Is she finished?

Is she finished?

She should be. I have never seen such racist bile posted anywhere, including here. Truly sickening.

No. that wasn't racist because she is gay. a lesbian can't be racist because she is an OPPRESSED group and an OPPRESSED group cannot be racist! Only OPPRESSORS such as the white race or CIS scum can be racist!

The more you know! Welcome to 2016

Ellen no, not the watermelon that's too far!

Blacks are higher in the leftist pecking order than white lesbians. Most white lesbians don't pose a credible physical danger to the average leftist.

I love how liberals push their new definition of the word racism and how they actually get away with it.

Lmao what the fuck.... that's racist as fuck.
>mfw I browse Sup Forums all fucking day and I wouldn't post that on social media

The watermelon is shooped in.

Well no shit dude, the whole photo is a shoop. You really think Usain Bolt would let Ellen ride on his back with a watermelon on a stick for a photo?

True, Ellen shopped it in. She also shopped herself in.
What a fucking racist.

The watermelon was shooped in additionally from Ellen's original shoop.

please for the love of god prove to me this is real
i hate that retarded, unfunny, dyke bitch.

Of course it was. I doubt they took a picture of Ellen holding a watermelon on a stick. That's wasteful.

Are you just pretending to be retarded? What I'm saying is Ellen's original shoop wasn't racist to any sane person.

Isn't the whole photo shoop'd?

Christ, yes of course it is. Read the replies.

Are you kidding? You don't think shooping a picture of a white woman holding a watermelon on a stick so she can ride on a black man's back is racist?

As a liberal you get a free pass to an extent

Bill Clinton got a few free rapes and Hilary got a few free murders

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded.

You need some coffee or food. The day just started. Relax.

Look, I'm not the one who doesn't understand how Photoshop works.

>holy shit guize I don't think Ellen took a picture with a watermelon on Usain Bolt's back! I think it's a shoop!

So are you only noticing the watermelon? Are you a racist bigot perhaps?

LOL i actually thought the watermelon was in the picture and checked her twitter to see and its not. So people are really getting butthurt over it without the watermelon. I see their point if the watermelon was there

Holy shit is Ellen based?????

That fucking watermelon KEK


>usain bolt himself retweeted it because it's funny
>hordes of americans getting mad on behalf of someone who personally supported the joke

this needs to stop

that's fake hopefully i can't imagine a person like her do that since she's basically a normie

I can't believe people made such a big deal out of such a stupid joke. He's the fastest sprinter in the world. There were clearly no racist undertones to the joke. How fucking dumb can these people get?

She should definitely check her lgbt woman priviledge!

Why did she whoop a watermelon n top of an already racist photo? What kind of point is she trying to make riding on the backs of blacks people?

No way, the lesbians are the new rightful owners of the blacks and deserve to benefit from their skillful back-breaking servitude. The white man is over dummy get used to it.

In the original picture there was no stick with watermelon, just her riding on his back.

If DJ Trump posted this, he would be run out of the country. A lesbian posts this, and reporters go through enough mental gymnastics to win a gold medal just so they can defend her. I despise liberals.

I kinda hope merkel would tweet this

It's funny watching lefties turn on each other lol

This is the original tweet you fucking moron.
The watermelon was added afterwards by someone else.

This is just internalized racism on the part of Bolt. He doesn't know he's supposed to be offended due to oppressive cultural conditioning.


Stop lying shill. You removed the watermelon because you're a shill.

Of course, the watermelon was added afterwards, just like Ellen was added to the picture of Usain Bolt running.

Although I'm still surprised that she added the watermelon in at all. I mean your image is controversial enough. Do you think the watermelon was an intentional addition?


I don't see how anyone could possibly be offended by this. If anything it's racist to be offended by it.

Ellen Degenerate

Undercover rare.

>"A land"

What a creative country name, and a totally unique looking flag as well. Fuck off.


Fuck i hate this gif

It makes my blood boil

first day on the internet: the post

Never understood what's funny about her. The other day I binged comedians and she appeared at the very bottom, like when something is forced.

Keep throwing fuel on the fire.

We need the left to be so busy eating themselves alive by November they won't even remember there's an election.

By a sociological standpoint, the picture is racist. I personally reject racism as a term and a concept. But I'm willing to concede that yes by definition the picture is racist.
But racism is not a logical operation that defines if something is wrong or not. Racism is a definition.
And as a definition it's where it begins and ends. It has no bearing on correctness. Nor does racism imply offense.
The only person who could be offended by this picture is Usain Bolt. And he doesn't really care.

this was exactly my reaction
so many newfags ITT

It's funny how racist lefties are

She just says he's fast and everyone assumes she says he's a slave because he's a nigger

like wtf

Ellen loves the BBC, but she doesn't have enough ass so she had to become a lesbian instead.

First the slave-whipping dance with Hillary and now this?

Ellen is really fucking racist.

Where'd the melon go?

Ellen is clearly racist for this horrible tweet, especially when she added a watermelon. Sheesh.

If we keep pushing it.


Yet an "oppressed group" can be ignored when another "oppressed group" higher on the victim ladder is also involved

See Orlando shooting