Are antidepressants for the weak in society?

Are antidepressants for the weak in society?

Don't know but iv3 been prescribed them, they are meant to be good for mild depression and anxiety but I eont want to start because then you can't stop with risking life threatening depression.

Being red pilled ends in depression. So no, not really.

People these days lack purpose in our society. Everything is about instant-gratification. We exercise a lot less in general compared to our ancestors, which is a big contributing factor to depression. Fast-food is more readily available and cheaper than healthy food, which contributes to feeling shitty as well. Surely these meds have helped people, but a lot of the time people end up being more messed up than they were before they started the drug. SSRI's are stupid because they take 2 weeks to build up in your system, and you don't know whether you're going to have a bad reaction or a good one so i'd say they're pretty ineffective.

It doesn't help that pharma pays doctors to hand it out just because someone thinks they may be depressed. The withdrawals are quite a terrible thing as i have witnessed some of my friends gain a lot of weight, which obviously doesn't help depression, it kills your libido. And when you get off of them, you get these things called brain zaps.

If you've got an infection you take antibiotics, heart problems heart medicine, type 1 diabetic insulin, so why not mental health drugs for mental health problems?
Yes some of them are shitty, and make you worse eg prozac since it was just approved due to big pharma lies, but other drugs can help with depression. They don't cure it, but can help you manage so you can resume daily life and that gets rid of if.

They are for the misguided alright. The problem is that the side-effects of these things are dangerous and anyone taking these in a high-performance environment will instantly lose after dropping them. You have this strange kind of brain-fog (?) after dropping them, like being in constant hang over. The thinking man's antidepressants are alcohol and tobacco for they at least allow your energy to remain the same.

>jews godless consumer society warps our minds
>jew pharma sells us the 'cure' and rakes in billions

Its only a scam if you're not in on it.

>If you've got an infection you take antibiotics, heart problems heart medicine, type 1 diabetic insulin, so why not mental health drugs for mental health problems?

Because they don't know much about the brain yet, that's why people have to try so many different anti-depressants before they find one that doesn't make them suicidal.


There is a trait that runs in my family that we have an abnormally low number of serotonin receptors so I do actually need them, but for the most part, yeah, they're for the weak.

Suicide rate in my family is stupid high.

Is there an actual way to detect whether or not you have a low amount of serotonin receptors? I could understand believing that if you have a family history of depression.

Only if antibiotics are also for the weak in society.
(Maybe the problem re depression is society, not the sufferer? In part?)


>and cheaper than healthy food

When did this meme start? It's much cheaper to eat healthier than it is to eat fast food. The real difference was exactly what you said originally, instant gratification. People won't fuck around peeling carrots and chopping onions when they can take their 14 kids to McDonald's and not have to do any work.

The simple fact is that the more our technology advances, the lazier we get. If you wanted to turn the TV over you had to physically get up and do it, then we had the remote control. If you wanted to watch a film you physically went to Blockbuster, then we got Netflix. If you wanted to know if a friend was home you went and knocked on their door, then came things children didn't need, but their good goy parents were convinced they did need like smartphones and the internet. They're even doing away with people physically driving cars to make room for driverless cars.
Technology always has a flip side, but no one cares because it makes their life easier. That's why (some) Luddites have/had a point. I know they were buttmad that their jobs were going to be replaced, but the outcome is still the same and they always get asked the same thing, "why do you want to stand in the way of progress?". I'm more interested in when "progress" turned into "regress" if I'm being honest.

Don't antidepressants make people kill themselves?


>implying this don't makes you and your family weak

If only white people take anti depressants or kill themselves, doesn't that mean that niggers are mentally stronger and superior to mentally weak whites?

I had to take some antidepressants last year, they were milder but it was absolutely garbage. Never got a boner, mad all the time and I had to take pointless naps
fuck it, I'm happier without them

some of them do, I once use some antidepressants that made me want to kill myself like 10 times more than before/after using it.

They are all different. Some of them don't even kill your libido(like the one i'm using now)

i've been depressed enough over the past 20 years for it to seriously affect my life. i'm sure if i'd gone to a doctor he would not have hesitated to prescribe me an antidepressant, but i haven't been to a doctor in 10 years. (as a 'strong' man, i'd literally have to be pissing blood to consider booking an appointment.)

i didn't admit i was depressed until last year, but i still haven't been to the doctor. i tried an antidepressant for a couple of weeks (tianeptine). i quit after i had panic attacks. not sure of the tianeptine was to blame.

over the years, i have self-medicated with nootropics with success. it's expensive and takes a lot of experimentation.

my advice is not to rush into taking antidepressants, but if changes to your lifestyle, diet, activity level, amount of sun you get, etc., does not improve your mood, then seriously consider seeing a doctor and trying them for a while.

what one are you using now?

>When did this meme start? It's much cheaper to eat healthier than it is to eat fast food.

Sure it is, but it's also more convenient to get fast food on your way home from work rather than having to spend an hour cooking, like you already mentioned lol. I agree with everything you said about technology making us more lazy, not only that but it's not good for the family. Families used to be stronger when everyone wasn't watching tv's, on their phones etc. Families actually ate at the table instead of in their rooms. People, myself included need a constant stream of mental stimulation. Yes there will be less jobs in the future, and it's worrying because the immigration to western nations is very high. So what these people are going to do when there's no work, who knows.

nigger you're weak then

The leaf has it right. It's like when you build the super power generating machine in Minecraft and you realise you now have nothing to use the power for. We've reached the endgame and there's only a void after that.

Brain zaps are absolutely horrid i remember getting them for a solid week every time id try to dose off i get one and i fell down quite a bit from them too

antidepressants only make me feel better in the first days and then its the same thing as if i were not using at all

Absolutely, you're so fucking moody you depend on medication to put you in a better mood. Even if they worked perfectly, I would feel like a degenerate for ignoring my natural mental state just to feel happy.

I honestly think they're amazing. They have helped me a lot in my severe depression despite the weird side effects they've had on me. When I first started on them I felt a bit worse than before and had brain zaps. That shit went away though. Anti depressants alone won't cure your depression but in combination with other methods they are extremely effective.

They give you a shot of serotonin with a "dye" in it then give you a CAT scan and see how it's absorbed in your brain

Is it worth going through hoops to get this shit done


That's only a valid comparison if you have a genuinely fucked up brain that's producing the wrong mixture of hormones. All of those other things you mentioned are actually solving the root problem. If you use antidepressants and you don't have an actual physiological problem, you're ignoring your natural thoughts about life just because they're uncomfortable to you. People are supposed to feel low sometimes, it makes you more introspective and forces you to find a solution.

Luckily you didn't fall at the wrong time/place, or when you were driving.

According to my genetic data I have a trait that means lower than normal density of dopamine receptors. Would explain why most everyone in my family is very intelligent but underachievers. I found that out through that tool that analyses 23andme data against scientific studies, can't remember the name. I study mathematical modelling of biomedicine at postgrad level but I have such little ability to focus and work most of the time and always leave things to the last minute.

I'm also on prozac which I despise as it crushes any of my remaining motivation but I have chronic health problems that it helps somewhat.

A lot of shit is talked about antidepressants from both sides that really isn't true. The theory that SSRIs raise serotonin to counteract a deficiency in depressed people is a big pharma lie. Similarly the claims of placebo are also a lie. Evidence has proven SSRIs to work but the method they actually work is not really known - it is most likely that by raising serotonin they have a knock on effect supressing dopamine and potentially norepinephrine too. Hence why you don't care on them, your dopamine is lowered - you're not "happier" you just can't attach meaning to things bad or good so you just feel neutral all the time.

Idk, but pot works much better. It is my antistress tool.

t. Guy working in finance

yes, among others

I've had some Lexotan for my anxiety, the only thing it ever managed to do was getting rid of that brick sitting on my stomach.
Waste of money and time.

They shouldn't exist
Anyone remotely eligible for them should be being culled
Were already overpopulated and we don't need broken people contributing to the population sink

>tfw on citalopram, venlafaxine and mirtazapine

Does it? I've been doing pretty good, and feeling more motivated to spread my "cancerous views" to the rest of society. But then again I found out I was a rape baby at 12 and never really had issues with my mental state

they are for gullible goys who believe dr. shekelberg has their best interest in mind by selling them addictive serotonin draining pills

Has your penis fallen off yet?

no, its gluten free

Its for those who are unable to accept the illusions of modern society.

>t. Guy working in finance
Didn't know they had Jews in Chile.

That's what happened to me when I took Zoloft: I felt "neutral" all the time.
I understand there are other antidepressants that also rise dopamine and norephedrine, and are much more effective.
I don't know why they aren't more widely prescribed.

As a teenager I was diagnosed with an anxiety and disorder and chronic depression and was put on Zoloft and Vyvanse, at 21 I stopped taking them and I have never felt better

We have banks. Strangely we dont have that many jews in control locally.

What is weird is that Palestinians have a great colony here and many are successful entrepreneurs and politicians.

No, society causes depression, and anti-depressants let us tolerate it and continue living.

Clinical depression is a fucking torment, you do not understand how bad it is until you experience it, I would rather be burning in hell forever than go through a lifetime of serious depression. It is a disease of the mind, it's completely irrational, but it exists and it is debilitating and nothing can be done about it in most cases.

Humans, throughout their entire history, have adapted to their environments in countless ways. Anti-depressants are another adaptive measure to make the flaws of modern society more tolerable. If you don't need them that's great, but many people do need them or they will kill themselves or self-medicate by some other more destructive means.

I understand there is a stigma against it, especially on here where people tend to believe that depression is a symptom of inferior genetics, but I can not be opposed to them when I have experienced myself what it is like to be on the brink of suicide.

Grow some balls faggot

I'm currently coming off an SNRI and the brain zaps are super manageable just don't be a dumbass and taper your dosage (put a spreadsheet together with the half-life, target -25% or less per week). Antidepressants are good shit if you are in fact clinically depressed. They help you enough to get your shit together, exercise and work through your problems so that you can come off of them.

Also to the rest of you fags, if you have never been clinically depressed and/or taken anti-depressants, you need to shut the fuck up because you have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm on setraline.

I have massive anxiety and depression. Going back to the doctor tomorrow to see if I can get something else because I'm not improving at all. I can barely look people in the eye or go outside.

Aye, same here. Just started therapy so fingers crossed that'll help me with the issues I'm having. I'd say maybe talk to your GP about that. Long as fuck waiting time for it though if you aren't private.

>I can barely look people in the eye or go outside.

You have social anxeity?

>Strangely we dont have that many jews in control locally.

That's because you had a strong leader to remove the (((commies))) from your country.

Sertraline is shit man. Literally felt like a placebo when I was taking it.

Go for Wellbutrin - doesn't kill your libido and actually may help you lose some weight and stop smoking (if you do). Main side effects are that anxiety and blood pressure may go up a bit due to its stimulant effects.

Get a benzo for short term use if you can barely go outside. I've been on them for 8 years and they are a BITCH to get off of. It's literally going to take me almost a year to slowly titrate off of clonazepam due to the long half life. Luckily I managed to ditch all of my other anti depressants though. Lifting and the gym helped a lot in getting off the antidepressants tbqh familia.

Yes. Cripplingly so.

I'll ask about Wellbutrin. I know some people gain weight on sertraline but I've actually lost a few pounds.

>I'm also on prozac which I despise as it crushes any of my remaining motivation but I have chronic health problems that it helps somewhat.

I'm on 20mg of Prozac a day. It doesn't sap my motivation, it does the opposite. I have more motivation. Prozac gives me more energy, I spend more time outside and less time on the computer shitposting and playing vidya. I could actually smile during a job interview, which is a big plus, since no one will hire me if I don't smile.

There is something wrong with modern society when so many people are on anti-depressants. Its 13% of Americans on anti-depression. America could change a lot of things in order to make its people more content. Like higher wages and vacation time.

Antidepressants make people into zombies so they can be easily corralled, that's the whole point of antidepressants. They're not about making people feel good as much as they are for making people numb and docile.

I do feel numb, yeah.

get off that shit asap
it doesn't really help you, it just makes you not a threat. it helps the people around you. but those people are the ones who can really help you.