Look how much higher the curve for blacks goes than the rest of you pasty skinned faggots. Lol
Blacks have highest iq. POL BTFO
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Retard detected.
wtf i love blacks now
You do realize that is the volume of the population? Iq spread is on the bottom of the graph.
You must be be dark skinned.
you do realize that the number in the bottom represents the IQ right? the top of the line is the average in the ethnic group.
It's a joke, you autists
Yes he does. It's bait.
It's just a prank bro!
ill go and gas myself now
wtf i hate bell curves now
retarded redditors
What is wrong with you dumbasses
Thanks for the chuckle. Quality post.
>actually misreading the graph that way.
Probably bait but if it isn't...
I'm a retard redditor because I realize it's a joke?
you fokken retard.
that's a normalized distribution meaning that the toal volume under the curves are always 1.
a higher curve means that the curve is narrower (less spread).
is this board full of niggers?
Sup Forums BTFO
I bet this was made by us
Go away
Good one OP, let's start a hashtag saying Blacks have the highest IQ average and see what happens
Wow I'm so sorry you were never educated.
Wtf I hate whites now
sasasa israel is including the muslims and separdic jews
Awesome that shows blacks have the highest and disproportional amount of low IQ.
Great achievement nigs
I'm chocking on my own laughter, someone send help
If they are in the top 20% of blacks and therefore smarter than 80% of blacks should they not be smarter than 8 in 10 whites?
this could actually be spread by SJWs themselves stupid as they are
Yup, we really got blown out. I've seen the light.
We need to get this truth trending on twitter.
Holy shit. He's right!
Whitebois BTFO
Pic related.
You do realize it's bait?
You must be white
>replying seriously to this thread
Lel, you people complain about niggers being dumb all the time but it seems that majority of you has double digit IQ as well.
Spread the word along with the graph.
That'll show them white folks on twitter and r eddit!
Lord Kek grace me with your holy dubs
Remember, if twitter shuts it down, it's because they are trying to suppress the truth about blacks higher IQs.
it checks out
>Sup Forums bases all their beliefs on the adoption study, despite its many problems, while ignoring the 6 studies which show no racial gap (1 even shows a black advantage)
that's the joke
"I'm so smart," he thought as he worked his mouth around the giant hunk of bait OP had laid.
You are an idiot who can't read a chart. It shows that there are more black people than other races.
Well, they waz kaingz 'n' shiiiyet
Is this fake?
If not, can we make the actual Occupy Democrats post this?
really makes you think...
you're on the left side of the curve if you couldn't tell this was a joke - its not like you would have corrected the record on a we wuz thread
I don't believe asians are that smart
>Look how much higher the curve for blacks
>higher represents amount with that iq relative to general population of the same ethnic group not a higher iq
some how im not surprised
US population chart?
China is basically what would happen if autists made a country.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Why does Sup Forums always talk about black vs white IQ and not women vs men IQ?
>Be Chinese
>Be hyper intelligent math god
>Still eaten by escalator created by engineering supergenius
Literally what.
Is it? Where's the comedy?
Everyone on Sup Forums knows that women have the IQ, mind and mental capacity of a 15yo child.
Women cant compete with men, that is the reason why olympic sports is devided by sex. The same goes for intellectual games like chess.
damn tyrone, that was pretty good bait
More like:
>be chinese
>aborted because female
>get reincarnated as male
>grow up in wasteland
>government sponsored cheating program gets you into american college
>link up with fellow chinese students to form cheating ring
>get decent grades
>go back to china
>government hackers give you stolen data on new american tech
>duplicate it as cheaply as possible
>government subsidizes your work to push inventors out of the market
>you buy a house in vancouver because you realize china is about to implode
>never visit it
>die alone at 60 because your wife was aborted
shieeeeeeet, how can whites even compete?
What fucking race is "Catholic"?
>Be nigger
>Don't understand a Gauss Curve
Well it's ok Tyrone, it's simple. The curve is higher because there is more concentration of the ammount test in that 67% range. Which means roughly 67% of blacks have an IQ of about 82-83 (the mean).
It's fine and comprehensible that a nigger doesn't really click with graphs and such.
It's fine and comprehensible that an autist doesn't know bait when he sees it
>Cant interpret a graph
American intelligence
>Claiming everything to bait
>Last post was a response to OP
Pathetic manlet. Resorts to calling people autists when he does the same. Must be retarded.
>See flag
Oh, nevermind.
>when he does the same
But I didn't do the same thing. My post was a response to the graph itself, and also saged.
Meanwhile yours was a response to the ironic bait text in the OP, and bumped. Thus, you fell for the bait like an autistic retard, and I didn't.
Please excuse OP. he is our village idiot
Really makes you think huh
You could easily take his place.
why are murica-kun so cute?
Thankfully you're ahead of me in that particular line.
9/10 people keep falling for this bait
2/10 proves white people are not all that smart
Hearty kek.
Way to misread a simple graph. Hope that you are trolling.
My IQ is 115. How dumb am I? Took one of the official tests btw not the online bullshit ones. Got a 140 from one of those fucking things.
>Look how much higher