How does Sup Forums feel about this?
How does Sup Forums feel about this?
A woman that cannot cook is useless.
Parents are feeding that fat fuck McDonald's so he dies of a heart condition and they can collect the (((insurance money))).
I cook well enough that I'm willing to accept a woman that cleans but doesn't cook.
But yeah, if you can't cook you're literally retarded.
>that hand
Feels bad.
So many chicks these days can't fucking cook, clean or even tidy up, and I'm 27 holy shit.
Being 27 is truly hell, because chicks 5 years younger than you might as well be brain dead, and older chicks are a no-go because fuck women who spent their youth riding the cock carousel.
I seriously can't wait until I hit my thirties, then find a chick who's in a late twenties.
How will late twenties chicks be any different? They'll just be over halfway done riding the caraousel of cock
Seriously, I'm a gross ass bachelor and even I know how to cook.
I'm curious, Sup Forums. What's your favorite recipe? My go to is a steak, mushroom, spinach and Gorgonzola pasta. I only use one pot to cook it and it lasts for days. Great for when I want to save money and don't want to cook over the weekend.
Not necessarily, and I phrased it wrongly. I meant to say chicks in their thirties have 100% ridden the cock carousel, otherwise they wouldn't be single.
Chicks in their late twenties still have hope.
Disgusting. I'm a hobby cook with conviction. The stuff I cook myself tastes better, is more healthy and is way cheaper than instant food. Also women love guys who cook. When I make Crêpes Suzette flambées au Grand Marnier bitches go immediately wet.