Do women who false accuse men of rape deserve deathpenalty to stop the rising percentage of false rape accusations ?

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No. They just deserve long ass prison sentences and fines that fuck up their lives as much as they fucked up the lives of the person they falsely accused.

death-penalty will fit more into mass murder cases, other than false accusation. false accusations should lead to jail time, but not anything more.

90% of women wish theyr men was confident and strong and not shy at all ... they desire to be " taken " by the men , led and guided and fucked hard by men ... but as soon as they break up they see the rough sex s rape ... regret is not rape !

They deserve have extensive community service, where they directly help and assist men and men only because that's who they've wronged. If she sits in prison we have to pay

They should probably receive the same penalty that the man was going to receive for the alleged rape. Jail time and be out on a list.

>not from r9k or reddit
No, but they need to pay a huge amount of money to their victims

false rape accusators should be burned allive like the isis videos

jail time + a beating.

this board is consistently trying to turn me into a lesbian, i swear

just jail

anyway, if you're having sex with anyone but your wife, fiancee or partner, you need to reassess your life. if you have a ONS you deserve everything you get

Guys can't be lesbians, dummy.

No. Just the same life ruining consequences the mab gets, even it's fucking FALSE.


>everyone on Sup Forums is a man

On Sup Forums, you have a dick, have autism, and are a faggot, regardless of what you have in the real world

>wymon on teh internet
>I have tits give me attention!!!111 xoxox

Fuck off cunt tits or GTFO

No but they should be punished because to many woman know they can get away with this. Why their is no punishment is that might scare real rape victims away if their case is not strong enough and rape cases are hard to prove. That is why many feminist wanna make it so the man have to prove he is innocent. It's a moral obligation to think every one is not guilty before the verdict. When their is guilt proven like the Fritlz case the courtcase becomes just a show but even monster have a right to a fair trail.

2 words


No but we need harsh punishments for reports that are entirely proven false and fabricated.

The problem is if a woman is raped and can't prove it, people may want her charged.

I think if they can't find evidence of it being faked but also can't find evidence of rape the woman shouldn't be punished.

You gotta have some middle ground.

How do you prove a false rape accusation though?

Any time an accusation doesn't get a conviction?

Because if so, I know of a document that reigns supreme over all others in my country that says you can't deprive people of their freedom without due process. This means you'd have to have a rape accusation going without a conviction, then a counter suit trying to prove intent that the "victim" intended to harm the "rapist" by bringing the initial case forward.

>rising percentage of false rape accusations

There shouldn't need to be charges honestly if the media protected the accused the same way they protect the fucking victim.

False rape accusations do happen and the definition of rape is so broad these days, but that problem doesn't get resolved by just sending the accuser to prison if they lose since trying to prove they "willingly and purposely lied" is incredibly fucking hard to prove.

If a woman successfully falsely accuses a man of rape, and she is later found to be lying after the man has already been sentenced, the woman should then have to serve whatever punishment the man was sentenced to.

If a woman unsuccessfully falsely accuses a man of rape, and she is found to be lying before the man is sentenced, she should be given 3 years and be registered as a sex offender.

And to add, she should also be required to pay damages to the man with the amount depending on the severity of the case.

>can't just say homo
>has to announce she is female

This is why we don't like you being on the internet.


They deserve jail time, a record and puntitive damage fees for wasting investigators, cops and the courts time.

>im a grill btw :^)

No, just perjury charges. Potentially wasting police resources or filing a false report as well.

If rape is proven true, rapist deserves prison time and sex offender registration.
If rape cannot be proven true or false, no punishment for anyone.
If rape proven false, accuser deserves prison time and sex offender registration.

False rape accusers should have to tell all of their sexual partners that they once falsely accused someone of rape. If they don't, then any consensual sexual encounter cannot be counted as rape because the sexual partner was not allowed to gather evidence of consent beforehand.

Nah it's your own fault for not being able to recognise a crazy women.

Don't stick your dick in crazy, that's one of the first rules you learn and if you decide to be a retard, I hope you get accused of rape.

death penalty for liars?
i'd vouch for that
mfw most of Sup Forums tards get executed


Had a girl accuse me of TRYING to rape her. She moved away for the summer, came back and started dating me I love you this and that and even said I could cum in her. She's a 10, women are crazy as fuck!

They should get the same sentence the person they accused would of received if he was found guilty.

That is not to say that every rapists accuser should be sent to prison if they are found innocent the defense should have to prove malicious intent before hand.

Death penalty is too much, but public humiliation, ostracization, jail time, and bankruptcy are a perfect punishment for those offal. Ruin their lives like they ruined those they accused.


This is in the context of making women less likely to report rapes from refugees, isn't it?

Who is the ugly fat-faced girl, OP?

I'd like to say yes, but i have to be a realist. I'd say thats too quick of an out for them. They should have a record like a pedophile. When they move into a neighborhood they should have to notify all men of their status. This is of course after some good long jail time and pay fines constantly to the victim for the remainder of their life.

Absolutely, also method of death penalty is to have a train run on them until they die from it.

no. just a lifetime on the sex offender's list.

Gash+timestamp or GTFO.

>let it be known I'm a womyn
Your feminine penis doesn't make you a woman

It would teach some of these shitty women a bit of respect for the law, and other women would know how bad the consequences are at that point

This, women who accuse people of rape falsely should be put on the list.

Absolutely, and not because they deserve it, but because if the punishment isn't harsh enough, there's no incentive of not doing it.

I'd apply until I was hired.

>that name

would this imply that if a woman loses a rape trial she gets the deathpenalty?

i think that would seriously reduce the amount of reported rape cases

Not death, but for gods sake SOMETHING! I'm not aware of any punishment doled out for false rape accusations ever! Even in cases where the men have served prison time.

Шe ыpщгдв pщдв epy ыфьy згтшыpьyтe фы кфзy


No, there should be a special media cite/TV show/public event where they publicly shame anybody who falsely accused men.
They shouldn't be able to get a job as well, since the men they accuse won't find a job with a rape charge anyway.

Now we know who are you for real, ya 15 rouble cunt

Site* ffs.

who is this refugee acceptee

yeah thats right.

Pyдз Шмфтб ьн дшay шы ыeгcл шт Кгыышфт фтв Ш cфтe пye ифcл eщ Утпдшыp ьщкy ьфкшoгфтф ьфн иy тycшыыфкн

Yes. False accusation makes a mockery of the US justice system, ruins lives forever and sometimes ends them outright. False accusers deserve death for committing a crime against humanity.

i think that actually happened in germany
the bloke died after a few years in prison (cancer i think) and it came somehow out that the woman lied. she was sentenced to several years in prison (longer than the sentence of the wrongly accused)

They should be put on the sex offenders registry.

Just because you dress up as a girl doesn't mean you are one.

3 year sentence and public apology to the victim

As someone who was falsely accused of rape, as much as I'd love to see this happen, it never Will. Instead have the accuser serve the penalty for the rape which they claimed transpire, along with having the charge placed permentantly on their record, with no chance of having it expunged

They deserve whatever punishment the guy would get if found guilty.

what's her name? rebbeca something??

>role playing on Sup Forums

found her.

No. They should be stoned to death.

No because then women who actually get raped will be too scared to come forth with it because there's always a chance of the justice system fucking something up. I say smack em with either a gigantic fucking fine or a 5-10 year prison sentence.

Typical jew trying to jew the sentence down.

They should be raped to death.

It's poetic.

This hoe has the face of a gypsy, absolutely disgusting

Fuck off, Chris Chan

anyone accused auto prison until trial
false report, jail accuser

90% of women dont know what they want, until they get something they dont like.

No death penalty, but they should Correct The Record by raping her for real.

We should bring back raping and lynching

I mean it's already back, but what I mean is that white people should do it again.

(you) need to provide or stfu. Provide what you ask?




No they just deserve to get raped

problem is that the law now doesn't actually distinguish intent
false rape can be due to...
mental illness - not that bad, psychiatric sentence
regret - bad, community service
a con - quite bad, theft tier
retribution - very bad, assault tier

They should literally be given the exact same sentence. Death penalty is too kind, unless it's death by torture.

Still..dude had to die before the bitch was (eventually)caught. So consider that only HALF a win.


There is hope for germany

Death penalty for rape.

It means more dead niggers, white trash and Spics.

>b-but accusations

It has to be proven in court.

>I'm choosing to be a lesbian
>sexuality isn't a choice! you're born with it!

It's Christy Chan btw

no but like 10 years in prison is allright


People who falsely accuse other of rape should be forced to pay the damages to the victim and has to publicly admit they lied.

If determined to be false without any doubt then:
>MUST pay court expenses
>COULD serve prison sentence

10 years for concrete proof that the accusation was false, definitely.

One day Sup Forums will know that I was right

You can take a pass on it. A man who knows understands that a vag like that, with those plump outer lips, will drain his balls like a fucking singularity. When done he will feel more hollow and yet more completely at peace than any other moment of his life.

>your loss faggot

Why is this so fucking hard to understand? Absolutely fair but no women don't actually want equality

Feminism isnt about equality

Equality is the forced meme part

Its not organic at all