We will never end world hunger because we are too selfish

>We will never end world hunger because we are too selfish

>We will never end racism and sexism because we are too stupid to see beyond our differences

>We will never end war and genocides because we never learn from our mistakes

>Our Civilization will never grow because politics and religions are making our kids dumb

>We will never be able to make a constructive debate because humans lose their shit over pretty much everything

>I will never be taken seriously because everyone will be commenting on my weird flag

If you had the power to destroy humanity, would you do it user ?

one of the most retarded threads ever. Nothing that you say makes sense.

world hunger exists cause of retarded political systems and richer countries being the opposite of selfish(and thus not forcing poorer countries to change their crappy system ...by getting free shit) , or War...
Racism and sexism are not a problem , using them as a justification to take some1's rights or to cause harm to some1 is
>politics and religion make our kids dumb
Religion is not mandatory in most countries. Non-religious people are just as retarded as non-militant religious people. Politics are chosen by adults not kids , it's the adults that are making kids dumb as a result.

Fuck off commie

rare flag

>all this bullshit just so he can show off his new proxy

Black people keep racism alive because it's a powerful tool to get what they want for free and without much effort. Sexism exists because women want to keep it alive because it gets them opportunities they haven't earned or deserve as well as getting them free shit.


In a heartbeat

probably the most normal thing anyone has said on this board

>If you had the power to destroy humanity, would you do it user ?
no i would only purge niggers jews sandniggers and chinks the rest is ok

you sure abt that lad?

Idk but your flag is pretty damn rare one senpai

This. Only this.

As for world Hunger, it seems Africa is a rich and fertile land but unable to develop anything because nigs gonna nig, whites can try but nigs will cry over the success and destroy it.

>1 post by this ID

I would destroy New Caledonia.

Waaaaaaa, no one understands me!!
Why don't we do thing my ways!!
Why is everyone so different and filled with free will!!
Waaaaaa, why do you keep fighting people who wanna kill you and take your stuf!!
Why you no respect my fuck all middle of nowhere flag!!!

>the post

hippy leftist whore much?
You are too good for this degenerate uneducated world.Kill yourself

>We will never end world hunger because we are too selfish
We have ended world hunger many, many times already. Africa just keeps growing and never learns to be self sufficient.
>We will never end racism and sexism because we are too stupid to see beyond our differences
We are racist because different races act and prosper in different scales. You don't want to live in Brazil for good reason.
>We will never end war and genocides because we never learn from our mistakes
Well Europeans would never fight if not for Jews. Niggers fight because they're niggers.
>Our Civilization will never grow because politics and religions are making our kids dumb
Europeans have grown past religion, that's why we're being blinded by spiritiality of Muslims. Politics, well you have billions to govern so no.
>We will never be able to make a constructive debate because humans lose their shit over pretty much everything
Mostly people dont care
>I will never be taken seriously because everyone will be commenting on my weird flag

>Implying I should care about anybody else. I need a reason to, not the other way around.
>Implying we are all the same
>Implying we all think the same
>Implying its politics or religion; Its the media that keeps people stupid
>Implying anybody keeps cal when attacked
>Implying I give a shit about an uninteresting fag
Nah, just a good scramble

I would only destroy Canadians.

The world would be better off without Canadians.


Up till the point when I had kids I would have said yes.

got your flag now fuck off you piece of shit

What flag is it family I'm on mobile

>New Caledonia



New Caledonia


>We will never end world hunger because we are too selfish

Or if africans started farming 'n shiet.

>implying Africa isn't being exploited
>implying Africa isn't the most corrupt continent
>implying rich countries actually want to help Africa and not just keep it down for cheap labour and resources

my family has been farming for generations you brown zika monkey

>those stupid niggers are too dumb to not being forced to buy Monsanto seeds

do you know what a mine is without expertise? its a fucking hole in the ground. exploiting it for resources? out of what rapefugee battered cunt did you slide out of? africa is richer now than in any other period in their history. if they tolerate corrupt dictators to steal everything they have how is this out problem?