violent?
Something is not adding up here.
>Also is racism caused by "uncanny valley"?
I mean, they don't look human/healthy. So that kind of makes sense.
Its not that they're violent, they're violent and stupid. If you murder a dozen people but then surrender to the cops you aren't getting shot. If you chimp out when someone scuffs your sneakers and when the cops try to calm the situation you try to punch them you are.
The threat level may be much lower than if the person in question subjected to police violence had a weapon, yes, but you are being disingenuous if you claim that there is no threat, or that it is low at all. The fact remains that, generally, these police shootings are justified and there is a genuine threat to the officer's life or wellbeing. There are exceptions, but they're just that, exceptions.
Secondly, it doesn't matter how violent a community is. What matters is the situation that leads to the violence. In the majority of cases, the situation leading up to a police shooting presents a verifiable danger to the policeman in question. If such a situation happens more in communities that are generally less violent, then they happen more. Sure, it's a reasonable ASSUMPTION that more violent communities are subject to more police shootings, but it's just an assumption with next to no factual basis.
>medpacks cant into statistics
even if its 51% it proves the hypothesis, it just isn't as significant. Its not like theres some voodoo witchcraft that happens at 2sd.
>community violence
You can't just compare irrelevant numbers
You are comparing a data set with tens of thousands of points to one with maybe a dozen. If there is one extra or one less police shooting, you get a variation of like 10% of the total. Crime rates don't possess the same volatility.
It's comparing the wrong data sets intentionally
You don't get shot because the community is violent, you get shot because you're violentry resisting arrest
When you compare rates of resisting arrest the data explains the racial disparities
Don't be a nigger or beaner in Bakersfield CA.
The cops will fuckin shoot your colored asses.
Go away... I'm sorry but statistics prove that niggers are more violent and commit more crime than any other race. In addition to that, I have first hand experience with law enforcement having to deal with niggers. Trust me, they are very low iq subhuman animals. I wear gloves at all times so I don't have to touch them, and so do most of my fellow officers. You people have no idea what goes through your mind when confronted by a violent nigger these days:
It's almost guaranteed that if the perp is a groid, you are going to probably lose your job by doing your job
>t. city cop in the NE
your looking at city not state. in a state people in law enforcement especially may be aware of how bad a neighboring city/district is
the aggregated violent crime rate in a state with the aggregated rate of police shootings would probably show a different picture
also there are more cities in america than on your list. stop cherry picking
Bitch please. Bakersfield PD is an enlightened california city. They will shoot your ass regardless of race.
Violent crime is also somewhat misleading. For example, black neighborhoods highly underreport crime, because of lack of trust of the police and the "No snitching" attitude.
Also, for example, you could "improve" your standing on OP's chart by doing a shitty job policing. After all, the police need to be there at the same time that you have the violent criminal for there to be a legit police shooting.
Because whites get shot by police far more frequently than blacks.
ayy bakersfield bro
Despite being less violent and less criminal. So that's why police shootings and neighborhood crime rates don't correlated.
Literally because cops are murdering innocent white people.
M8 just listen to nigger music's on spotify. It is all u needs to know. Erry nigger Dills drugs and has a gun. They tell you about that nigger shit in erry song. They also like to murder and rape. They don't even attempt to hide that shit. Niggers will stop being shit on by pole lease when they stop doing this shit.
cops are also super ANTI-racist against Asians. That's right people. Cops LOVE Asian men, which is why they shoot them so infrequently.
This. Is also like to know what they counted as "violent crime" something like rape or burglary would be "after the fact" and they won't be likely to shoot them in progress of the crime compared to, say, a city with higher levels of assault.
>we're talking about unarmed blacks
That doesn't mean they aren't dangerous dipshit. If they're driving recklessly almost running over people, or trying to take the officers gun or savagely beating someone they're Un armed but lethal force is justified. Whites and Asians don't do that shit near as often.
Again this.
Again, almost 100% chance the "violent crimes" in those cities aren't comparable.
>I'm sorry but statistics prove that niggers are more violent and commit more crime than any other race.
How did you miss the point this hard? They let inbreds like you become cops these days?
ALSO as somewhat touched on, it would have a lot to do with actual policing effectiveness(or lack there of) and funding. Look at Detroit up there. High crime, low shooting. Does that mean the cops do a good job at interacting? No, that aren't interacting at all. They have horribly slow response time and are desperately underfunded. Their absence is why police shootings are so low. Oh Detroit is also mostly black.
>How to rebuke this?
You mean "refute", nigger. But your argument is compelling. I don't predict you'll get any intelligible responses from Sup Forums, to be honest.
>Sure, it's a reasonable ASSUMPTION that more violent communities are subject to more police shootings, but it's just an assumption with next to no factual basis.
So you don't believe that "niggers are a more violent community" should imply that more niggers get shot?
So basically someone else could look at this chart and say "See? It's blacks fault for needlessly antagonizing police, not the crime. If they just cooperate like other people they wouldn't get shot."
It's actually a problem with police, not necessarily a systematic racial problem.
See how this 17-year old white boy gets shot dead over basically nothing