What did he mean by this?

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He will liberate Britain and enact Article 50 by himself.


5d nonlinear chess

I for one welcome our new Trump overlord.

P.S fuck Scotland, build wall between us and Scotland

probably some weird ass cryptic way of saying he will defy the polls to win

But seriously I love Trump, but what the fuck did he mean by this?


this is the only explanation that sort of makes sense.

You're just butthurt that the Scots beat the shit out of your cousins at Glasgow Airport.

Go back to Karachi where you belong, Ahmed.

He's probably pissed that Scotland largely voted remain.

>He's probably pissed that Scotland largely voted remain.

London is the blackest part of the UK (Its where we store our niggers)

Scotland voted the exact same as London did.

Scotland are the niggers of the UK.


>the person who won the brexit

hes going to help America leave the EU

>the Don is back

As sad as it makes me being a Scot, one can draw many parallels between the Scots and blacks.

It was for this reason that I lost my faith in white nationalism.


KEK...Trump confirmed for future British PM?

>Trump saying retarded things again

The guy is not even fit to post in twitter, yet some of you guys think he is fit to handle sensitive things that will effect the entire world for 4 years.

Hello JIDF

>It was for this reason that I lost my faith in white nationalism.

Typical Scot.

>Scotland is shit


the only thing wrong I see were the autism tweets and the sarcasm bullshit

He's enforcing Brexit by any means necessary

I think i'll stick with this guy instead of Hillary, whos done actual wrongdoings and dereliction of duty.

All you got on Trump is an infographic of mean tweets lol. Its obvious the media and you shills shot your whole load on this guy MONTHS ago. All you can do is hang on his words now.


I don't think the libs can beat this

Let me guess:

>Celts aren't white! Slavs aren't white! We >WuZ Romanz!

>The will call me Mr. Brexist!

Wow just like the same racist, sexist, Europhobic, conspiracy theorist in Britain?

fuck off fake china

Trump has done worse things than hillary, he just tries to hide it


That's a winning record. Is that supposed to scare us?

For comparison clinton NEVER lost a case on court, user, while trump lost 38 cases.

judege for yourself who is more corrupt.

really makes you think

I don't believe any of that, you idiot.

Hillary? She obviously paid off the judges./jury

GO DRUMPF WE WUZ BEST COUNTRY N SHIT . can someone just nuke usa already. the retards are starting to genuinly believe they are smarter than the rest of the world.day of the rope for anglos when?


>I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.

I would hardly associate never having lost a court case with "not being corrupt".

Brexit lost in all polls, but won because they obv. used biased polling methods.

she never lost a case because currently, she is above law.


user if you blame Bill Clinton for Sexual Assault, you should also blame turmp, sine he has the exact same case going on for him:


Wow user to totally did not give the most biased news source possible

Holy shit, it's like all big news companies are biased to the left so we need to go to smaller sites




So Celts are white and the same and all the other whites.

Hilary is nothing but a rat and the left was, and is a mistake

hilary has a long history of crime and corruption, something not even you, schlomo leftycuckenstien can deny

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the donations the clinton foundation got from gulf countries. FYI, the gulf countries and the US have been allies for decades, this is not a clinton thing, republican presidents had relationships with them as well. and the whole "weapon deals" thing was never proven.

I agree she shouldn't have been using her private email when she should have been using the governmental one, though. but that's not even close to the bad things trump has done

The left is not a "mistake" user. common sense just happen to be in the mid-left political field.

The only "corruption" stories that are actually true about her are the email scandal and her lying. anything else was never proven.

The contribution she made to all of humanity throughout the clinton foundation is absolutely incredible, and its more than anything trump has done

Scotland voted remain because the SNP rigged the Brexit vote to convince people that if they wanted another independence referendum they should vote to remain.

Plus the leave groups didn't hit up the place more than they should have, the media kept on saying they'd vote remain and they just gave up.

Not everyone there voted to remain, quite a lot voted to leave too. Shame there weren't any huge leave areas otherwise Sturgeon would have been completely fucked.

> but that's not even close to the bad things trump has done
like what?

>The left is not a "mistake" user. common sense just happen to be in the mid-left political field.

define your "common sense", your statement is nothing but empty

There's no need to be upset lad. Some races are simply better than others. But only one can be the best.


Scamming people for tens of thousands of dollars in trump university, not paying his workers.

Alleged sexual assault - never proven, he settled a deal with the girl to drop the case

>Actually believing Hillary kills people
oh please. this is just a retarded conspiracy

About common sense being more to the left:

Many of the policies that are supported by the right wing are harmful to society, and are downright immoral.

Benjamin Netanyahu was actively campaigning to make people hate the left, it's sad you ate the pills the israeli right wing was giving you.

Hey, Jew, maybe if you knew about American politics you wouldn't have posted that, you fucking idiot.

source: fec.gov

I'm sick and tired of non-Americans thinking they know everything about American politics when they don't know jack shit.

Just that I actually know things about american politics.

The contributions of the clinton foundation are very real, its just that alot of americans are too stupid and blinded by republican propaganda to see it

Ehh what? looks like winning to me

because how he settled a deal with the girl to drop the case has a lot of proof to back it up?

Many of the policies that are supported by the right wing are harmful to society, and are downright immoral.
by your frame of mind

>Benjamin Netanyahu was actively campaigning to make people hate the left, it's sad you ate the pills the israeli right wing was giving you.

or maybe, the terror acts that we get commonly in here changed our mind instead of the "benjamin pill"

>Many of the policies that are supported by the right wing are harmful to society, and are downright immoral.

according to your cuckold frame of mind

You idiot, there was a clear surge of terror attacks right after benjamin netanyahu was elected because of statements he made during the election on arab voters.

because muslims are civilized people who want us to have our own country?

>voting for a person using the "I was just pretending to be retarded" meme as a legitimate deflection

you all suck

and the children on the Lolita Express/Private Island

Sorry Palestine, Israel is going to take more than your IP when Trump wins.

Some muslims are civilized people, yes.

But religion in general is bad, INCLUDING the jewish religion.

Trump is a fucking idiot, that's what he means.

at least we Jews don't behead people we disagree with.

Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

I hope it means he's quitting the race and leaving the United States.

Praise Kek!

1. Don't post gore.

2. That's extreme islam, not all of islam. if you look at haredi neighborhoods, many of them legit throw rocks at people for driving a car in saturday

the "extreme islam" you are talking about is more common than you think.

It means prepare for thousands of butthurt liberals and millenials on Nov 8

What a fucking shill
Another israelibro answereed you with the perfect answer

On topic pic related

Even among muslims who support their sharia law, most of them are not in favor of terror, user.


im just passing by.

Yeah but you've said yourself, "exetreme islam"

Trump is not "the best for israel", he is not the best for anyone.

he is a danger for the entire world.

You just crash their homes with bulldozers. No biggie

supporting sharia law is enough, seeing how they go about forcefully implementing it in non-Islamic countries

Hillary is not the "best for israel", she is nit the best for anyone.

She is a danger for the entire world.

I think religion is general is terrible and a delusion. in their time, Christians used to murder people for not being christian in their crusaders, and jewish people used to kill people with rocks for every little thing.

Right wing politics is directly associated with religion.

Trump is for the interest of Benjamin Netanyahu, which is actually interests that are harmful as fuck for the whole middle east.

Wew lads, JIDF up in this joint!

Keep on trumpin' boys.

Go knife a baby you Palestinian shit

But christianity and judaism(mostly, haredims need a bit of work) have been reformed.
Islam is stuck in thr past and still a barbaric religion. It should be destroyed/reformed.
Anything is better than hillary on that regard, she will distabillize ME even more

>He will finally nuke the middle east off the planet
Fuck yeah

First of all, nice trips get.

Now, for the argument:
I agree that the more extreme sides of islam are extremely bad, but i think islam is not the only thing that should be destroyed - all religions should be destroyed. it shouldn't be done in violent ways of course.

And plz, many of the policies trump blames obama for "destabilizing the area" he would have done himself too:

Also note that Trump is going to do nothing about Isis, and he said that if Isis will attack the US he will just nuke them, which will kill people indiscriminately and also cause israel to suffer from nuclear dust in the air

did that make you feel better Kenny? are you goin into the closet to pout now? do ya need to mutterpost some more and cry? Frankly, I don't think we need more pouters, Kenny. We need people that have a sense of humor and a sense of responsibility to make Sup Forums, AND EVERYTHING ELSE . . . GREAT . . . AGAIN.

So . . . here's the story . . . I'm not a "fucking idiot," okay Kenny? And you better never say that again.

Get you shit together.

>he said that if Isis will attack the US he will just nuke them
How can you just lie like that? How are you shills able to be so dishonest and still live with yourselves?

Quoting trump directly: "Somebody hits us within Isis, you wouldn't fight back with a nuke?"

So he "Might nuke them". there you go, hardly makes it better.

>Somebody hits us within Isis, you wouldn't fight back with a nuke?
Wow, it's almost like he gave a decent answer after being pressed endlessly by shill reporters.

Your "Trump is le dangerous, can you really trust them with le launch codes omg" angle is fucking scummy and manipulated and you know it. Kill yourself, shill.

Try to use your common sense

>top trump bants
i see nothing wrong here

>shill saying retarded things again
This guy is not even fit to post in Sup Forums

I hadn't seen this. I've been in media blackout because I can't stand the shilling.

Trump had better be careful. Saying something like this is just going to trigger even the moderates who want to make a name for themselves.

>heh, ahmed, take this clock, blow yourself up and you will bring about the end of the world as Mohammed PBUH said
>you mean I'll be in jannah?
>the highest fucking level of jannah! You will be right up there with Aisha.

It's a win-win for them. This won't go over very well with Japan, but they've been bitching about it for a long time, particularly during August, The Month of Guilt.

I don't want to die in nuclear fallout.

Do it