Whats the fastest way to defeat the (((International Globlists)))?

Whats the fastest way to defeat the (((International Globlists)))?

Lol you never will.

They won a long time ago you naive bastard


Consider yourself lucky that you live in Norway and not the template for what will be the end goal. We live in a game of social darwinism over here.

>j-just give up

No, lard.

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I'm not a shill, our world is run by these dudes and you know it. Just accept it. You're just stressing about something that you can't change.

>continues to spread defeatism after being called out on it
>I-I'm totally not a shill!

I want people like you dead.




Literally gas the kikes race war now.


It's not really defeatism if it's completely accurate.

>our world is run by these dubs

>Gather a hit list of the people at the top and their addresses.
>Pose as BLM activists on social media and claim that they are racist whites keeping blacks down
>Claim that killing them will free blacks

Let the nigs chimpout and kill them for us then the cops can come in take out the nigs and every gets better.

kek wills it

>our world is run by these dudes and you know it

you are as retarded as most of Sup Forums
The world is not run by one individual/organization. It is split in many individuals/organizations that follow their own interest, ego and objective to gain power and money. You might see some bow down to others, but it is only because it fits their interests. They can switch sides without batting an eye. Example is the tyranical leader of Turkey playing all sides.

Because things clearly never change and never have throughout history.

Seriously, just shut your stupid whore mouth or at least take it offline so that maybe someone overhears it. Let everyone know you're on the winning side, hopefully the right person remembers it.

escaping to an earth-like planet and restarting there

Erdogan was an asset, he was never calling any shots. Now he isn't an asset.

I tried at least.

>Erdogan was an asset, he was never calling any shots. Now he isn't an asset.

Proves me right. Don't think that there is one superior human that dictates everything. You have nothing but short-term politicians with certain interests and ambitions.

restarting with israeli gene pool if globalists had their way

It's a group, not one person.

You know what, nevermind. It is just short term politicians, there are no long term goals there are no secret plans.

Group that acts as one unit to present mutual interest (which still means that there is different people within that group with different interests). The world is not black and white.

You tried nothing. Why would you start whining on the internet months before you could get Trump elected, all while in Europe our right wing parties are growing.

Either you're a complete retard or a shill, but you have to be removed for eugenics' sakes.

Long term plans that fit certain interests of one group. Long term plans that would change or even die out.

Hang a pig above entrance to every bank.

An endless stream of happenings that gives rise to nationalism worldwide

You're right, there is no basic framework plan which would benefit the most powerful people in the world.

I've never wanted to elect Trump, I've always thought he was an untrustworthy asshole. Don't know what you're talking about.

>You're right, there is no basic framework plan which would benefit the most powerful people in the world.
True. "people" is the magic word

>h-he's not perfect, therefore everything's lost!

Guess what, I'd like Hitler more if he wouldn't have spent resources building camps but simply shooting them outside of the cities, but alas we have to deal with the hand we're dealt with.

Ban Israeli flags and affiliations in right-wing parties, infiltrate and don't get corrupted. Sure you might climb the ladder and receive a bit extra money, but you will be regretting being a pathological on your death bed, if not before.

It's pretty ez.

>everything's lost

I'm not all doom and gloom like you. I've accepted reality and will live my life accordingly. Maybe you will too someday.

You can have people working for their own interest who notice that working toward a couple specific goals would benefit all of them.

Yeah women............................. :(


>You can have people working for their own interest who notice that working toward a couple specific goals would benefit all of them.
Too many different people with different power and a short life span to make this possible. For example when George Soros dies, his son might think that investing all the money into cocaine and a sexually dominant robot for pegging.

Also, surely no one would sabotage this plan and backstab everyone if he has different interests and ambitions, right?