Are you ready to swallow the ultimate red pill and accept the fact that communism is the truth and future...

Are you ready to swallow the ultimate red pill and accept the fact that communism is the truth and future? Capitalism is failing as we speak and economic collapse is coming. This is because capitalism simply caters to rich people, not working middle class and poor people. We communists care about those who have been oppressed and we want to offer you better future. So join us when communist revolution comes and fight for the better future.

Oh oh oho hohoho

I almost took you seriously until I saw "stormfaggotry"


fascism is that and your roleplaying isn't welcome


The only people who support communism are faggots who can't achieve anything, real men want the government to get out of the way because they trust their own abilities

>ITT: r-strategist tries to rationalize his mental defects

It's been tried before Mao. Capitalism may not be perfect but it's the best option we have

The leftists must be eradicated.

All socialists and communists shall die.

War is coming, and your cowardly philosophy of weakness will be destroyed once and for all.

I prefer this one

Both Capitalism and Communism are the opposite sides of the same Jewish coin.
Both work for the Jewish elite. You might as well take your mediocre bullshit and shove it down your asshole.

>escaping inequality

>le equality is a good thing meme

The only way equality has ever been achieved is by making everyone equally soil in the ground

you made me cringe hard


>fascism is that and your roleplaying isn't welcome

How are you going to stop us without becoming a fascist yourself? :^)

Libertarianism are for dumb cucks incapable of seeing the bigger picture.

>this is what /leftypol/ actually believes

Just wow


Communism is disgusting.
Learn some history.


Read Animal farm you illiterate russian.

Ask anyone living in a post-soviet country and has a working brain, how did it feel when the ruskies came and claimed everything, forcing all member countries to lick Lenins and Stalins ass?

How did it feel when they targeted intellectuals, deported them to work and die of starvation/exhaustion/hypothermia?

How did it feel when at the sign of the faintest critique of the system/emperor you were taken in for a good old re-integration with electrical shocks and hourly beatings?

How did it feel when your country exports everything of value and you can't purchase bread or beer, you have portioned butter e.g. 1/4 butter / person / month?

How did it feel when you had to lie to the collective that you have 5 pigs when you can barely feed one, and at the end the state took that one away anyway?

>Everybody had jobs
Most of those jobs was more like a show, a lot of people didn't have to do anything at work.

>Everybody is equal
Tell that to the intellectual layer who figured out the fallacies and got deported/killed/forced to spy on others.

How would you like it if at the beginning of a workday/class you have to sing the national communist anthem, praising someone from a totally different country?

How about everyone forced to learn russian in school?

>I could go on, but it's time for me to bike home, and eat a sandwhich cause I have bread. meat and butter in the fridge.

Sorry lads, my retarded cousin broke out of the cage again. Ignore him, he never really recovered after russia assraped him in his childhood.

>Capitalism failure.

World's life expectancy from 45 to 75
World poverty from 80% to 30%

>We should try communism again, them last historical massive starvation didn't convince me enough.

Sorry, meant to post a world's GDP, not just USA's

The notion is the same though.

>that logarithmic axis