Should all children study Latin, ancient Greek, and the classics in school, for several years...

Should all children study Latin, ancient Greek, and the classics in school, for several years? Would it help reverse the decline in public education seen in the West?

In the top tier of Dutch secondary education (3 tiers), they do

>take a bunch of western kids
>waste time and money teach them old and forgotten languages that nobody cares about or requires for any job besides ancient greek historian
>helping at all.

Maybe we should worry a little less about school. Very few people possess the capacity and interest required for true education. You have like 70% of high schoolers going on to college even though most high schoolers lack basic literacy and numeracy. Schooling isn't education, and education can't just be conferred.

Yes, you're quite right. Instead we should cater to the lowest common denominator and make all the other children wait for the disruptive and slow ones, and additionally waste their time filling their heads with Common Core and Gender Studies. How could I have been so foolish?

We could give children a choice: go to school and learn, or go up chimneys and into factories.

No because all the niggers will do is write "non erat rex" everywhere



Nice strawman

>America is becoming less white

>Blacks and spics

Very well. I think the analytical and linguistic skills conferred by teaching ancient languages, and the insight into history given by using ancient texts, are valuable assets for any mind, much more so than many more modern subjects that children are now forced to learn, often by rote.

really good subjects to spend time on, who needs mathematics when it is the current year?

School subjects are not mutually exclusive. One can be taught both mathematics and Latin.

which are limited by time, it would be better for them to get an understanding of economy and politics, since we live in "democratic" countries.

Yes. We should be required to learn Greek, Latin, and Hebrew like we once were. Also, sex-segregated schooling maybe. I'm not sure.

We can choose to study 7 years Latin in school. I did it and it was fucking awesome. Our Latin teacher would wear the toga and other Roman clothes. He would sing Christian songs in Latin with us. And he even started a mini gladiator battle. Meanwhile the faggots that chose French regretted their choice.

It has nothing to do with decline in public education
Friend of mine has latin classes in high school. He doesnt remember one thing about it and hes one of the progressive idiots, has no idea about politics or the real current state of the world.

He's probably pretty well spoken

Heard murica doesnt teach evolution anymore and its optional because it might hurt peoples believes

The urge to make a Polish joke is strong

>TFW took Latin instead of Spanish all through middleschool and highschool
>Latin was fun and enjoyable
>Was okay to be Imperialist for once in liberal hellhole
>We wuz Romanz n shiiet
>Everyone who took Spanish, German, or French said they were terrible
>After learning Latin I learned Spanish and German within a year
Feels good

Never learned Latin. Would like to see the classics studied but is Latin needed? Can we not get good translations?

Someone who actually had to learn the latin chime in.

The classics themselves should be in everyone's education they are the ideas that built civilization as we know it.

>Should all children study Latin

Sure, you would be able to understand a possessed person

In croatia too. First 2 year of high school have obligatory Latin.

Not just the language, but reasoning, logic and rhetorics too.

The main problem with this is, dindus, islamists and other non-humans will fail every course associated with these subjects. Which makes adding such courses to a curriculum extremely racist and a holocaust-like crime.

I think pretty much all children can thrive in those subjects, but you need to eliminate toxic, anti-intellectual home environments in order for them to do so. They're not going to try in school if their parents are telling them "don't trust whitey" or "allahu akbar death to the west".

You need to not let them form little enclaves. If children are surrounded by western culture the parents wont be able to keep the children in line.

Each generation would move towards our ways. They might keep their religion but it would be a westernized version where violence isnt considered as an option.

Not super excited about waiting two generations to stop having people shoot or blow up but it would work.

It was the only worth while literature to read in medieval times.

OP, this is like common practice in every european country that does not follow that shitty anglo school ethic you and the britbongs have
This has been going on since....the 50s???

I think that would be necessary, but not sufficient. There is too much anti-intellectualism in western popular culture these days. We need to make the statement "I can't do math" be
a source of shame, not pride.

Everyone should learn Greek, Arabic and Hebrew. Trash English.

I think some things are just lost in translation. Take for instance the word 'vir' which translates as man. Homo also translates as 'man' but let's not get into that. Anyway, the Latin word 'virtus,' from which we get the word 'virtue,' also means manliness. In fact, I would argue that 'virtus' more particularly means manliness as its rooted in the word 'vir' and its related to the Roman sensibility of masculinity and masculine power--courage, bravery, excellence, etc.

This does not mean to say women couldn't be excellent, but I think there are some things that just would not make sense if they were translated without a classical background. Footnotes, citations, and annotations only help so much.

I can't remember the Latin for this, but a professor once told me that the Roman battle cry was the imperative second person plural verb for "[You] take it up the ass."

Latin is one of the easiest languages to learn since their vocab and grammar all follow the same rules with little exceptions compared to english for example.

If you're interested in learning languages Latin is always a good place to start.

>top tier
Atheneum is best

Yes. I'm learning in my spare time because I didn't learn it at school.

Nautae boni ad bellum properant! cetera.

>Everyone should learn Greek, Arabic and Hebrew.


Nice one.

Μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ | Πηληιάδεω Ἀχιλῆως
οὐλομένην, | ἥ μυρί’ Ἀχαιοῖς | ἄλγε’ ἔθηkε,
πολλὰς δ’ ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς | Ἄιδι προίαψεν
ἡρωων, | αὐτοὺς δὲ ἐλώρια | τεῦχε kύνεσσιν
οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, | Διὸς δ’ἐτελείετο βουλή,
ἐξ οὗ δὴ τὰ πρῶτα | διαστήτην ἐρίσαντε
Ἀτρείδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν | kαὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς.