100% of the world's problems are caused by the human ego

100% of the world's problems are caused by the human ego.


>dude just give up your ego (and let your rulers trample all over you heheheh good tax cattle)

such is the "wisdom" of eastern philosophy

Only if ego=jews

love this guy

100% or suffering is caused by desire and ignorance.

ego is the defense the identity builds against the super ego which is the world.

>Sup Forums into psychiatry or philosophy


All of the world's problems are also solved by ego. If you are a person with the right conscience and values with a big ego, you are an asset.

We forget that we haven't really left the jungle, we're still primitive animals after all.

Hopefully we'll be wiped.

This is simply incorrect

Which part?

The problem can't also be the solution, doesn't make sense

Homeless man has psychotic break; thinks dissociative personality disorder is enlightenment. Uh, no thanks.

He is a faggot australian, ignore him.

The super ego is the world or what you think you should do or what you think is proper. Your ego is your identity telling the super ego you are trying really super hard and probably did good enough.

Basically the ego does not exist, only the identity.

You'd have to prove it to be a problem first.

Sorry, but I don't subscribe to the jewish teachings of Freud.

These philosophies are interesting to think about for a while in your teens until you realize that they lead absolutely nowhere and are a total waste of your time.


>non-existent abstraction
>causes anything

>looks like a fuckin Gook

really makes you think

Thats very smart. Only morons don't get the irony.

Why is a tsunami a problem?

solar flares


You ego is the measure of your faith in your ideals. The jealousy you feel for what you think is right.

If someone is stealing or lying or murdering, your anger or outrage at the offender is the reflection of the intensity of your ego which is the measure of the faith in what you believe is right.

Some people see bad, and they go out of their way to stop it from happening. Some people just voice their opposition to the bad and then carry on with what they were doing. Some people just consider bad bad in their heart and leave it at that. It is the measure of their egos.

it's actually the id causing the problems, not the ego.

Only if you concede that it's people who claim to be above egotism and actually aren't trying to enact their little utopia projects

more like (((yid))) t bh

100% of the world's problems are caused by Americans.


Spooks get out

>An accident
> somehow Ego related

Why did the thread continue past this point


Are these supposed virtues all spooks? It hit me pretty hard when I realised women were right all along.


One can always pretend to live in a fairyland where the rulers too don't have any ego.

Women are the ultimate redpill

I could use "ghosts of the consciousness" if that triggers you less

Stirner is basically the only philosopher you need

Ego is just the mechanism that allows you to reproduce and survive. That's it. Almost all questions are answered with evolutionary biology.

is there anything worse than stirnerfags? I can't think of anything


If you didn't have an ego you wouldn't even survive. The very thing that makes you preserve your being is the ego.

100% of all problems you may encounter occur to you because you are alive. Kys

commies and nat-sco retards

wrong, it's a lot of niggers and they don't count as human.

The ego is just an aspect of the human psyche, along with the id and the superego. The idea is to keep them in balance, not to eliminate any of them. Trying to do that actually creates the imbalance in the first place. None of the aspects are inherently "evil", either. You've totally taken Freudian psychodynamics and a superficial impression of Buddhism and created some incoherent bullshit.

I disagree. The biggest of the world's problems are caused by subhumans.